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  1. I have 4 level 50 Humans. If I had known how the legacy system works, I would have not made them all human but I am wondering if I at least get some consolation with a stacking bonus?
  2. My suggestion is to turn it into a stock market of sorts. Prices of items are determined by supply and demand. Make it across every server so that way, its nearly impossible for a small group of people to buy up everything in order to jack up the price. Something along the lines of Runescape's Grand Exchange would be amazing.
  3. Anyone saying that they think the Empire and Republic are both equally evil, ask yourself this, which one would you rather live in as a regular citizen? The Republic reminds me a lot of the USA, an imperfect union with a twisted prison colony (Gitmo/Belsavis), corrupt politicians, etc. The Empire is like a frothy mix of the worst aspects of the USSR, Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.
  4. I think its obvious that if it were real life, we would all be Republic and rooting for them to win unless you are a psychopath. Its just that in the virtual game world, the rest of sane people get to indulge in some of our darker sides when we play Empire. No one in the right mind would actually want something like the Empire to succeed in the real world.
  5. Do you think the writers have their hands tied too often when it comes making big changes in the universe. Sure, its fun being a canon lawyer but don't you think that Star Wars is a bit overly strict with their canon? I personally would prefer the approach of Marvel which just makes a bunch of new universes for the writers to get freedom in. Or the approach in Star Trek which is a little bit more restricting where only the movies and t.v. series is canon which allows for writers to move about freely while only having to worry about the canon in movies/t.v series.
  6. Better sandcastle? Are you seriously saying that the derivatives works of Star Wars are better than the films? Well that is your opinion but you are in a small minority which I am especially glad George Lucas did not cater to. Also, you are seriously blowing things out of proportion when you say he is throwing a tantrum like a child. Lucas is just trying keep things true to his vision. He should have just closed his "sandbox" to any further works besides in the form of games. He should have just played it like JK Rowling and not allow any further additions to her world she created.
  7. It is too bad that Lucas isn't an author like Rowling or Tolkien who are able to preserve their original message forever in the books. No matter how many movie remakes or derivative works, the original books still stand as the supreme canon and their message trumps everything else derived from it. Most of all, the original books are not edited and remastered after release.
  8. I completely agree. If anyone has a bit of knowledge on Eastern religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, etc would clearly see this represented in the movies. Lucas tries to keep things true to this message and the fans rage and hate at him. I say show the man some respect and appreciation. None of this would be here and we wouldn't be playing TOR or having any discussion were it not for Lucas.
  9. I think the Expanded Universe is trying to stay true to George Lucas' original theme in the movies which is why the EU is mostly lightsided. The reason why no one talks about these events further back is because no one really gives much of a damn just like how in real life we rarely talk about Ancient Rome or Genghis Khan. Are you suggesting to throw all the original canon out the window and start over like Star Trek did in 2009? Or form a new universe like they do every so often in DC Comics or Marvel? Then again, there is not much of difference in the two. Either one isn't going to sit well with the fans or George Lucas who probably has a final say on all this. Lucas has said that the movies are the supreme canon. It would certainly give the Bioware writers more breathing room though but don't count on it. What I think is a terrible and stupid idea is to just cater to the Imperial players simply based on the fact that there are more Imperial players. Any new continuity should have to stay true to the movies.
  10. I absolutely despised him while playing through the Sith Warrior but I think Bioware did a great job in making him a character you love to hate.
  11. Bane was born in 1026 BBY and the Treaty of Coruscant was signed in 3653 BBY.... so you're off by a little more than 500 years. Also, the Empire is gone way before Bane was born. Its a different group of "Sith" (no purebloods) that exists then.
  12. I am not sure on how accurate Wookiepedia is on this but it says the Republic was in existence from 25,034 years until Sidious' Empire in the movies.
  13. Azalie, a minor character from the smuggler storyline, I am pretty sure is Chantal Strand who played Lacus Clyne. I recognized the cute high pitched voice right away.
  14. Not 2641 years. In 2000 BBY, Darth Ruin forms the "New Sith Empire" and there is absolutely no mention of the TOR Sith Empire so we can assume its either completely gone or completely insignificant by then.
  15. So the only thing we know for sure is that the emperor doesn't succeed in consuming the galaxy and that the Empire disappears sometime within the 600 or so years. If the Empire is outright destroyed by the Republic, you would see a bunch of Imperial players rage quit their subscriptions so its either some kind of union between the two or at least a hint that the Empire is going to lose or join the Republic somehow. I think the only thing keeping the Empire together is the Emperor and the Empire will turn on him when they discover he just wants to consume everyone so maybe when the Emperor is finally killed, the Empire will begin to self destruct.
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