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    Controller and Project Manager
  1. LOL...oh that pesky Davionix..... if he doesn't steal kills, he even dares to lag..... Perhaps we should ambush him in his stronghold and spank him for these sinful missbehaivors?! No seriously, the lag peaks hit a lot of people here and there, but i really don't think that is that bad when one in a match has some lag probs, as the boring GS overload matched with piloting skill lacking people who can only win by this BS. Greetings Maverîck / MvonRichthoven The Red Eclipse
  2. Yes I do, because the community of players who actually do play GSF is very small and is decreasing drastically with the increase of those GS overloaded matches. I created characters on most servers to see how long the waiting time is that a GSF match actually opens. On most servers the waiting time is sometimes up to half an hr. and only on The Red Eclipse do we still have decent waiting times that matches open. But a lot of my friends are not playing GSF anymore only because of those ridiculous 4+ GS and 2 Bomber Setups in a 8 man match, and they will only start playing GSF again, when those BS setups are not happening anymore.
  3. Sorry, but I for my part have whatever 1000 matches in Scouts, about 100 in strike fighter but only 8 in GS and 2 in a Bomber. Even tho i do have them all mastered, but i just can't stand flying GS or Bombers. So just like me prefering Scouts, there are other people who prefer the Strike Fighter, others the GS, etc. But many are more or less forced to fly a GS or a Scout to be able to stand against those nasty floods of GS, since that's the only way to go against them successfully. Are they happy with being forced to fly a GS hunting Scout, when they love their Strike Fighter? I seriously doubt it! But if there would only be 2 of those pests...ehmmm...GS allowed in an 8 vs. 8 match, they can be dealt with in a Strike Fighter.
  4. Oh i totally agree. In fact, since GSF is for the most part brought over from Star Wars Galaxies, they should even implement that level circle we had in SWG. That you had to fly a certain amount of missions and complete xxx to gain another Level of piloting and with that unlocking the right to use certain ship classes, technology level and abilities. This would also make the match making a lot easier, plus there wouldn't be any piloting skill lacking people flying around in GS and be on top of kill lists, when they would have to earn the right to fly a GS first.
  5. With all due respect to all suggestions in this threat thus far, it is still a mere fakt that every single strategic oriented game was based on the stone, scissors, paper principle. I send my cavalry after swordsman, because they just run over them, but when pike men show up, i retreat my cavalry, because the pikes kill my horses easily, as well as the swords man easily kill the pike men. When I bring a balance into the spread of each and focus on each strength and weakness, then there is not really a need for altering individual types. BUT, unfortunately the group setups in GSF These days go in the direction of having in an 8 vs. 8 match about 4 GS, 2-3 Bombers and 1 or at best 2 fighter ships. In my personal opinion this is due to lack of piloting skills of individuals, as well as the mere over power of those gunships, due to their range advantage and no warning whatsoever that they load up their weapon against a poor Scout or Strike Fighter, who will then die as more or less one shot, without any skill in piloting involved in that kill whatsoever. Take on the other hand a match of FTP Players, were there are just Scouts and Strike Fighters in, they are so much mor fun to play. Dog fights as one would expect when hearing the word "Galactic Star Fighter", and those fights are pretty balanced. The Strike Fighters pack a havier load of firepower and to make up for that the Scouts move and turn a bit faster. Peachy! The whole trouble starts when the GS and Bombers are brought in. Whether it is T1, T2, or whatever Tier. Because then there is no more dog fighting, then you have to watch as priority where those pesky GS are hiding and that you are not in sight and range of them, or you are dead meat. Hence there Needs to be something that can co against them to take the edge of them away, at least a little bit. Well, this can pretty much only be done by Scouts, due to their fast movement and the punch of firepower they pack. But if the Scout targeted by a GS while approaching it and doesn't avoid their shot with a barrel roll or flying waves, then they die in most cases with one hit. So noone can really say the GS have nothing to defend themselves against the Scouts. A Condor and equivalent on Imp side (whatever it is called), can even switch to Burst Lasers and Cluster Missiles when a Scout approaches. That evens out the fire power, but the shield and armor advantage is still with the GS. Looking at Bombers in Domination matches is a chapter by itself in this Story. How can it be, that a single concussion mine blows up a completely healthy Scout with one hit, when the Bombers were only meant to be support ships? Three of them at a satalite and it is a suicidal Mission for any Scout if trying to attack that satelite. Even with the EMP Explosion of the Nova Dive is just a 5 sec break of all those mine explosions and in