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  1. Hey guys! I recently went back to belsavis for some datacrons and i recognized some new industrial buildings and new prison fences and a richer enviroment with more trees etc. I do really like the new face of the planet although the changes are probably already updated in a older patch. I think that the display and design of the enviroment plays a very important role to make the game world come alive and be "BELIEVABLE" so thank you first of all. So now we can come to the "but" . With the new designs one thing i am really missing is a better and more characteristic sound design. I was always wondering as i cruised with my speeder over the great planes of voss why the planet never really felt organic and alive. What i was missing where singing of birds, or in general animal sounds... maybe the sound of some insects which are flying around or jumping through the grass. Voss has a special and darker area, i think it was called the infected heart. The sound design is better there, but still it cound be darker (in matter of atmospheric) and a little more threatening. There are many other examples. Corellia for instance. Altough corellia is in a state of war, i miss the sound of all the noise such a hughe city or planet would produce. Shuttles landing and starting, people who are screaming in the chaos of this conflict, automated voices who order the people to stay in their homes or evacuate. This are just two examples, but i think that a better and atmospheric sound design would greatly improve our game experience and would certanly make the world become alife. I would be happy to hear that the overhaul of the sound design is something that is considered or even in the works. ***excuse me for the bumpy english but it is not my mother language***
  2. Apart from that, i consider a 12s CD on Force rend with a uptime of 9 seconds... Not thought through. Maybe some one else has a other point of view.
  3. After optaining ED - enraged defense - you will feel a hughe difference between a Jugg and Mara. The Mara is absolutly lacking the Def CDs. The DMG will ne equal i would say. With ED you will not even have to reg after the Fight. On LvL 51 you gain the first heroic utility where you can lower the CD of ED by 30s. You will definetly see the difference between these two ACs.
  4. Reading through the 3.0+ guides i get an good idea of the Guardian mechanics, although rotation seem not as complicated as the Mara- Anni spec i currently use in PvP (and more forgiving). So here is the question now: I read that stacking Alacrity on a Vengeance Jugg is some how for advanced players suggested. I usually fokus on pvp so what are the benefits in stacking Alacrity/ why use Alacrity augments, what is the Alacrity Value to aim for? Second Q: I made good experiences in going for Power/ Surge Rating in pvp in general - what benefits do I get from Alacrity DPS wise? I understand the general mechanic (shorter GCD/CD and faster Dots), but going for that still seems not worth the efford. If you know it better, feel free to share your opinion and experience. Thanks in advance
  5. One alacrity augment 36 (Blue) loweres the cd on Skills for 0.9 sec. It is a pro vs con, i am currently even experimenting with alacrity in the carnage build, although you get the 30% extra boost.
  6. I am a PVP junkie and not so into Pve, but it get the idea, that you dont use the Setbonus in your Rotation. Exept from that, GJ Pal. I have been experimenting also a little with alacrity and am happy to read, that you go that way too.
  7. I have to apologize. It seems that the skill description was messed-up during the last login. I dont know what caused the problem. I saw the 6% on the german live server., cant really tell what happened there. The discription says its 21% now (like in patch 2.8). could have been a glitch. Anyway this is good news, at least this skill remains unchanged. /topic closed
  8. With Patch 2.8 Spoils of War, the Mara was Buffed slightly to do more DPS in the Anni-Tree. Although the Burst ist still missing and the build is to easy to shut down, the buff was much apprechiated. but now BW changed the mechanic and nerfed the Mara again. Can anyone understand what happend? Here are the changes which got altered: Hemorrhage now increases the damage dealt by burning effects by 7/14/21 percent (up from 2/4/6 percent). Now the Feat. Hemorrhage was set back to 6% (if 3 points are invested). That is again a huge slap in the face for all the Maras. I need an explanation please. Will the Mara get something in return for this failed approach?
  9. I play the marauder as main class, but honestly the smash nerv was needed. I was always a player who tried to get everything out of a specc but never sticked to the one, that was mainstream. In pvp 4v4 i decided to play Ataru, which has a great burst when combined in focus with other players. I have to admit though, that the random Gore procc is pretty difficult to rely upon. Gore is the basis the ataru relies upon for high burst - and ataru was designed to have a direct burstphase. The idea of building up -gore stacks- seems a good idea to me (like jugger or sorc), and giving it this kind of possability would prevent players from staring at their skillbar, looking for gore to get off CD. In WZ i play juyo and enjoy it, but ppl are right. In 4v4 rated juyo is useless. There are many good ideas to improve the specc in the mara forums so i will not mention these approaches here. I think the main problem of the class is this: The mara hast currently the lowest survivability from all melee klasses and is too vulnerabe to ranged classes. With the UR nerv, which was nerved because ppl where saying that if the mara was supported by a healer, UR was to strong. This is not more given, because of the recent buff, almost all classes experienced in the last months. This nerv made UR a 4s till death button. Also the self-healing nerf from juyo was too hard for the mara looking at current pvp situation. The mara was slowly transformed from a class who was present in the middle of the battle to a more assassin like playstyle, where one trys to avoid to unload all dps in the middle of a fight. Like someone just said before, one should look for targets who dont have their CDs ready and are currently buisy by other players. So the mara is more or less a support-assassin-class due to the low survivability, who should persue a hit and run tactik. I think this approach is wrong. Some would argue and say that mara still has too strong def-CDs but, i am talking about full 158/162 geared players. Of course i could win a 1v2 if the others cant play their class or are not well equipped. Sure one should pick their fights, but honestly the game mechanic pushes the mara in a substitute-assassins role. I think what the mara needs appart from some of the mechanic changes and Anni-buff is stronger DEF-CDs. This way the Mara could play even with Jugg and Assassin ATM.
