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  1. Hello everyone! My Shadow hit 50 yesterday and I really enjoyed him! Its a great story too! Now that im 50 on Republic side, I'm going to start a new character with the empire, just to see both sides. Right now I'm considerin either Powertech or Juggernaut, since i really enjoyed tanking (non heroic that is). Any thoughts on those two? Is there a big difference in survivability? As always I'm thankful for any thoughts! Thanks for reading!
  2. Hello everyone! Thank you all for your replies!! First off, I chose the Jedi Shadow over the Trooper, simply because I'd like to finish the Jedi Counsular story. I'd like to thank everyone who posted here and shared his wisdom with me. Now it's up to me to make something out of my choice. His Name is Var'ion on the Server Vanjervalis Chain (german). Once again thank you everyone, I'll post an update later on how I enjoy the Shadow. So far, Arvalis
  3. Hello AMulls, thank you for your post. As I already said I appreciate different opinions and after what I've read in this thread so far I've come down to the following two classes I'll choose from. One would be: Jedi Shadow Simply put I like the idea of Light sabers + stealth (if im lazy) + tank / dps I also would like to continue the Story of my Jedi Sage and this seems like a good opportunity however: The other option: Trooper Commando I like the sound of a heavy armored healer/dps with a big gun in his hand. I've played healers in other MMOs before and its always a different challenge, which is a plus aswell. That pretty mutch sums it up and I guess it's up to me now to find out which one fits more to my liking... however there is one thing I really really really need to know because it can actually rule out the Jedi Shadow right from the start: Can I effectively replace my Healing Companion with any other companion (except for gold / boss fights) without sacrificing my "Smooth questing"? Because this guy really gets on my nerves! I can't stand him hes worse than a scared chicken. Why would you join a Jedi if you're scared of fighting? I've never seen someone talk a Sith to death! Thank you all for your help and hopefully someone will answer my last question Best regards, Arvalis
  4. Hello Mokkh and thanks for your reply, i played my jedi sage as a healer, or at least put my talentpoints where people told me a healer would put them wile leveling up and sadly it did not work out for me. Mobs went down too slow to really make a difference. In any event I read through your post and it made me wonder: you mentoined you never really bothered equipping the other companions and to tell the truth I didn't even know that you'd normally do that... In only used Quinn and Qyzen the whole time, so I tried to keep both of them equipped by picking the quest-rewards for them. Is it common to switch out companions in the higher levels or is it just something "optional" for those who want to try out everyone? It seems like I missed out on more than just a few things in this forum while reading through the others... Right now my tendency goes towards a Commando, simply because I believe the Republic leaves you more ways of actually expressing your opinion than the Empire does. I dont like getting shocked with lightning just because I told a Sith his face lookes like a wookies... back... Anyway still open for suggestions the more the merrier! Sincerely, Arvalis
  5. Hello Bida, this doesent sound crazy at all. In fact I really only ruled out the Jedi Sage (and the Sith Inquisitor as mirror) because I read in the class forums that the shadow is quite capable. However if you read through so many class forums (even tough they are mirror classes people tend to judge them differently most of the time) it's hard to really find good answers. Thats why I was hoping to sum everything up for me here. I didn't intent to rule out the tanking classes either. I just said that I suck at tanking :-) at least the few times I tried Black Talon on a low level Juggernaut. I know very well that Black Talon isn't acutally representing any taking capabilty though... so yeah... my bad :-/ Right now I'm waiting for more opinions and doing some research on the cartell market and how i could benefit from it. but thats a completely different story and does not belong here. Something I'D like to add about PvP however: I've read many comments stating that doing PvP is essential to equipping a character. Thats why i even mentoined it in my first post. I'm not into PvP at all I'll simply deal with it if I have to.. Thanks for reading my thread :-) Arvalis
