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  1. Yup enjoy paying your sub to ride around in a egg shaped speeder in easter, while other mmos do quality imaginitave events and content for the player bases....lol buddy.
  2. I am considering cancelling my sub because of this. Subscribers have to pay for this rubbish it should at leat be an event, bioware this is totally insulting to your subscriber base, the people who ok'd this are not fit to make decicions on the game they are managing. The life day stuff on the market:- Look rubbish. Are expensive. Have no imagination with regards to the starwars universe. Are a total joke. They must be joking with this garbage....they must be...
  3. For a price even though I subscribe....getting warmer HO HO HO! Seriously all us guys have dedicated hours of our time to this game and this is why we are on this forum, we want it to work and have fun and immersion but they can be serious churning out this cack and expecting us to pay extra for it can they seriuosly?
  4. Nope you assume wrong, just a point that really annoyed me today. We are allowed to make a single non encompassing point in one post....
  5. An in game mail with attchments can be deleted, you miss the point its the sentiment behind the cost and quality of the items and the context they are used within game and season, its a missed oppertunity.
  6. Post a +1if they should instantly remove the life day pack as a overpriced purchasable pack and re sub it as a reward to all subscribers for supporting bioware/ea through there cataclysmic game decisions. Go on bio scrooge lets see if you really care about the people who pay your wages HO HO HO
  7. Life day items are just a epic fail its should be available in an event for subscribers, epic fail Bioware epic fail.
  8. Right this has annoyed me so much, after 12 years of playing mmos I have never been so incensed as to write post on a forum. I need to vent, what the hell bioware seriously what are you guys doing to this game? I have supported and subscribed since launch but WHAT the hell! Purchasable ljfe day crap serously a super expensive mount with fairy lights on are you kidding, spend some time on developing a event the community can be part of instead of placing reskinned rubbish on the cartel market, oh and the fire works are a joke you should have just not bothered you guys have missed the mark big time.
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