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  1. 16-man Dread Palace Nightmare Mode - Progression Tracking https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Am7Kaie2gWW_dHV6bWx5c2dTeXlSMm1sWXdnRnNjQ3c&usp=sharing NOTE: this thread is NOT for discussion purposes. Please only post on this thread with your kills follow the correct format. Please post all kill times here with the following format: Guild name Time of kill (use UTC) Your server (only needed for first kill/post) Your region (please post as US or EU) The required proof is a kill shot with: UTC timestamp overlayed (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fullscreen.html?n=1440) Proof of mode: either through operations leader (right click and show 16 Nightmare Mode) or by capturing the achievement announcement Alternatively, you can provide a picture of the achievement, but this needs to be done in front of the corpse with your guild together, guild tag showing, and boss corpse highlighted with boss HP visible. May the Force be with you!
  2. Updated! When the nightmare buff for Dread Fortress gets removed, this thread will be considered closed and I'll start a new one for Dread Palace.
  3. Updated! Grats to Ace and SG. 12 guilds are now on the board, it's great to see the number of 16-man guilds rising!
  4. Updated as of 12:17am EST.... 6 guilds reporting in. Looks like Brontes is the big prize... good luck!
  5. 16-man Dread Fortress Nightmare Mode - Progression Tracking https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Am7Kaie2gWW_dFpJUm1vbGV5NVFPRWhoLVE2ejREV3c&usp=sharing NOTE: this thread is NOT for discussion purposes. Please only post on this thread with your kills follow the correct format. Please post all kill times here with the following format: Guild name Time of kill (use UTC) Your server (only needed for first kill/post) Your region (please post as US or EU) The required proof is a kill shot with: UTC timestamp overlayed (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fullscreen.html?n=1440) Proof of mode: either through operations leader (right click and show 16 Nightmare Mode) or by capturing the achievement announcement Alternatively, you can provide a picture of the achievement, but this needs to be done in front of the corpse with your guild together, guild tag showing, and boss corpse highlighted with boss HP visible. May the Force be with you!
  6. Even if it's after the race is over we love to see the videos! But it's optional.
  7. Greetings Gentlebeings, The time has come again for Nightmare progression! This thread is to open up discussion on 16-man progression tracking. We (Chosen) have been very happy with the way that past progression has been run, and do not plan on changing it. But if there is a broad consensus in the 16man community for an adjustment, we will give it consideration. To review, the scoring system that's been in use since S&V HM: The first guild to kill each boss is awarded 10,000 points. Points for every kill after that decay over time. Bosses 1&2 decay 0.5 points per hour Bosses 3&4 decay 1 point per hour Boss 5 decays at 2 points per hour This system was used for these reasons: The time system protects against some of the most common complaints: nerf protection (by killing something pre-nerf, you get extra time on the next boss, and in many cases, the first kill on the next boss which gets you extra points anyway). Timezone protection: timezones/raid start times are less problematic, because you aren't dealing with static points, you are often just losing very few points, and by scaling the first couple bosses down, you are affected even less by timezone issues. Last kill being most important: the first guild to clear the entire instance is at an advantage due to the last boss's points decaying at 2x normal rate. Default points set to 10,000: to prevent the last boss from being obsolete from latecomers since it deteriorates faster - to prevent a guild who has killed all but one fight, and has quit, from being ranked higher than a guild that managed to kill all the bosses and is still active And for proof of kill, we want to emphasize and encourage kill videos/streams. It's the absolute best way to verify a kill. The required proof is a kill shot with: UTC timestamp overlayed (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fullscreen.html?n=1440) Proof of mode: either through operations leader (right click and show 16 Nightmare Mode) or by capturing the achievement announcement (these screenshots are personally my favorite) Alternatively, you can provide a picture of the achievement, but this needs to be done in front of the corpse with your guild together, guild tag showing, and boss corpse highlighted with boss HP visible. I'd like to hear from all the 16-man guilds participating, and encourage new ones to join in! I'll start the official tracking thread on Monday.
  8. <Chosen> Dread Council - 10/8 at 2:02 AM UTC http://i.imgur.com/MXUJGq5.jpg
  9. <Chosen> Empire, Prophecy of the Five, US East Calphayus - Oct 3 1:18 AM UTC http://i.imgur.com/e9Cag2O.jpg Raptus - Oct 3 1:56 AM UTC http://i.imgur.com/0yyf1xb.jpg
  10. I sense great fear in you, Dread Masters. Just as I told Heirad and the Dread Guards just before I killed them -- WE are the Chosen. I have led armies through Denova, Asation, and Darvannis. Hunting you. Disrupting every move you make. I've killed more Trandoshan Trenchgutters than you can possibly imagine. Even Bo Zarran and his snipers and demolitionists couldn't stop me. I have recruited legions of the Empire's best snipers and marauders to continue this pursuit until every Dread Master lays dead at my feet. Releasing you from the Belsavis prison was a mistake, but that mistake will soon be corrected. See you on Oricon, I will enjoy taking your palace for myself.
  11. <Chosen> Olok the Shadow - 8/15 at 10:14pm ET http://imgur.com/PC8dBDl Cartel Warlords - 8/16 at 12:04am ET http://imgur.com/me3zDZH
  12. 16-man Cartel Warlords 2670 DPS - Saros - Chosen - Sorcerer - Madness - 5/5/36 http://www.torparse.com/a/386676/20/0/Damage+Dealt
  13. 16-man Nightmare Dread Guards 2355 DPS - Saros - Chosen - Sorcerer - Madness - 5/5/36 http://www.torparse.com/a/385256/14/0/Damage+Dealt 16-man Nightmare Kephess 3222 DPS - Saros - Chosen - Sorcerer - Madness - 5/5/36 http://www.torparse.com/a/385256/27/0/Damage+Dealt 16-man Titan 6 2174 DPS - Saros - Chosen - Sorcerer - Madness - 5/5/36 http://www.torparse.com/a/385257/5/0/Damage+Dealt
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