  6. Hello! Thank you two for your replies! I really have to say, I do not make a difference if I'm in close combat or fighting ranged. They both have their benefits in my opinion. Close combat looks just way more ******... well swinging a lightsaber looks awesome anywhere but rangeds seem to have a huge advantage in flashpoints since they dont have to run from mob to mob or.. turret to turret... I do know about the mirror-classes and i ruled them out aswell. It simply doesent seem to fit my playstile. Even with a healer on my Marauder (hes 32) i found him to be to squishy for my recklessness. I usually tend to pick myself a nice place with some mob groups in sight and then start going on a killing spree. Everything worked out untill i didnt see that one silver dude... Sage on the other hand felt rather slow... It didnt feel anything like combat when i fought regular enemys. Only when Qyzen died and i had to kite a Boss (my Sage is 35) It felt somewhat thrilling. I guess what I'm trying to say is: I need to have the feeling that I actually put up a fight, and kill stuff before i have to wait and reg up again. I also like to push my toon to the limit and try to solo as much as possible. I hope this can help you help me, and once again, thanks for your replies! Sincerely, Arvalis
  7. Hello everyone! I've been gone from this game for quite some time now and just returned recently and a LOT has changed. I decided to start over new and moved onto a different server but now I seem to have Problems with finding the class I like. Iam hoping that some of you will give me (and people that are looking for the same things) a bit of advice... Im looking for a class thats capable of - smooth solo questing (I get frustrated when I have to reg after 2-3 Groups or 1 Group with a silver) - Viable for PvE Operations (my main goal is PvE) - average PvP option (simply put: i dont want to be completely defenseless in PvP) Please take into consideration the following things: - I play a male character - I never played a tank before (tried but failed) - I tend to be neither of both sides (my light/dark is mostly balanced) - I have tried the following classes but did not get very happy with them: - Jedi Sage - Sith Marauder Also I cant seem to get a hang of the "cover"-system from both Imperial Agent and Smuggler... or maybe thats just because i only got them to 15... So please if you have any experience in the 50 end game area and / or leveling experience tell me what's your opinion on which class might suit me. I do not need any story-related informations as my experience showed me that i enjoyed every story i tried so far. Same thing goes for companions, except you have something you think is especially worth noticing! PS: If you could post your choice of crew-skills going with the suggested class I'd really appreciate it! Thank you for your time and for reading through everything. I'm sorry if my english is a bit off, It's not my native language. I'd be truly happy to hear many opinions soon and start my Main Character ! May the force be with you... Arvalis
  8. Danke für die Eindrücke hat mir meine Entscheidung auf jeden Fall vereinfacht! Vll. läuft man sich ingame ja mal über den Weg
  9. War vll. unverständlich ausgedrückt - tut mir leid - ich meinte damit lediglich, dass ich die Idee mit dem Powertech bereits hatte aber wir ihn dann doch eingemottet haben. Mehr wollte ich damit nicht aussagen.
  10. Gut zu wissen, dass es bereits ausgetestet wurde. Das Problem das ich habe ist, dass wir uns beide auf ein "Taschenlampenwedler-Duo" (langes Wort..) eingefahren haben. Sprich, ich will was das leuchtet und sie spielt sowieso was das leuchtet. Damit wäre höchstens der Assa noch eine möglichkeit. Der sieht auch sehr hübsch aus aber ich zweifle noch ein wenig an dem Konzept mit der leichten Rüstung und dem Tanken... schätze mal das läuft in Richtung Avoidance wie beim Ninja in FF11 Online... Und ich bin nicht sicher ob ich darauf vertrau nem Schlag auszuweichen der mir sonst das gesicht zerlegt...
  11. Danke für den Tipp. Ich denk ich werd mir nen Juggernaut bauen, erstens gibts dann keinen Streit wegen dem Loot und zweitens haben wir ein wenig Abwechslung in den Companions. Danke nochmal für die schnellen Antworten Natürlich bin ich weiterhin offen für Erfahrungen, los gehts ja erst am Wochenende
  12. Danke für die prompte Antwort Ich hab vergessen hinzuzufügen dass wir so weit wie möglich unabhängig sein wollen. Sprich so lang wie möglich Helden Quests und Flashpoints zu 2 mit 2 Gefährten machen möchten. Insofern das die Auswahl nicht weiter einschränkt solls mir allerdings auch sehr recht sein Finds toll, dass so schnell geantwortet wird!!
