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  1. finally, upgrade to nvidia driver 545 & wine 9.6, remove VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER error Host_WindowLoadTimeout still remains with fresh wine edit : with last dxvk
  2. https://forums.swtor.com/topic/924959-upcoming-update-of-the-game-launcher/page/15/ => is there error on launcher_d3d11.log ? => player name with hyphen ? => are you in last driver (nvidia ?) i'l try to update, but with my current connection at 100ko/s ..
  3. i can't upgrade wine at this time, i'm not at home ... 100ko/s @ray-g-net have you the last version or could you install the last to try ? edit : https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/issues/3530 update driver ?
  4. on launcher_d3d11.log err: D3D11VideoDevice::GetVideoDecoderProfileCount: Stub err: D3D11SwapChain: Failed to recreate surface: VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER
  5. same here @JackieKocould you help us ? what are the changes on last patch? the bug from player name with hyphen is back ?
  6. Hey @JackieKo Any state for this bug on french and german translations ?
  7. Ce sera peut-être revu plus tard, l'idée de base est de sécher ceux qui ont des milliards voir bien plus et de remettre un peu de cohérence sur le marché
  8. We will see on August 30 for all europeans server 🫣
  9. essaie de voir si dans le log journalier tu vois quelque chose de particulier, des erreurs (ça log pas beaucoup, peut-être qu'on voit des "ERROR") repertoire du jeu => /swtor/retailclient/swtor/log
  10. https://forums.swtor.com/topic/930751-leviathan-server-migration-updates/page/2/#comment-9774654 si tu connais un peu la langue de shakespeare en tous cas, un joueur en Australie, a décrit le même probleme Vous jouez en France ?
  11. Tax point of view (not sure for translation), and french/european laws For me, ping 15 before to 25/30ms after, AWS power ? i live at Earth's End (Brest) but their is direct route to Ireland ... no need to go over Paris
  12. same here What have you do Bioware ? 🤔 edit : ok on wine, with fresh wine prefix (use symlink on swtor directory, no need to reinstall) ok on windob
  13. https://forums.swtor.com/topic/926693-testing-64-bit-on-the-pts/?do=findComment&comment=9743618
  14. I've this error with french language too switch english language is OK
  15. 403 ? Move download repository to aws instead of akamai
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