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  1. I happen to think it looks a little silly seeing Jedi and Sith with rocket boots zipping around, which is why I'd personally never get the speed boost on anything other than a Bounty Hunter, who gets to see their jetpack flare up when they use it. So, my suggestion here is for new animations for the Rocket Boost, especially for force users. Why not have them have a kind of force effect similar to Force Speed? You could still keep the general pose of the animation while using a new effect- this would make it look like the force user in question is propelling themselves forward with the force, rather than rocket boots.
  2. Warrior and Knight get into an epic lightsaber duel. Consular and Inquisitor play a game of dejarik for the fate of the galaxy. Trooper is chatting with one of his buddies, who is actually Agent in disguise trying to learn military secrets. Smuggler and Bounty Hunter are in the corner of the cantina, laughing at everybody being so serious over a few beers.
  3. Target acquired... death imminent.
  4. I find it amusing that so many people think the Inquisitor isn't manipulative, or doesn't have the chance to seduce others with power. There are plenty of times when you, as the Inquisitor, can go about things in a very cunning and manipulative way. One example of this is on Balmorra- you can trick a defector into helping you in exchange for his freedom, only to crush his dreams of leaving the empire in the palm of your hand. Your class quest on Alderaan is much the same- sure, you COULD just be a lightning rod and lightning your way through everything like an unstoppable force of nature... or, you could use the people around you to get what you want in a cruel plan to achieve your results with minimal effort. Honestly, I was kind of surprised by what's possible in the Inquisitor dialogue options, if you're sociopathic enough to figure out how to manipulate everybody. Heck, most of the dialogue with Ashara is all about slowly subverting her values and turning her, even if she doesn't necessarily say she's Sith. It's a slow, subtle process, but it's there. The SW does have plenty of opportunities to do the same, but their moments are more up front and dramatic, compared to the Inquisitor whose manipulations are a little more subtle and require just a little more foresight. I will admit, though, that the options for these manipulative plans aren't always the easiest to see the first time through an Inquisitor. Especially if you're the kind of player that only chooses dark side options, always, with no thought for context and what the other options might allow you to do.
  5. This thread convinced me make an Assassin alt and go lightside. Heck, I even leaned mostly towards lightside by the end of my Sorcerer's trek to level 50. Most of the choices just made more sense at that point, since I began to feel like I cared about the Imperials under my command.
  6. Wow, rude much? I hope you feel like you've accomplished something by insulting me, but please, if you don't have anything useful to contribute to a conversation, don't friggin' reply. Not that you'll listen to me, since you seem to be the kind of person who looks down on people just to make yourself feel above them. For clarification, I am talking specifically about tanks. Perhaps I should have said that. But I guess I just assumed that people would be smart enough to think about who would be holding the aggro the most in a fight, and thus dragging the mob around the whole damn area.
  7. Please stop running around whatever mobs you're fighting like a schizophrenic chipmunk on crack. It makes it very difficult to properly dps when you are constantly dragging it all over the area, and constantly moving things out of my range. I don't really understand the whole "gotta keep moving" thing, but please, keep it in PvP. I realize that after getting into the habit, it may be difficult to stop swinging your mouse around like a lasso. But I beg of you, think of the people that need to hit those enemies, and keep in mind the healers that might want to click on you. Also, you may wish to consider that it looks really silly. Thank you, and have a pleasant day.
  8. It boggles the mind how people love to belittle others. Is there any proof that said person is not proficient in the usage of many weapons? Is it so unbelievable that somebody both enjoys fantastic and exotic action scenes, and also knows how real weapons are fought with? Allow me, as somebody who also has training with various sword and other weapon fighting techniques, to weigh in here. I fully agree that flashy, exotic fighting makes for a fun visual experience. However, this must also be taken in moderation. The fight should not just aim to be flashy, but also believable. Take the duel between Luke and Vader in Episode VI for example, every swing felt like it had meaning and purpose. They weren't just swinging their laser swords around to look cool, they were fighting a deadly battle with lightsabers while Palpatine cackled in the background at his handiwork. Which, in turn, made it cool. A little flair is fine. Yoda doing flips and stuff was totally awesome, partially because every part of those strikes felt meaningful, and partially because... Well, he's Yoda. Nuff said. As long as the fights don't get into the "let's see which one of us takes off like a helicopter" territory, I'm fine with acrobatics and spinning parries. Forget how impractical they might be with a real sword. We're talking about space wizards with laser blades. As long as the fighting looks believable, I'll enjoy it no matter how exotic it is.
  9. I dont have a problem with it. This is star wars, which demands a kind of old school sci-fi vibe. It's cool to wear a leather vest over your shirt, because you are a smuggler. A bounty hunter with a mowhawk? No problem. You wanna be a fat, opulent sith lord? Sure, but you better think of a better name than one that rips off Baras. The retro look extends to the female characters, which are either meant to be taken seriously, or scantily clad for the enjoyment of men. Or women, if you swing that way. Learn to deal with it, get back to the ship and craft me a stimpack.
  10. Wait, are you talking about the clone wars? I dropped it when hutt babies, but maybe I should pick it back up if it's as awesome as you're making this out to be...
  11. Just got my Inquisitor through 3 the other night. First character I've taken up that far, so I can't rightfully speak about other storylines, save my Warrior which is up to Voss so far. What I really loved about the Inquisitor's storyline is how much it made you feel like you and your companions were going on this grand adventure throughout the galaxy. The inquisitor's story is very much removed from some of the larger events in the overall plot, but it is exactly because of this that you feel compelled to become a part of these larger events and move up the Sith food chain, so to speak. I was legitimately invested in my plot, going from just surviving to my ultimate goal What I'm getting at here, that I haven't felt so much with other characters yet, is that the Inquisitor's journey to me really felt like a group effort. Not only did I have servants and a power base by the end of it, but I felt genuinely attached to each member of the crew.
  12. It depends on the class and situation, really. I tend to go heavily dark with my Sith, but with sprinklings of honor and smart choices for the warrior and inquisitor respectfully. For example, on my Warrior, I would almost always kill my enemies. But, if they fought well to the best of their ability, then that is something to be honored. I would not belittle their fight or say they died like dogs. I play my bounty hunter as a mercenary with a heart of gold under his rough exterior, usually going light side unless there is a darn good reason to go dark. Usually, it works out for the best. Haven't gotten too far into Agent yet, but I've gone mostly light side so far.
  13. Personally, I think we're underestimating one of Nox's most powerful resources. While it's clear that Darth Nox has a long way to go before he's ready to personally take on the Dark Council, with some clever scheming and some very, very heavy firepower, I could see him coming out on top. After all, strength does not necessarily equal victory.
  14. I would place my money on it being that Sidious didn't bother to cloud the minds of Dooku and Maul. You know, on account of them being on his side, and not being the people he wanted to decieve. I'm sure deceiving the entire Jedi order was already a strain, it would make sense if he didn't cloud anybody more than was absolutely necessary.
  15. Hello all. First of all, apologies if this isn't in the right forum. I haven't been on the forums in a long time, and I'm still trying to get used to the new layout compared to the pre-launch forums. Anyway, as my topic states, I'm considering an upgrade to my hardware. While I can play the game on Low settings just fine, I think we can all agree that it's kind of lame to be running things on Low. I was hoping I could get some outsider input before I commit to a purchase, since I have to decide whether to put my money into a new graphics card, or a new processor. My current processor is an AMD Athlon II X2 250, and my current graphics card is an ATI Radeon HD 4650. Right now I'm leaning towards upgrading the processor over the graphics card, but which do you think would benefit my gaming performance more? Thanks in advance for any feedback offered.
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