  10. I play the marauder as main class, but honestly the smash nerv was needed. I was always a player who tried to get everything out of a specc but never sticked to the one, that was mainstream. In pvp 4v4 i decided to play Ataru, which has a great burst when combined in focus with other players. I have to admit though, that the random Gore procc is pretty difficult to rely upon. Gore is the basis the ataru relies upon for high burst - and ataru was designed to have a direct burstphase. The idea of building up -gore stacks- seems a good idea to me (like jugger or sorc), and giving it this kind of possability would prevent players from staring at their skillbar, looking for gore to get off CD. In WZ i play juyo and enjoy it, but ppl are right. In 4v4 rated juyo is useless. There are many good ideas to improve the specc in the mara forums so i will not mention these approaches here. I think the main problem of the class is this: The mara hast currently the lowest survivability from all melee klasses and is too vulnerabe to ranged classes. With the UR nerv, which was nerved because ppl where saying that if the mara was supported by a healer, UR was to strong. This is not more given, because of the recent buff, almost all classes experienced in the last months. This nerv made UR a 4s till death button. Also the self-healing nerf from juyo was too hard for the mara looking at current pvp situation. The mara was slowly transformed from a class who was present in the middle of the battle to a more assassin like playstyle, where one trys to avoid to unload all dps in the middle of a fight. Like someone just said before, one should look for targets who dont have their CDs ready and are currently buisy by other players. So the mara is more or less a support-assassin-class due to the low survivability, who should persue a hit and run tactik. I think this approach is wrong. Some would argue and say that mara still has too strong def-CDs but, i am talking about full 158/162 geared players. Of course i could win a 1v2 if the others cant play their class or are not well equipped. Sure one should pick their fights, but honestly the game mechanic pushes the mara in a substitute-assassins role. I think what the mara needs appart from some of the mechanic changes and Anni-buff is stronger DEF-CDs. This way the Mara could play even with Jugg and Assassin ATM.
  11. Ich check das mit meinem pvp buddy ab. Will gerne teilnehmen, just for fun und so...
  12. sure you can. all the pieces in that weappon are changeable. so enjoy it
  13. Hello people! I have a question concerning a Quest on Belsavis. There is a Rakata Temple on Belsavis which is instanced, I would like to have access to it, but I dont know which Quest this is, I will be glad if you have any Idea, The "Rakata Temple" ( I dont actually know what it is called) Is located in the Quest area of "The Tomb" in the north-east. The exact location is: x 113 - y: 2605 It looks like a bastion or a ancient Rakata Temple at this location. Thank you for your help
  14. Wir grüßen Euch Imperiale, wir wollten diese Möglichkeit auf der Forenplattform nutzen um uns kurz vorzustellen und vielleicht das ein oder andere Interesse bei den Spielern zu wecken, die uns noch nicht kennen. Wer wir sind: Wir die Gilde "Schattenhand" sind eine noch relativ kleine Gemeinschaft aus SWTOR verrückten PvE/PvP/Rp Spielern auf der imperialen Seite. Da wir quer durch die Bank versuchen den gesamten Spielinhalt abzudecken, ist unser eigener Schwerpunkt im Spiel schwer zu definieren. Wir sind seit kurzer Zeit immer öfters in den PvP Arenen anzutreffen und führen die meisten kleineren Raids wie z.B. Schreckensfestung geschlossen und Gildenintern durch. Trotz der Operationen die wir regelmäßig laufen, sind einige unserer Member auch recht RP begeistert und immer mal wieder auf der suche nach etwas Zerstreuung und einem schönen Plot, um den eigengen Charakter im RP weiter zu bringen. Wir arbeiten momentan an unserer Internetpräsenz wie einer Homepage und einem Youtube Auftritt. Ersteres ist bereits vorhanden. Abegesehen von den ganzen Spielinhalten sind wir unter dem Strich eine sehr facettenreiche und hilfsbereite Gilde, bei der die Mitgleider den Kernpunkt und den Schwerpunkt darstellen. Sicher werden Operationen im Spiel auch mit einem gewissen Anspruch gemacht, doch der Spaß steht wie in allen anderen Spielinhalten immer vorne. Was wir suchen: Wir suchen interessante und nette Spieler, die sich gerne gemeinsam den Gruppenherausforderungen stellen oder einfach Fun dabei haben mit mehreren Leuten unterwegs zu sein. Egal ob wir gemeinsam Questen, Instanzen machen oder über die Lehren der dunklen Seite philosophieren, das Gemeinschaftsgefühl steht dabei immer im Vordergrund. Deswegen suchen wir auch kommunikative Spieler, die keine Angst vor TeamSpeak haben und eine gewisse geistige Reife besitzen. xD. Wir hoffen, dass wir Euch damit eine kleine Vororientierung und Übersicht über die Gilde verschaffen konnten und würden uns freuen, wenn ihr uns in Game oder hier per PM kontaktiert, fall ihr interesse daran habt mit uns zusammen zu zocken. Wenn Euch das zusagen sollte, dann scheut Euch nicht anzuschreiben. In Game sind wir unter den unten aufgeführten Namen zu erreichen: Lexias Raobetow Teibord Lyca'an Lycaan'ari Wir sehen uns in Game .
  15. Ich habe die Questreihe abgeschlossen und mich für Khem Val entschieden. Zur Belohnung ist nicht viel zu sagen, es gibt XP, Begleiterpunkte und einen zufriedenen Khem Val. Das wars leider.
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