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  1. Pretty much this, although i don't like this methodology, it is what it is I tend to be a bit more lenient than most when it comes to that, but anyone can say they know the fights, then get in there, and cause wipes because they were lying.
  2. "Feedback" isnt what this forum provides. Insults, whining, and drama are what this forum provides
  3. Just checked Twitter and found out that they have a stream of Open PTS GSF at 7pm CST, which is the same time as they are planning on opening it up!
  4. just because you were unable to find a match when you were searching, doesn't mean that it wasnt thoroughly tested internally, and that others weren't able to test it efficiently. I have yet to run into a problem when i have went to PTS to test content, always at least one or two groups of people taking it seriously, and usually more As for the current issue with the exploiting of the arena rating system I applaud you Bioware, people that choose to stoop to this deserve to be actioned, take your time and make sure the fix sticks, and hopefully this will deter others from trying to cheapen the experience for others
  5. It was, but as people who play MMOs regulary know, it is impossible to catch every possible bug, and every possible exploit on PTS. There are some people (sadly) who aren't good at the game, and so they devote all of their time to find any way possible to abuse the system.
  6. Wookie = no, doesn't speak basic Kilik = no, doesn't speak basic Jawa = no, doesn't speak basic Droid = no, just no
  7. shouldnt have been able to get them in the first place to be honest, not supposed to be able to take names that belong to characters from the movies or games
  8. Nice fancy math followed by a statement that is most certainly untrue You really think that there are less than 100k people subbed to TOR currently? I wouldn't be so bold as to think that Bioware would give me exact sub numbers, but would be more than bold enough to think that Bioware could easily confirm there are well over 100k people subbed to TOR
  9. For this statement to be true, WoW had to have invented the style of MMO this game is based off of....sadly what the majority of people who say this fail to realize....is that WOW DIDNT INVENT THIS STYLE OF MMO, they copied it from MMOs that were successful in the past.
  10. so, they lost subs after an expansion, about 2 million of them, and yet they are doing good. Logic for the win i guess No game is ever going to match what WoW did, nor would WoW do it again if it was released today, it was a freak occurrance and the market ( and playerbase) are different now
  11. Im Surprised anyone took this article even remotely serious, considering who started this thread, me personally? i know Nagus to be quite the troll on these forums, and have a hard time taking anything he throws on the forums to be anything other than bait
  12. you mean aside from subscribers getting 50% off of first purchase of CC right? because that isnt a reward for being a subscriber or anything
  13. thats what you call a space sim? This is what i call a space sim http://www.robertsspaceindustries.com
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