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10 Good
  1. normalement quand on regen on n'est plus censé etre interrompu par les dots ...
  2. Question : le slow de 50% sur la sonde plasma est actif tout le temps dans la zone enflammée ou alors n'est actif qu'au début lors de l'explosion de la sonde ? Si c'est le premier cas peut être qu'y aura enfin moyen de kitter ...
  3. ok thx pour le retour poulpa , je me demande maintenant si y a pas moyen de faire un sniper tanky avec http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400bcMZrI0bRRbRrsZh.1 ... vu qu'a défaut d'avoir touché les dégats de l'EMP ils ont modifié ces conditions d'utilisation ce sera plus simple .
  4. Yop , ne pouvant pas jouer actuellement j'quelqu'un pourait il m'apporter de plus amples informations sur "Les agents ne peuvent plus être sortis de leur couverture par le mécanisme d'Intégrité de la couverture, qui a été retiré du jeu." , en gros ca veut dire qu'on peut plus etre bumpé sous cover ? :x PS : sinon la nouvelle "poursuite préméditée" ca a de la gueule ou pas ?
  5. You make good points ,especially about the fact we have to stretch out the opposite team . But where I don't agree is ,for being able to do that , we should be able to apply better slows ( 30% vs 50% for melee with charge ,harpoon and stealth ? Oo ) and better "panic" buttons to give us more time to make the job , not crappy defensive CDs . And the fact DPSing while moving is not very natural , and your team is not supposed to be always on your side . In 1v1 situations I just would put the best rating for GS , but the worst for 1vX if you take aggro from the players (from my own experience playing this class and always seeking the easiest class to eliminate ... ) . Many of us argue we have to keep our range it's our better defense , I should really agree with that , but in reality ,more than one opponent is impossible to hold ... So yes , range is a good defense , but I think many of us overrate that , especially in this game and the tools of the others , so the only thing to improve our endurance is better CDs , or anything I'm unaware . And unfortunately , I can name that other class ... this is the other pure DPS class , who is very tanky , a lot easier for healers to keep her alive , where a sniper may be a pain in the neck in this field . Same dps , same CCs ,but better endurance is not really fair if you want a DPS spot.
  6. Pour ce qui est du tir surchargé , j'ai envie de dire personne l'utilise tout court ... ca fait un plus de dégats qu'un tir blanc mais rien d'extraordinaire . Et l'ironie dans tout ca c'est que c'est l'agent secret qui profite des 15% de dégats en plus via un skill passif ... mais qui est une énorme perte d'energie . Et je pense surtout aux gens qui vont découvrir que ce talent a 20s de CD , ca va bien les refroidir . Comment créer de la frustration inutile made in bioware , à base de patch notes incomplets et de talents plus que bofs en 3 mois de brainstorming à Austin ( à la base ils avaient annoncé un patch majeur tous les 2 mois ... des hotfix , être a l'écoute de la communauté mais bon , suffit de lire le DEV tracker pour comprendre ) . J'ai l'impression de voir WoW vanilla , même si j'ai adoré cette période , yavait mass skills et talents useless ... en même temps y a 7 ans de décalage , mais ca n'empeche pas de faire un truc propre now ...
  7. Sorry , my previous message was not for you . I think it's very hard to have a very constructive thread on the internet about PVP , but a good vid could really confirm or deny thoughts of everyobdy .
  8. @poulpatine Hot/Calculated Pursuit You have a 50/100% chance when exiting cover to reduce the cost of the next Quick/Overload Shot by 100%, lasts 6 seconds. This can only occur once every 20 seconds. (Bummer) http://www.swtor.com/fr/community/showthread.php?t=363775&page=3 Oui c'est un mec qui était sur la beta qui le confirme . Et pareil quand j'avais levelé vite fait un franc tireur lvl 10 pour voir les nouveaux talents j'ai eu un petit rictus quand j'ai vu cet "oubli" . J'ai cru pouvoir refaire une sorte de nouvelle spé hybride mais évidemment c'était sans compter sur ce détail : P . et l'anti-dispell ca se confirme les dots qui remplacent les anciens font 15% des anciens dommages , peut être qu'on va revoir des dégats à 2 chiffres comme en dessous du LVL 10 ca va être fun : P .
  9. @felli yes , we don't understand PVP . We can't say sniper is good when ignored but bad when focused . It's GS forum, so we are not allowed to say GS may be bad in some situations . Everything is fine , sure .
  10. It's a bad day for GS community today ... The title of the thread is : What's the point? ( of playing a GS if you misread ) . So I answered : ( I don't quote but you can find it ) . GS is my favorite class in PUGs ( ie one of the most powerful so there is a point to play it ) , but I consider it won't fit with RZ ,due to the weakness of the class ( from my point of view , tried to explain with proofs and some numbers ) . If you want to give advices there are class guides for that , or other threads .
  11. Yes , in two sentences , you deduced that I had a condescending tone behind my screen . I can't compete with you . My team is bad , I'm a lier and you are the Master of your serv ( approved by your mates ! ) . Internet's rules , cya .
  12. Now if you agree or not , that's your problem .
  13. I stopped reading here , you obviously don't play an other class than your favorite lovely sniper . Sage/sorcerer is able to dps while moving , sniper can't . Commando make better turrets in this field . Other ACs may die by a whole focus of the opponents , but far slower than GS , just try any other AC , you will understand for sure . When we are playing against other premades , and when i'm playing my sin , I just know that if they have a sniper , we are going to outnumber them early during teamfights . in the worst case , if he launches a succesful flyby , we juste have enough time to finish him and virtually stop the flyby , despite a guard and a healer on him , or avoid/Los this ability , simple , and burst him again . When poeple will really know what hunker down do , it will no more be a problem . Coordinate and just Los the sniper . Simple . If you can't , he can't too , so just finish him . Their Defensive cooldowns are ridiculous , and range is not a problem ( stealth , charges when out of cover , second charge ) . IF he wants to escape , root him , he has 30% slows , we have 50% ... Bump is rarely a problem too . Again , You think GS is fine because you just see advantages thtrough your eyes of GS , but when you know how the class works , it becomes the least difficult target to kill , even if he is good or bad . Ho and I just saw this sentence ' [...] entrenched+evasion+shield probe for near invincibility in fights ' , yes if for you , being unable to move + 1k8 dmg litteraly absorbed + ability which avoids you to only avoid weapon based attacks during 3-4s gives you invincibility ,I understand a lot better why you think GS is great .
  14. LoS againt melees ? flash in team fight ? kitting as a GS lol ? All great tools to not dying in 1v1 or braindead opponents , not smart teams on your back .
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