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  1. This is the method i used, but i still don't see any performance gain. I can see the ramcache is working properly by entering: $ df -H | grep ramcache output: $ tmpfs 210M 2.3M 208M 2% /ramcache and both files are being used while the game is running. also Has anyone figured out how to stop the game from switching between low/high res textures, randomly while your playing? It's not enough to kill the experience. but it dose lag for a split second every time it decides to do it. which can be every second, or every minute. and everything in between.
  2. Sweet as of Today at least (as far as i know) You no longer have to run explorer desktop @ 1000X614 the short launcher update today no-longer has the black background in explorer, so i turned off the desktop sizeing, and it works like it should Or maybe its just lucky me... Unfortunately mouseover any AREA Quest text/icon on the map/ minimap/ or quest trackter still restults in a freeze/crash. Oh well 95% there Ubuntu 13.04 AMD Phenom II x6 ATI HD 6800
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