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    Austin, TX
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    Tech support
  1. ^ This is pretty much my problem as well. They really need to complete the transport connections. Does anyone know if they all connect imp-side?
  2. Here's the stats I've gathered so far on slicing pre- and post-nerf. Pre-Nerf: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AmY2FiqYUa9FdEh3RTlKY1VxdGQ4T0VTcVZONWpibHc&single=true&gid=5&output=html Current (should auto-update as I do more missions): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?hl=en_US&hl=en_US&key=0AmY2FiqYUa9FdDdKbGQ4elpVSEVSODJoR3BueUMtZWc&single=true&gid=2&output=html
  3. One or two missions giving the same, more, or less than before the patch doesn't really say much. I'd been keeping stats of the slicing missions I'd run. I've just split the spreadsheet I've been using, and will continue to keep stats on the missions I run after the patch. As long as I don't lose money, it doesn't hurt to have one of my alts continuing to do so. For the curious, here's the stats I'd gathered pre-patch: [font="Courier New"] Num Avg Cred/ Avg Runs Class Net Min %Profit Droid Madness 1 3 36 4 8% Plug the Leak 12 6 128 4 9% The Azure Databanks 9 6 240 7 16% Spy Droid 3 4 236 14 35% A Test of Intelligence 1 6 2,882 20 93% Sabotage and Repair 17 5 491 20 50% Hidden in the Jungle 1 5 2,544 22 99% Missing Probes 3 4 330 25 51% Off the Grid 26 5 817 30 72% His Home is his Castle 25 5 1,021 39 95% Identify and Neutralize 1 2 274 42 49% Arranged Accidents 8 3 953 78 110% Taking Back Control 36 5 2,546 84 126% Pointing Fingers 12 4 1,632 84 131% Be Careful What You Read 13 4 1,627 88 138% Finding Our Way 69 5 2,922 99 151%[/font]
  4. Actually, this is what I did when I found out about how profitable Slicing is: I made an alt, got them their ship (so they could have 2 missions going at once) and dedicated them to slicing. I start my game time by logging in to my slicer, picking up the credit boxes from the missions I started at the end of my previous session, and sending their sla- er, I mean companions on new missions. I make note of how long they will take, then switch to my main (or another alt). Each time I'm between missions (and not in a group), I check the clock, and if the slicing missions will be done, I switch to my slicer for a moment to trade out the missions again, then back to the character I'm actually working on. Profit from slicing, and whatever "real" tradeskill you want on your main. Best of both worlds, IMO (at least until slicing gets nerfed), and all it takes is pushing through class missions on an alt you don't care about (or at least don't care about "real" crafting on).
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