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    Star Wars, the beach/ocean, My '11 Camaro
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    I work from home, so I get alot of gaming done :) I know you wish you were me.
  1. Ya I have the legacy exp boosters unlocked and using major exp boosters as well. I was just hoping I could just level off the class missions without using those. Would have saved me 400k. Thanks for all the replies!
  2. I know all the things people are suggestion. I'm mainly asking about the tweet since I know all these suggestions are things people have already been doing. So I was curious if the increased the class missions exp or what. The tweet indicated that you could level just doing the class missions.
  3. I don't even want to do the planet missions.
  4. So I saw the tweet today about being able to level only by doing the class missions. Is that something that is currently live or something planned for upcoming patch. Anyone know?
  5. So I started playing again and even though they have totally messed up Scoundrel, its still my favorite class and my first toon I leveled to 50 back in the day. Just got to level 65 now and had enough comms to get all 204 pvp gear, minus the implants and relics. I am running sawbones, so I have the medic set. What augments do I want? I am already rocking a set of orange gear that still has augment slots, so I just need to know what to upgrade my old ones to. Should I go all power? or a mix; power, alacrity, and crit? I don't get much time to play, so I don't have the time to do the math, so I am hoping I can get some community help. Thanks!
  6. I love smash spec!!!! I main a scoundrel and shadow though, so after playing those classes its really fun to get on my Sent and just smash people for a few matches. The game needs classes that have all different types of play difficulty to attract more people. Crying about this on the forums, just makes you sound like a tool.
  7. While I agree with you almost completely, I do want to point out two things. First, no game ever in the history of games has ever been balanced. And no game ever will be, not until they manage to code a game that responds to player skill level and automatically adjusts the players damage output to compensate for player skill. Before I mention my second point, I do want to mention that my first point is not a defense of the Devs and this games lack of balance. Secondly, I do think its ridiculous that it takes the devs months to update and adjust class balance. If you look back at all the patch notes, only a few of them have anything to do with class balance. Now I am not saying they shouldn't have done all those patches. What I am saying is those were missed opportunities for the Devs to adjust and tweak class balance. I am not sure if its incompetence on the devs part, or arrogance that they think they can adjust class balance once every 6 months and end up with a balanced game. I personally would rather see class balance addressed in every patch, with updates like increased or decreased this by 1% or 2% or similar small incremental changes. Than one update every 6 months that changes things drastically.
  8. I've noticed that clearing your target can help get you out of combat faster. I haven't really tested this theory yet, but I have noticed that if I die in a warzone and still have an enemy targeted I usually end up getting stuck in combat behind the gate. So I started clearing my target and usually within a few seconds combat would drop.
  9. Dude you really need to learn other classes. You have posted so many QQ threads and comments and have always gotten the information wrong. From your "Nerf Stamper" thread, and now you are mixing up Hold the line with electronet. Please do some actual research before posting anymore QQ. And an fyi for everyone, electronet prevents all movement abilities and stealth abilities of all classes for the duration.
  10. Awe... I'll miss u too little buddy
  11. Ya that's why I'm bored. No new PvP maps, and just a new set of gear. I'm glad they added more gear and I have no issue grinding it out. I'm not saying this game is bad or anything, I actually like it. I just don't like playing more than one or two characters. So I'm just moving on to a other game for awhile. I will probably come back in 6 months and see what's new with the game. Lol at 30+ hours to play. I've got maybe and hour or two during the week. I work full time and I'm going back to school for my second bachelors degree. So an over abundance of time isn't the issue. You took things a little too seriously, especially since I stated in the tldr that I was just trolling. I agree this game has a ton of content if 1) you like making multiple alts and 2) you like to PvE. I don't like either, I play for PvP only.
  12. BW this is ridiculous and needs to be fixed NOW. If not you will end up loosing many more subs. People have made numerous threads complaining and posting suggestions for awhile now. Yet you have done nothing. Even after loosing tons of subs and having to consolidate servers, you have continued to ignore the issue. I had hoped with the expansion to see something happen... YET still you remain silent. Your game is broken and you refuse to fix it, so I have decided to unsub and go play other games. I had such high hopes for this game and you have completely let me down. You all know what I am talking about and I am sure most of you agree with me. If you don't agree with me than you are the problem. I am of course talking about all the stupid people that play this game and continually ruin it for the rest of us. All the QQ, whining, and overall l2p issues that are abundant on the forums are just getting old. So BW please nerf this... and nerf Mercs too, they are getting a little too lippy.
  13. Thats completely false, the huttball slow counts as a slow and causes the roll to only cover 6m instead of the full 12m. Second, if you loose a huttball match to a rolling scoundrel/Op then you were going to loose regardless. I play Scoundrel as my main and I can easily get the ball right off the start... and then I get pulled/leaped/rooted to death. This is a simple L2P and stop sucking issue, nothing more. Move along
  14. I loved all the Dark Forces games with Kyle Katarn, and the Tie fighter game back in the day. I actually liked alot of the games that have been made throughout the years.
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