  13. Hallo zusammen! Ich erstelle diesen Thread in der Hoffnung ein paar Erfahrungen einholen zu können, von jenen die bereits im Endcontent des Spiels sind bzw. auf eine etwas längere Spielgeschichte zurückblicken können als ich. Obwohl ich schon ein bisschen über die Planeten in SWTOR gereist bin, habe ich keinen Character über lv. 30. Entscheidungsfreude in MMOs ist irgendwie nicht so mein Ding. Nun hat das SWTOR Fieber allerdings auch mein Weibchen erreicht und sie will unbedingt mit mir zusammen einen Character hochzocken (WoW lässt grüßen ). An sich spitzen Idee, allerdings mit dem Problem dass ich immer noch nicht wirklich sicher bin, welche Klasse jetzt was kann. Allein daher, da mir quasi Jeder hier im Forum zu jeder Klasse sagt, dass sie entweder sch*** oder underpowered oder grundsätzlich schonmal überhauptnicht spielbar ist (*hust "Ich schaff keine 40er Trashmobs mit meinem Assassine")... Bisher steht fest, sie spielt einen Inqui (Heilung) - jetzt ist meine Frage welchen Lichtschwerterschwingenden Counterpart ihr mir raten würdet, bzw. ob es nicht schlauer ist eher einen Marauder zu spielen, weil es genug Tanks gibt die das Prinzip verstehen, aber zu wenig DDs die sich die Mühe machen Trash vom Heiler fern zu halten. Mir ist klar, dass es sehr serverbezogen ist aber ich würd eure Erfahrungen trotzdem gern wissen. Langer Text kurz: Welche Lichtschwert-Klasse wäre eine optimale Mischung zum leveln mit einem Sith-Hexer auf Heal? Danke fürs Lesen und ich hoffe ihr findet die Zeit ein paar Erfahrungen auszutauschen
  14. Hello everyone! After enjoying SWTOR for a bit now I've managed the impossible: to convice my girlfriend to join the empire. As far as good this is where the "problems" start. I've begun my "career" with a IA agent, specced into healing. I'm not very far into the game thus it doesent hurt me that much to reroll. We've planned (she decided) that I should be a tank, since she was healer in almost any MMO we've ever played. So here Iam looking for a good tanking class. Reading the forums many people seem to be concerned about the AOE-capabilitys of the juggernaut, aswell as his survivability without healing-support. Many people complain about PVP aswell, however I'm a 100% PvE player and those problems are no concern for me. So here are a few things I'd like to know, and I'd be thankful if some of you more experienced Juggernaut-Players could give me some advice: - PvE Survival explaination: I would never ask for a class that can completely solo H4 Quests, however I'd like to see enough survivability to be able (with crowd controll) to do my Story missions and some H2 Missions early on my own. - Flashpoint / Operation I've read that Juggernauts are fully capable of tanking all of the flashpoints and operations, however I wonder how much I can offer a group. Do people choose Juggernaut as "last resort" when no tank is available? - Storyline As a roleplayer I'd like to have some story in my class-quests. I want to feel my character being a Sith and doing something important. Would you rate the Sith Warrior Storyline as "rather flat and boring" or is it enjoiable. Note: I don't have to destroy a planet to feel like I'm doing something.. just knocking over some Jedi all the time isn't enough either. At last: why do you play your juggernaut? It's just something I'm curious about. Thank you all for your advice and the time you've spent on reading all of this. Please excuse any misspelling, english is not my native language. Best regards!
  15. I can't say much about the IA healing in general at the moment, however there is no real heal-rotation as healing is (like in any other MMO) always either reaction or prevention. Meaning: if you see the Boss charge up his "big-bad-boom" you'll want to prevent as much damage as possible by hot / or shield depending on your ressources. I dont know if we get a dmg-shielt though.. SI does. If your tank gets a crit you react to it by throwing another / a bigger heal so it's on par again. Of course there are scematics everyone falls into once the group is under controll however I've noticed that many people heal differently. Again, speaking in general only, over many years in playing MMOs I've learned one thing: being a healer is 90% Trial and Error. While a DPS-Class has its rotation or priority system we healers MUST know our character. Read tooltips, try different things and learn to love what you're doing. It's amazing how much healers and their in-game characters tend to melt together by the time. It's like driving a car - really! I'm sorry I cant give you a better answer but the best you can do is, go out there and try! No fear it's fun Best regards!
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