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  1. VLAHD


    Can you please have components drop in all brackets. lowbie and mids are dead right now because they only drop in 70. What does it matter, they are legacy anyway.
  2. I have a sniper at 300, and a merc and 300 but im only getting 25%. Whats the problem...they are not mirror classes
  3. lol yeah, it just makes it so every other person who attacks the person knocked down does increased damage !!!! And, the shoot first/hidden strike will still do the same damage, that parts irrelevant. Its about what happens in that 2 seconds when the target is getting up.... both knockdown skills achieve the same purpose. And, since you brought up damage, I have yet to get a 10k backblast or shootfirst on my scrap, but I get them on my shadow a lot (even though its white damage...)
  4. Since ops/scraps are getting screwed, when are the other knockdowns out of stealth leaving the game? They do the same thing.
  5. VLAHD


    is it better to use the 78 barrels in warzones, or use the new pvp one and let the bolster system bump it up?
  6. I don't know about biowares data backing this info up, but my data backs it up... Last night the team I joined refused to get off the first node they managed to take as soon as they realized we were up against a 6 man premade...I argued but they said it wasn't worth the effort to go out and fight...they would be dead too much and get almost no medal/coms...I went out without them, got killed 6 times then came back and sat at the node.... tonight, pvp was going decent with wins and losses...then we hit a premade and the ques went form 5-10min wait to still waiting for over an hour....when I finally got a que, it was against the same premade and we got rolled...no ques for 2 hours after that so I logged... premades defiantly affect ques oh high and mighty PVP lord.
  7. I had a vanguard, smuggler and sage all get out of it several times even before ravage would be finished...anybody else notice this?
  8. So I actually read all the posts in the thread I created....The number one comment was if you need this relic was "if you need it, you suck" and I liked the one that stated "if you need this, don't hit the que button", or something like that. It must be great to be so good at pvp that you never get burst down...But, if your so great, why aren't all of you GREAT PVPers forming ranked teams and kicking arse? crickets are starting to chirp now...the ranked seem to still be empty even though there are millions of you elite pvpers out there, or atleast trolling this board... I liked the fact that pvp was slowed down...its been a pet peeve of mine since day one. We actually had a ald match come down to 10 to zero win. It was probably the most fun match I had ever been in. Outsides were capped and middle was contested the entire match with no caps... We won by sending 7 against the node they possed with a cap blocker left in the middle and no defender on ours...we won with 20 secs left...that's what fun pvp should be...not your dead in 3 seconds even after guard, taunt, and intercede because 7 people focused you and cc locked the rest of your team because the resolve bar is still broke (not touching that one though). And, for the millionth time, I do not claim to be a great pvper. I would rate myself as average, or a little better than average. For the don't hit the que button comment, where should us average players go so we don't que against you "GODLY PVPers"? They put in ranked matches for all of you god mode players, but your too big of sissies to que up for them so they sit empty...you would rather que as your premades and face roll the average players. Hell they took the time to apply skill/gear lvls to operations, they should be able to do it for pvp. I have asked hundereds of times for 2 simple things to improve pvp...then the relics probably wouldn't be needed... 1. cross server ques to space out the premades and face rolls 2. normal ques should be solo only...put the premades in the ranked and 4v4 where they belong...that way if I que for one of those, I have no reason to complain as its my choice. As it stands right now, the only thing I can do is choose to que or not, then soak up a faceroll and get pissed off or leave the match and piss off everybody...I'm sick of the facerolls from premades and I should have the right to choose to face them or not. The relics helped us average player survive a little in what is supposed to be fun. The only thing the relics did was slow down pvp, and since everybody could buy them it was still an even playing field. On a side note: I logged off last night after my team took one node and then refused to leave it just so they could get some medals. They said we had no chance of winning so whats the point...the loss would still finish the daily and they could get more medal and coms from guarding then if they were constantly dead. I got pretty mad, but I sat there because ques were slow. How is this fun? Something needs to change...So what does swtor do? they take away an even playing field again and its back to crappy burst....This is not the first time I have run into this so swtor had better take notice. This is what the premades and constant facerolls cause. Honostly, if I could get "AANNNYYYYYY" reward for open world pvp, I would never set foot in another one of these piece of crap meatgrinders that swtor calls warzones. There is no skill involved other than programming your macros which are supposed to be against the ELUA, and the teamwork consists of "get ready, im going to pull this player so burst them down with your illegal macros...after that, we will have numbers advantage because we got lucky and got off first. >>>>match over..... For all of the people who are saying ranked are dead so don't do it, the ranked is dead because premades are not forced to use them. Flame all you want. It doesn't change the fact that I might be right about some of this.
  9. For the first time in this pathetic pvp, combat was slowed down and the 1 second burst actually went away allowing for more drawn out matchs...Since the relic went into action, the pvp has improved dramatically...especially if you don't run in premades. Please don't change this.
  10. I like the new relic stuff...for the first time in pathetic pvp in swtor, the pvp was actually slowed down and it wasn't about the burst crap...People could survive and matchs become more drawn out...God forbid it actually takes longer than a second to be focused down!!!!!
  11. I appreciate all of the constructive post and no flames....And, while I agree with most of what was said...I am a casual player that works odd hours...joining a pvp guild and having people on to group with is hard for me, ive tried. There should be a selection criteria that allows people "who do not want to face premades" to have somewhere to go...Honostly, I think that if they did this the premades would be very lonely as most would use the solo only. That in itself would demonstrate what the majority of players really want. Leave the premades in 4v4 and ranked. Heck, easy way to figure this out...put a poll on the log in screen and lets the player base really say what they would like.
  12. 1. cross server ques 2. no premade in solo ques...should only be allowed to que as a group for ranked...premades ruin the pvp for casual players.
  13. ROFL sorry i dont have lots of extra time to look stuff up on my 1/2 hour lunch. I run it by my boss next time and let him know ill be needing more time off.
  14. Repair costs are out of control again and need to be reduced back to old levels. Its really impacting raiding guilds. Not all of us have giant bank accounts from raid sells. We have actually had members leave raids now because they could not afford to repair. Since the patch, my highest bill has been over 100k for half (yes, half) of a raid night... This is stupid. If you want to suck money out of the game, make it fair across the board...not carried on the backs of a select few.
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