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  • Location
    Las Vegas
  • Interests
    Mmo, Weight lifting, MMA, Clubbing
  • Occupation
    Trust fund baby. Live off bank interest.
  1. they released the game without illum finished. lets see what they have in store for it.
  2. there are a couple classes with a 50 percent armor debuff armor is not as big of a deal in this game than most mmos
  3. It is refreshing that in this instance players are doing something to enchance the games pvp experience besides qqing on the forums
  4. arena's make it too hard to balance pve no game that is serious about making money with screw with their pve cash cow ever again.
  5. i was about level 45 when they added the nerf. I was ready to quit my toon cause healing was not fun at all. Once i hit 50 and got 5 pieces healing became really fun and challenging. I feel it was needed only because of expertise gear math.
  6. Again what is wrong with this? again the anger is is the player's fault and not biowares. If you want to get in a fight go on their turf and pick a fight. It's not a hard concept. Everyone crys I want world pvp so bad, but in reality pvp must not be fun enough cause players wont do anything to rectify the situation. cause they don't get rewards for doing it. If you want it go find it.
  7. im going to guess you lose because there are so little republic that most your games are like 7 on 12
  8. since most imperial games are hutball sorcs just add way more than bodyguards do with their superspeed, friendly pull, and aoe knockback.
  9. its the player's fault that there are faction inbalances not biowares
  10. It's the players fault not biowares. IT won't change till the players do something about it.
  11. i want a free faction change to the mirrored class. I think that would help a little, but the biggest crybabies would refuse to switch.
  12. I had the same problem. I hit altf4 and relaunce the client and it is usually fixed.
  13. i don't agree with this. If people are tired of hutball they need to reroll republic. It's not bioware's fault that there is faction inbalances. It is the players.
  14. some people do things without thinking about it first that's why
  15. pvp in this game is really balanced. It does need some work on simple things though. people will qq about anything.
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