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  1. I'm sure that once Disney comes to a point where their new stuff conflicts with pre-movie EU; KOTOR, SWTOR and everything else will just be swept under the rug and made glorified fan fiction.
  2. The war would have never happened without Sidious getting the separatists to band together and use a thousand year Sith powerbase.
  3. Except that it's referred to as Korriban in the books that came after the movies.
  4. Whatever choice they made, their master would tell them they made the right decision.
  5. I'll agree with you based on the ridiculously tedious ones like on the Sandcrawler on Tattooine and the endurance datacron on Makeb.
  6. Yes, yes...a thousand times yes! I always feel like I'm just wasting time whenever I'm pvping on a character that isn't my main.
  7. There was too much drama and no real leadership in my last guild. The only reason I would join a guild now is to do operations with more reliable people, but since everyone seems to be hung up on designated raid teams now and I work different hours each week, I guess I'll just remain guildless.
  8. No, Meetra is the force ghost from the Republic flashpoints Taral V and Maelstrom Prison.
  9. I wasn't sure where the best place to put this was, so I'll just stick it here and let the moderators move it if they see fit. For anyone who has not seen it, I present to you Extra Credits latest episode on Free to Play model games. I feel that it is an important video to watch not just for gamers, but for developers as well as it addresses what makes a good Free to Play game, and what makes a bad one.
  10. I don't remember your name being erased from the databases, but there was a lot of awesome stuff happening during the last mission so I might have overlooked it. I would hazard to guess that even though your name had been erased, people in high up places would still remember your reputation, especially Darth Marr.
  11. Essentially, we already have a mega server. There is, in most cases, only one PVE, PVP, RP and RP-PVE server per time zone in North America and language in Europe.
  12. Unfortunately, the powers that be don't allow server transfers between continents, for whatever dumb reason.
  13. Actually, Jace is apart of the Alderaan planetary quest line for republic side. He is also featured during Republic side briefing on Makeb.
  14. The Wookie and droid scene is overused, aside from the two mentioned there is also of a scene of Bowdaar playing Dejarik with the ship droid during the Smugglers Makeb cutscene. One I haven't seen mentioned is by a sandcrawler up north in the Jundland area of Tattooine is some jawas selling a lineup of droids to some farmers as a reference to Episode IV.
  15. There really isn't much cause to colonize Hoth or Tattooine. There's not really any natural resources to speak of plus they're both pretty inhospitable.
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