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  1. Since you wanted to know how we see your ideas here's what I think about them. This is purely from a PvE pov since that's what i play 99% of the time. Rage/Fury: Seems good, would be interesting to see if they'd implement new forms. Madness: 20% healing is really strong. That's probably too much. Hatred 1: Making CC relevant in a rotation isn't a good idea. Hatred 2: Assuming you mean that the damage the charge deals heals for 15% this seems like an interesting idea. Hatred 3: Reducing the maximum health of an op boss is just... wrong. Hatred would become way too strong. And a third dot isn't what this specc needs in my opinion. Hatred 4: Way too much rng, too hard to balance. Hatred 5: Same as Hatred 1 Darkness: Maybe too strong, 15% seems too much. Carnage 1: I like this. Carnage 2: Gapcloser in a rotation aren't a good idea either. Marksmanship: Well ... The damage needs to be high enough to justify the 8sec cast time, so it'll be really strong, especially as an opener. But then you'll generate so much threat that every tank will hate you. And don't let me start about PvP... Engineering: Seems like a really interesting ability. But on multi target encounters the damage may be too random. Maybe make it so that the probe attacks your main target or smt like that Deception: I like the idea of this, if it works like retaliation (?) for juggernaut tanks. Lightning: I don't play lightning but generally speaking I like it. Maybe make the damage high enough so it's viable to use on a single target (or implement proccs so it ticks faster etc). Otherwise I don't see a reason for changing force storm. Concealment: If this is supposed to be a channeled attack I don't like it, because I feel it doesn't fit the play style. If it isn't I like it. Arsenal Mercenary: Arsenal already has a filler ability, do I don't see a reason to give them a new one. And adding a cool down to this ability would probably defeat the purpose of replacing an ability without a cool down. Maybe you could use it as a filler for aoe situations (?). Arsenal 2: This would probably look really awesome. Make it deal high enough damage to make it viable using on a single target and it's perfect. AP PT 1&2: Again, gap closer shouldn't be used/needed in a single target scenario. AP PT 3: Yeah why not. At least for PvE I don't see why they shouldn't get a proper execute. AP PT 4: Take the discipline with the highest burst and add ... more burst? I can already see the tanks screaming in pain and the pvpers crying for nerfs. Vengeance 1: Seems like a good idea. Vengeance 2: During my last TFB run there was like one time where I was able to use retaliate. So for this to be viable you need some kind of procc so it's possible to use our without any restrictions. Annihilation 1: I don't need to explain how op this would be, right? Annihilation 2: This would be really useless in PvE. Too much rng and not enough occasions where you can use it. That's what I think about your suggestions. While I really like the ideas behind most of them they are either to strong or kind of useless in PvE most of the time. But I'm not pro so I may have missed something.
  2. Honestly? This is just wrong. It's hard and you should know a bit about your class/spec but it's in no way exclusive to hardcore raiders.
  3. Since you seem to be a casual pve'er I assume you won't spend much time in pvp and even less time in HM ops. So it comes down to this: You want to tank or like a dps class that makes you feel like playing a tough guy who just beats down his enemies? Juggernaut But if you know you don't want to tank and you'd like to have a wider variety of dps play styles while being more acrobatic in general (annihilation is a small exception): Marauder You'll probably have an easier time in pvp when playing a juggernaut but in the end it won't matter too much if you it isn't your main activity.
  4. Erst einmal Danke für diesen Guide. Ich habe schon viele Guids gelesen, aber dein Guide war der einzige der mir wirklich geholfen hat alles zu verstehen Da nun aber mit 2.0 vor allem Schnelligkeit stark an Nutzen gewinnt (verringerter GCD etc) und auch sonst vieles geändert wird wollte ich fragen ob denn ein Update/eine Neuauflage des Guids geplant ist? Würde es mir auf jeden Fall wünschen Lg Nailedor
  5. Ich muss dazu sagen, dass ich mich hier auf meine Erfahrungen stütze und mich haptsächlich aufs PvP als Stealth-DD beziehe. zu 1.: DDs ( vor allem Melees )/ Tanks: Der Opener stört zwar kurz, danach hat man nur noch Überladungsschuss als Lückenfüller bis die anderen (nützlichen) Fähigkeiten ausm CD sind. Healer hingegen können sich, wenn man in sein "DMG-Loch" fällt, problemlos wieder hochheilen und auf Unterstützung warten. zu 2.: Ich habe meinen Sabo als DD aufgegeben, da der Schaden ab lvl 50 zu wenig ist. Wenn ich Einzelziele treffe bekomme ich sie meist auf nur ca 30-50% TP. Und während mir die Luft ausgeht fahren die anderen Klassen DMG/bekommen kaum DMG/healen sich hoch. Ich war anfangs mit sehr viel Spaß dabei, aber letztendlich hab ich zu spüren bekommen dass der Sabo totgenerft wurde. Abschließend sind meine Erfahrungen im Endkontent als DD so schlecht gewesen, dass ich es bleiben ließ. Ohne Unterstützung überlebt man die Kämpfe (gegen starke Gegner) zwar , aber da man nur noch Lückenfüller während der ewiglangen CDs nutzen kann wird das sehr schnell langweilig und man sehnt sich nach seinem Twink/Main. Man sollte den Sabo vll nicht zu alter Stärke verleihen, aber bessere/mehr Lückenfüller oder geringerer CD auf den Haupt-DMG-Spells sollte es schon sein.
  6. Da du ja aufgrund der Story alleine spielen willst würde ich dir den Assa empfehlen ;D Ich hab die Story zwar als Hexer gespielt aber sie ist deutlich geiler und der Bossgegner am Ende ist auch als ein solcher zu erkennen^^ Hoffe es nutzt noch da die Antwort nun wirklich sehr spät kommt.
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