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    gaming, music production
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  1. http://www.gameinformer.com/games/guild_wars_2/b/pc/archive/2012/02/20/guild-wars-2-is-the-mmo-revolution-that-star-wars-the-old-republic-promised.aspx?PostPageIndex=2 It speaks for itself... I was not interest in Guild Wars 2 a bit. all my attention was on the hyper hyped stwor. After this huge let down and boring fest I really cant wait to try this out. Additionally its free!
  2. Nope I would hate to see that implemented. This is what made me stop wow. Why: - Recount is an excuse for grinding. "Hey im only third for DPS, looks like i need to grind my gears up" - Recount means boasting/insulting/etc. I was sick of having "im first;)" or "sry cant even catch up with you guys" or "you s***" or even "quit this group bcause your dps is too low " (even if the group went though the dungeon like a breeze). etc etc - Recount threw all the social aspect of the group away. Its an obsession for a LOT. - Recount distract the player from performing. And there is more....
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