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  1. Didn't think people would notice, but I'm glad there were comments. All in all, I think it won't be done because of the foundations currently in place. I could hammer out more details on how I think it could be done, but let's be real: it would probably take an overhaul of the game itself to make it happen and it would be selfish of me to expect that especially of a majority of the playerbase would be happy without it. I think GSF was good on paper, and had a fun start, but it's not pivotal to the game. Dabbling in EVE and playing Star Citizen made me really crave space exploration in SWTOR. I tried SWG (albeit when an indy group restored it, as they described it) and it was crap. To be completely fair, it would be best just to play a different game that offers such mechanics and gameplay in space. I guess it's really the immersion that I think makes a difference. Decor and player-made events in flagships and strongholds have merit. My particular itch has been seeing strongholds and ships being places of utility where you can craft, build, attack, defend, etc., and the success or failure of those pursuits depends on player contribution. I think SWTOR has so much room to expand and build (while also fixing what's currently lacking). I could go on about that, but that would have to be a different thread.
  2. One thing that's in most space-related MMO's is the customization and use of your starship. Many allow you to decide what type of engine, shields, weapons, generators, and other components to install for virtually limitless utility ranging from shuttles, fighters, or freighters. Star Wars is all about starships just as it's about blasters and lightsabers. The game only takes whiffs at starship use with the space battles on tracks and the starfighter matchmaking. Unfortunately, it doesn't really do it justice. It's cool that characters get ships that we get to roam around in and see hyperspace from the cockpit/bridge, but what's missing is truly being able to go to a vendor or crafting profession and obtain engines, plating, or shields. Here's what I think would work for this style of MMO (compared to games like Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen, or EVE Online): 1. Have an entire side of the game dedicated around building starships. Allow players to obtain blueprints for ship classes (fighters, bombers, shuttles, etc) and craft, buy, or even loot components like a chassis, hyperdrive, engines, everything else that a ship comes with in Star Wars. The crafting we currently have can be expanded so many of the professions offer a contribution towards ship-building. Armstech creates cannons and missile launchers, Armortech creates hulls and shields, Cybertech builds power generators and engines, Artifice fabricates crystal chambers for cannon and turbolaser output. 2. Revamp the travel so players can travel via hyperspace where it takes real-time, nothing longer than 15 minutes between the furthest planets, or players can pay a quick travel fee and bypass the real-time aspect. This can also be achieved by offering NPC taxi shuttle services from planet to planet where it's a load screen from point A to point B. 3. Allow NPCs to ambush, chase, or be pursued by players to populate the galaxy while adding quests to escort, bounty hunt, or simply fight boss ships for loot and exp. 4. Allow PvP in both matchmaking and random encounters just like it is planetside where players can fully benchmark their ship configs. 5. Enable guilds to build flagships with various capabilities and engage in PvE or PvP instances for control of planets during guild conquests which would comprise of both air and ground combat. In guilds, players would combine their resources and crafting expertise to contribute towards guild ship construction, which can take days or weeks depending on guild size and focus. With aerial combat and free ship use, the guild in control would be given a location on the map to build a stronghold that comes with defenses against rival guilds seeking to (re)claim the planet. I think it can be done and will take quite some time to develop, but I've always felt that the space side of SWTOR is a virtually untapped side of the game that's severely limited in what it does dabble in. Considering it's moving to both cloud and 64-bit platforms, I think it can be done or at least given the groundwork to have content added. With starships, guilds, small parties, and solo players could have a greater role to play in their own experience as well as witnessing what I think could be the full potential of guild conquests.
  3. What kinds of information do you use to decide when to make a purchase? If you could have more information what would you want? I think the GTN needs to be formatted to have a cap on all items depending on tier (bronze, silver, etc.) and the abundance (rarity) of like items for sale. For instance, if a platinum-tier item is for sale, it should come with a maximum value. Let's say 1M. No one can sell a platinum-tier item for any more than 1M credits. As more people post the same item, the price would naturally decrease as people want to be the better bargain. The approach could be that certain price tags have allotments. So, let's that platinum item being sold for 1M is the only one of that specific item that can be sold for 1M. After that, players have to lower their prices as the GTN will reject the post. Alternatively, the GTN could automatically be set to lower the price at programmed integers. There would be a cap at how low the prices can go in order to prevent items from being sold for free. So, the platinum-tier item is found 50 times and as 1M is the highest it can be sold for, the lowest could be 100K. That would mean that the next best tier (gold) would be at a cap of 100K. The hierarchy would continue one through silver and bronze. I'm sure this is very complicated, but much of the playerbase can agree that many have ungodly high prices that make it virtually impossible for anyone to buy them. It would take people buying credits from 3rd party entities which then adds to the inflation problem.
  4. I think palpatine was nerfed a bit, but then again yoda was too since he's a jedi grandmaster. I think yoda could have won, but i havent read the books or learned more on palpatine's story so i admit my knowledge is lacking, but there is one point i have not seen anywhere on blogs: the will of the Force. A friend of mine pointed out that it wasn't yoda's place to defeat the Emperor. It was the Chosen One's place, hence the whole purpose of his existence: to bring balance to the Force. The Jedi/lightside was the first to fall, then palpatine/the darkside was next after decades.
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