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  1. Jedi Knight has Force Leap. Trust me. I use it A LOT. As a Guardian I can: Force Leap + Force Push + Force Leap again Add in a Saber Throw to that and you get some fun! PS I agree. This game is really fun and I am grateful(sp?) to Bioware for making it.
  2. I completely agree with you, however, don't expect to see this anytime soon. They (the Devs) keep talking about a "secret" project in regards to space, and I am convinced that this is exactly what they are doing. The issue is that there are MANY other things that they need to deal with before adding something as huge and complex as free-roaming space missions. I fully expect that the free-roam space flight controls, and Guild capital ships, group & PVP space missions, as well as space flashpoints and operations, will encompass the first expansion for TOR (proably in about a year and a half, or 2 years after launch, in true MMO fashion). And however much I would LOVE to see this in the game soo0ner rather than later, I would prefer they get it right and done well, rather than rush it out to the masses. Really, I just want my guild cap ship. I wanna be an admiral!
  3. I would personally love to see Guild Capital ships used as a future launching point of space-based FPs, Ops and/or WZs. But that may just be my wishful thinking.
  4. I usually don't reply to qq threads but wanted to add me own IA experience to this "discussion". I play as a JK guardian and was questing around Belsavis. While fighting some npcs (with my healing companion, thankfully) I was jumped by an IA sniper with a melee comp who was 4 lvls higher than me. I had about 2/3 hp, and still managed to kill him as he tried to stunlock me and backpedal away. I am, by NO means, "leet", nor am I all that great at PVP. I just know, and am still learning, how to play my class (at least in certain situations). Not to say that the IA I fought sucked by any means, I think he just thought I'd be an easy kill and was surprised by my willingness to fight back and not just roll over. My point is that instead of giving a knee-jerk reaction to getting pwned by a specific class and then qqing on the forums and crying for a nerf, use it as a learning experience to learn your weaknesses and strengths, as well as those your and the other classes. IAs may do wicked burst damage, but they can be squishy, especially if you can manage to close the gap an engage them at melee range. I mean this as no insult to the OP, just some advice on learning the game.
  5. Nothing to stop you from doing this. Yes, you could make lots of credits with only gathering/mission skills. However, to make it worthwhile, you pretty well have to sell everything you get, leaving you to re-gather all the mats you'll need if/when you do go crafting. You are far better off going crafting at the start, to level all your crew skills at the same time. But it is up to you.
  6. 1) I got owned by the mature language filter ; 2) I completely agree. I KNEW that I wouldn't get in day 1, yet I still waited ( and hoped) for my email. But w/e I'll still end up playing earlier that I would have without EGA so I'm good
  7. Please let me in to EGA on Day 2. There are only so many times that I can ********** due to boredom in a day while I wait for my entry email. And my boys are getting really sore. Patience is a virtue that all people should have, if not learn.
  8. Well, I've already masturbated once today, and I may again later before having to work. In the meantime, the same as most others, watching my email and surfing SWTOR related sites and forums.
  9. Try to contact Customer Service, either through this site, or try calling them. Keep in mind, though, that it is a VERY busy day for them, so you'll have to be patient. You'll get in eventually, just be patient. And try to avoid swearing at the CSRs, it's typically counterproductive.
  10. Usually "Swo-tor" Or TOR Or Star Wars The Old Republic, for the uninitiated
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