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  1. Ilum PVP to me is a grind with no strategy involved. I don't ever go there unless i have to do the weekly/ daily. It does show the lack of emphasis placed on end game world pvp by BW and its a shame as i thought the 3 wzs were done quite well. Changing the concept of Ilum pvp so quickly after launch is a clear sign the devs wished they had spent more time and effort to come up with a more creative, engaging and fun pvp model. A revamp of the concept is required to inject playability into the zone. People should feel like doing an Ilum run apart from the weekly/ daily requirements. There are a plethora of pvp concepts in the market and having a look at them and perhaps plagarising some of them might not be such a bad idea.
  2. Soloed this easy. Had Mako out which helped with the interupting. Basiclly just...interupt their heals. U have the electro dart (on the trail resets it), quell and Carbonize and add in Mako u have enough interupts to do this. Fight in between them and aoe sometimes to make them have to heal themselves so they don't both concentrate their heals on just one. Once one is down your gold.
  3. 12.15.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to play 12.13.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Standard Edition 12.07.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch 12.07.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Standard Edition Pre-Order No email yet but my play button lighted up Have heart fellow decemberists, you'll get in tomorrow.
  4. Happy Bday Mr Reid Don't leave the office til you've sent out december invites though please And best wishes for the new year ahead!
  5. The passion in this post...i'm gaining strength. Strength gives me power! Through power i gain victory! Through victory, my chains are broken! The OP shall free me!
  6. Tell her that your gonna initiate order 69 tonight
  7. I'd say its quite similiar in the fashion you have described. Get quest from quest giver> go to quest area> kill/ click x > head back to quest giver The above would be the general structure of a quest. However, what is different is that they have added some changes to most of the quests for e.g 1) Bonus quests - these pop up when you are in the midst of a quest sometimes. Say you have a quest to kill 10 npcs. In the midst of killing them, a new quest pops up telling you that these npcs have droid buddies that you may kill for added xp. You kill said droids and complete the bonus mission. 2) Story telling element provides some options - Sometimes you will find that there are more than one way to hand in a mission. For e.g NPC A tells you to get a datapad for him. Before heading over to mission area, NPC B calls out to you and tells you that you should give it to her instead for some added credits. You head out, find said datapad and now have a choice of which NPC to hand in the quest to. Handing in the mission item to a different NPC might reward you differently or affect your light/ dark side alignment. Maybe NPC A wants to use the datapad to destroy the world while NPC B wants to destroy it to save the world. You get the idea. This is a big part of the leveling process and tbh it seems to be keeping me interested in actually reading (and listening to the voice overs) the mission story. Will it take longer to level up because you listen to all the stories? Yea but not much i'd imagine. 3) Different class missions - Usually in an mmo, if you choose to level an alt, chances are you will be repeating alot of quests to level up. The thing about SWTOR is that each class has a different story and thus a different set of class missions. You will not be able to do a class mission of another class but then there are general missions that are common to any class. This is not to say you wont repeat any missions but at least the missions that mean something to your class are going to be different albeit yes they will be kill/ Click Y instead of kill/ click X. 4) Space missions - There is an option for you to level up with space missions which is basically a shooter on rails. Missions are not as varied as many hope but at least its an option if you want to get away from the usual ground missions. In summary, i don't see any other game out there that has broken away from the kill/ click x mould and it would take some really ingenious creativity to change it. At least when i played this game during beta i didn't feel like such a grind with the above mentioned points. If you played Mass Effect and Dragonage by Bioware, you already have a pretty good idea about how questing would be like in SWTOR. Just throw in the added element of having other player characters around you and possibility to group up with others to do your quests. The only game i could think of that really had a different kind of leveling experience was SWG. I leveled a crafter (think i was droid engineer first) in the early stage of the game and while i did not need to kill a single rat to level up, i had to make loads of stuff with tons of clicking. I had a blast though and really enjoyed SWG when it was good and have never felt the mmo element more in any other game. Quick intro: I beta tested 2 of the last weekends for SWTOR and played several mmos including WoW, SWG, FFXI, AoC, Warhammer, Aeon(only beta), CoH/ CoV, DCUO & GW (if considered an mmo)
  8. 7th Dec redeemer. Was sorting out language version queries and stuff before going out to pre-order a copy. Also didn't order until i tried the game and liking what i saw (played last two weekend betas) Looking forward to jump back into the universe this friday, one can hope i guess:D
  9. I think the OP has made some valid points. I hope the developers see this thread and know about some of our concerns. I mean having a server maintenance happen during our usual playtime just to be in line with the US would be disappointing. Maybe they could have different maintenance timings for servers on the two continents. On another note, we do pay more to play this game than the Americans. Monthly subscription fee is 19.99CHF (swiss francs) which equates to about US$21. And i'd wager that we paid more for the copy of the game already. This is all fine but at least have us equal if not better.
  10. You still need to wait for EA or launch to be able to play.
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