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10 Good

Personal Information

  • Location
    On my ship, with a rather large wookie.
  • Interests
    Spice, Bantha Hunting, Smuggling runs to Corellia, Hoth Chocolate drinking competitions, PIE!
  • Occupation
    Pirate Lord of the galaxy. Healing Master.
  1. Well using my knowledge of the lore, I'd go in this order: Jedi Knight Inquisitor Warrior Consular Agent Trooper Bounty Hunter Smuggler
  2. I better still have Bowadaar, or there will be hell to pay.
  3. I'll be RPing a commander of the imperial guardsmen on my imperial agent. Loyal to the TRUE Emperor until my last breath.
  4. Sith Warrior, Imperial Agent, Smuggler are all great stories. A word of advice, I did my agent story as a sniper, and I felt it would have been more accurate/more iconic if I was an operative, just due to all the sneaking around and what not, I didn't feel a sniper filled the role as well. I'm not sure how deep your RPing goes tho, JMHO. My list of favorites in descending order: Jedi Knight/Sith warrior Imperial Agent Smuggler Bounty Hunter Sith inquisitor Trooper Jedi Consular
  5. True, but at the end of the day if you were to step out of line in the presence of a high profile sith lord they would put you down. Most of the other classes don't have that type of pressure.
  6. Musco just addressed my question on his live-stream. He said that they don't plan on implementing cross continent transfers in the foreseeable future, as there are "business problems" involved with such things. I'm not sure what that means, but there we go.
  7. Ranking freedom in my opinion who has played all classes: Major spoilers for most classes, so be warned. 1) Smuggler, answers to no one he/she merely gets dragged into situations as a means for the developers to advance the class storyline. 2) Bounty Hunter, not quite as much freedom as the smuggler as you do occasionally take orders, but you're still pretty close to the smuggler in terms of freedom . 3) Sith Warrior 4) Jedi Consular 5) Sith Inquisitor 6) Jedi Knight 7) Imperial Agent 8) Trooper takes orders from everyone the whole game and is pretty much a yes/no sir the whole story. Bottom of the totem pole.
  8. As the title says, is there any hope 3.0 will finally allow cross continent character transfers (ie EU-->US)? 3.0 will be a big update, so why not add something many people have requested for quite some time. Its been mentioned that technology is NOT the reason for the delay for this much desired service.I like many other players are eagerly awaiting to put more money into your pockets Bioware. And before anyone chimes in that I should just start a new toon, I'd say that I simply have too much time invested into some characters. I have too much gear (a lot thats no longer obtainable) and credits just to just throw it all away and start from scratch. I'd love to see a DEV response.
  9. Bring back some of the old armor skins that they removed (IE pvp) and make them orange craft able. Whoever designed the Obroan skins should be drug through the streets and beaten with a stick.
  10. You're required to have top tier pvp gear "in order to move through progressively more difficult" ranked pvp. Only pre 55's need not worry about getting the best pvp gear.
  11. Well, assuming you're not trolling... You should be able to hold your own, or outmatch most classes except your anti-class which are assassins (and even then you should stand a chance if you have cooldowns ready). I'd ask if you're playing as a lowbie, or 55. If you're a lowbie then I would say make sure you have decent gear (blues), and just keep practicing. If you're 55 and having trouble, its most likely a gear issue. There are plenty of guides online for sniper rotations, so I'd google them to make sure you're proceeding in the right direction.
  12. Pretty much this. And as far as his Foundry disappearance, many speculated that he uses some sort of teleportation as show in both the Star Wars EU as well as in the game with the shadow/assassin teleport. It's just now the speculations have been proven correct. The real question is what happens now? Obviously we all know the Republic wins, in the end. So will Revan be the key, the catalyst that leads to a Republic victory? Or will we see Revan once again defeated before he unleashes his master plans? And if we defeat Revan, will he be killed (truly), presumably killed (perhaps leaving mystery of his fate to the players imagination), incarcerated (by either the Republic or Empire) or redeemed again by the Jedi (perhaps even his own great granddaughter).
  13. I can't decide if you're trolling or just obnoxious. But I'll go with trolling.
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