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  1. You can add suppressive tools to that category as well. It now only reduces the target's movement speed by 30%, down from 50%.
  2. Alderaan doesn't have percentage scores nor is it possible to have a score difference that isn't a multiple of 5. You must be cofusing (Alderaan) Civil War with Novare Coast.
  3. No, this is not accurate. The three abilities I mentioned restore health and have restored your secondary resource in the past until they were broken around 2.0. They are direct replacements for your out of combat regeneration.This bug has affected other out of combat regeneration abilities with the Trooper/BH and Agent/Smuggler classes in the past as well. See: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=667803 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=712610&highlight=focusing+ritual http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=626189&highlight=focusing+ritual http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=733685&highlight=shadowbox
  4. The species specific social abilities have not been functioning correctly for some time. Unlike other out of combat regenerating abilities the following 3 do not restore your character's secondary resource as they had been originally intended to. Mirialan - Focusing Ritual Chiss - Mission Review Rattataki - Shadowbox
  5. STOP, STOP! This thing of adding credibility to your argument by citing information and providing quotes is absurd and unfair!
  6. Wrong, Heat Blast/Energy Blast is also still off of the GCD. I'm not sure this design philosophy even exists, it appears to me like players are inferring information from a couple of examples to create a concept for which they want to be a design principle so they can justify a change to another ability. Here is some cited reasons on why they actually changed a couple of the aforementioned abilities in this thread. source: http://www.swtor.com/blog/game-update-3.0-class-changes-sentinel-marauder source: http://www.swtor.com/blog/game-update-3.0-class-changes-guardian-juggernaut So both their actions and words suggest against this concept of flat out removing non GCD respecting based abilities existing. There is and was no change as has been suggested. Indeed.
  7. Baron Deathmark doesn't even wear a helmet.
  8. They could also reimplement the idea of your CC breaker resetting on death. With ranked matches only being Last Man Standing arena game types, this change would have no effect on them.
  9. This is the blog you're looking for, http://www.swtor.com/blog/developer-update-warzone-arenas. Bottom of the page says:
  10. Here's the description of how redirected guard damage should function on the CC'd user (from the 2.0 patch notes):
  11. Still sold by Captain Tracer on the Republic fleet for 900 warzone commendations. SS: http://i.imgur.com/zFGTij0.jpg
  12. Evuo

    PT aiming bug?

    do not queue for a warzone from corsuscant or dromund kaas
  13. Evuo

    future of arena

    See above response, it's right there.
  14. Evuo

    future of arena

    http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game/367/feature/8190/page/2 There just over 1 month ago, not happening.
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