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10 Good
  1. PvP suggestion... to foster more competitive play, a publicly visible individual elo ranking may work (via a new badge when you're targeted). This way people may be less apt to kill trade in open world situations and would become almost a target at higher rankings. It becomes a little more of a thought process to a player with a really high ranking before he/she heads face first into the opposing players. Make the ranking effected by PvP outside of warzones too to help stimulate some more open world engagements. Just my 2 cents.
  2. I'd like to see the old PVP currencies removed from my wallet (i.e. Battlemaster Comms, Centurion Comms). If people are still holding on to some of those just auto convert them to warzone comms. People have had plenty of time to use them up. As it is now those place holders are just taking up space.
  3. +1 an armory would be awesome
  4. Thanks for that, it makes total sense. It does look like someone did the math in the Ops forum and it turns out that the DG Relic of Boundless Ages does come out ahead if you're able to use it 3 times per fight. And I like the idea having a boost of emergency power for some big heals. So to sum it up, it sounds like one WH Boundless Ages and one DG Boundless Ages relic is the optimal combo atm.
  5. Just wondering what people are using for the best results? I had been using two WH Boundless Ages Relics and thought I'd try the DG Relic of Ephemeral Mending. There's a decent discussion about this in the Ops forum but not a lot of info pertains to the Corruption Sorc. Any thoughts?
  6. I agree on this as well. Their store started out well and good. with mostly cosmetic "convenience" items for sale. But, they soon found out that balance of raids suffered because of purchaseable pots and such. The store is plastered all over everything in the game too. In my opinion TOR should stay as is in this regard.
  7. It'd be nice to have an option to improve the shadow quality in game. In some places they look ok but other areas they look like they are rendered on the original Nintendo system. In an otherwise nicely rendered game, the current shadow resolutions leave some to be desired. An example, Belsavis Empire side, go to the Domiation Outpost (southern dailies area) and take a look at shadows while standing in the camp. I don't expect full dynamic soft shadows but at least something that doesn't look like they are super blocky either.
  8. I'm guessing that the system isn't starting games shorthanded. There could be any number of people that are queued up and walk away from their computers and their timer expires. So in reality there are 8 people that are invited to that warzone but only a few take the invite. If this happens during a peak time then people usually fill in rather quickly, but if its an off peak time you'll likely be playing shorthanded.
  9. Haha, you must have spoken with several hundred thousand players to make a statement like that.
  10. Played LOTRO all the way through Orthanc and I disagree with the OP's assesment. Raid gear in that game is now just as easy to get as this game. Only need tokens from the tier 1 raids and instances to complete the sets. Raid mechanics in LOTRO are terrible. They stack mechanics on mechanics to make fights more difficult. Grinding traits and deeds in LOTRO was enough to make me want to punch my grandma and now with the introduction of gear being able to be purchased on their store made it so you don't have to do anything. To progress in PvP in that game you had to PvE. There's certainly room for improvement in SWTOR but in my opinion its on right trajectory for my playstyle.
  11. I do the same with Champ/Columi gear and supplement with the crafted crit/surge one's until I can afford a piece either from a different class or a duplicate piece that has the enhancement that I can remove.
  12. I'm not saying Illum is perfect, but I certainly wouldn't change it to the Ettenmoors style. In the moors you wind up having to PvE to complete quests. I don't PvP to kill NPC's
  13. Would be cool to have the versions that have been in the game so far as options you can choose in your game preferences. If new versions are introduced, just add them as new optiions. Then everyone can choose one that fits their taste.
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