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10 Good
  1. New jugg Biggest Hit 11264 - http://i44.tinypic.com/a09dox.jpg
  2. To be honest if you have to read all this crap to be good... you Shouldn't play this game... its just not for you... Sniper is one of the easiest classes to play in the game.... Pew pew pew hunker down pew pew knockback pew pew pew... you win..... if your really spending time reading this your sad.
  3. ^ this link amazing video...
  4. https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/299227_362957060488035_1973600554_n.jpg You gotta put on your training helmet first.
  5. Nah its cause 2.0 is coming and with all the Double XP weekends people are leveling alts and queing for 50 pvp with no idea on how to play their class..
  6. Unicorns helping the server.... that's what we do, we care about the people and not the people
  7. Cates Doesn't CARE http://www.ld-fifty.com/easy-pickings/jedi-covenant-trash-talk/ You took time outta your life to review a 1 hour video and post each word...
  8. Post all your Unicorn hate here.... We log this for future warzones
  9. so cool that we are always talked about...
  10. Lol at about 2:29 troy says u know we don't need to cap we got them on kills... plus u can hear people talking about hotdogs in the backround pretty sure they didn't care lol... i mean 60 kills to 10....
  11. LOL this looks like a typical US Farming in Voidstar... get good kid If you look in your video... No one was even capping the door... you got farmed hahahaha
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