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    Fyxt RPG
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    Web Developer
  1. Ya good guide. Re-engineer stuff until you get the purples. Have a companion constantly running underworld so you can collect the rarer mats. Either that or get ready to spend some money on them.
  2. If you can afford it have your companions you do not use off running these missions while you play. Then make sure to send them before you log out too. Stay on it and you can level them fast.
  3. Now just turn the servers back on so we can use it!
  4. If you turn on the magnifying glass tool on the bottom left of your map you will be able to see everything where the magnifying glass is revealing. That way you don't have to toggle the different map tips and you can see the tiny obstructions easier so you can navigate around them.
  5. These forums are a great place to get tips to play. If you are just starting out you should check out some of the starting guides on DDM's Realm. They can help you get a feel for the game.
  6. I keep food and drink going along with stims so you can go all out without having to pause. But you should be able to check it by holding your mouse over your health bar and then watch your information window.
  7. Me too. Lame. It shows up on the login server as a standard load. Not showing that it is down but can not connect.
  8. Blizz is pretty great. Totally hilarious.
  9. I have a feeling you will start to see a ton of this stuff showing up in the store. It is easy money.
  10. Ultimately it really doesn't change anything. It just gives some different dialog and a little but different cut scenes. When testing some of the forced light on the Empire and dark on the Republic side feels a bit strange or weird. Unless you are trying to max one or the other out, just go with what your character or you want to do and you will be fine.
  11. Thanks for upgrading the preview window, it is much ore helpful now!
  12. Poor dead server. Please fix it.
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