that time no satelite can be conquered. The EMP Missiles of the FT-6 Pike are more or less useless, since they only have about 6000 meter range. Here would be a moment to utilize GS well, if they would take out all those nasty mine fields, that the fighters can move in and conquer the satelite and deal with the ships defending it. Again a wonderful stone, scissors, paper scenario, which unfortunately never gets utilized as that and people rather wine about imbalancing, because all they really care about is how to catapult themselves to the top of the kill list, instead of looking at the picture as a whole. (reference: all those suggesting to give the Strike Fighter a better turn rate, that they turn like Scouts, but don't touch the fire power, nor the shields, nor Def abilities, nerf the Scouts but make the GS even stronger, basically all only seeing the direct advantage of their own personally prefered class, without thinking about the impact of those changes in the entire picture.) ....For example: When the CD of Barrel Roll and Distortion Field was increased, my personal kill / death ratio with my Flashfire went from 7.8 down to 3. That's how severe even a slight change, like increasing a CD of 2 Def abilities, can become. So let's cut through the chase and call the child by its name. The Setups of the ships are as they are now what is required to be at least somewhat able to stand against those GS floods and any change on just one class would terribly mess up the whole. Therefore if anything needs changing, than that we need a spread limitation, that there can only be a certain number of each class per match. Just like it is when signing up in the Group Finder for Flashpoints and OPS, where i select my role up front; in this case by the available ships i put in my selection and that the class which is full gets grayed out, or something like that. For example for every 4 Players in the match 1 GS and 1 Bomber, ...etc. max, that in a full house (12 vs. 12) there could only be a max of 3 GS and 3 Bombers, etc. - Or reduce the fire power of ALL, - Or increase the Shields / Defense abilities, so that this dieing in seconds comes to an end, that the survival rate, or so to say life span of pilots gets a bit increased, and that there will be some sort of warning when being targeted by a GS.
  6. Well, in my personal opinion there isn't much that can be done against a Horde of GS and Bombers, when they all nest at one Point, covering each other and being covered by a huge mine field. In fact i would even say that defies the purpose of the name Galactic "Star Fighter" by far. So all you can hope for in a Scenario like that is to sit far beyond the range of those GS, wait and hope they move eventually out of that nasty mine field and out of the cover of the other GS around. Even tho I really do support the idea of some sort of tactical play and not just having dog fights all along, were it all just Comes down to flying in circles around each other and the one with the better turn rate wins. But the power of GS and Bombers has gotten way out of hand and Balance, that we do have to face those ridiculous scenarios that a Setup contains 5 GS and 3 Bombers out of 8 players in the match. With a Setup like that i have seen Deathmatches ending with a score of something like 10 : 8 because both sides just sat back and waited for the one breaking out of the group and moving in on the enemy to get a kill wich is not automatically also a suicidal mission. I really doubt that was the Intention of Bioware to have matches ending like that, when the primary goal is to win the match at 50 kills. Hence in my opinion the only decent solution is if Bioware would limit the spread of ships. For example for every 4 Players in the match 1 GS and 1 Bomber, so it would be a maximum of 3 GS and 3 Bombers, each side, in a full house 12 man vs. 12 man match. So that each player selects at queing, just like with flashpoints in Group Finder, what role he / she would like to be in the next match and then getting an available role assigned. With a solution like that it would also be much more intersting for new players with unmastered ships and only having the Scout and the Strike Fighter available, to play somewhat decent matches, when they don't have to go in "tin cans" against 5 mastered GS. Or, Bioware reduces the strength of those "Tactical Support" ships back to what they are supposed to be, only Support and not the primary power in matches.
  7. I looked at GSF at different Servers and the shortest waiting time in GSF ques is definitely on The Red Eclipse.
  8. This was already in other games and turned out into a huge mess. I just say AQ in WoW the Hammer. Only 1 could get it and hit the Gong to open AQ for the Server. End of it was that those with the Hammer stood there demanding x Million credits or they don't open it and therefore no AQ raiding would have been possible for anyone on that Server. Bottom line, Blizzard had to ban a lot of accounts because of the greed connected with that. I don't know if that is so desirable again.
  9. Transfer von PvP auf PvE Server. Jetzt ist ja nun das wunderbare Bäumchen wechsel dich Event schonmal angelaufen. Sicher ist es auch vollkommen nachvollziehbar, dass man irgendwo einen Anfang machen muss und dann im Fortlauf dann ggf. mehrere Optionen Verfügbar werden könnten. Nun ist jedoch die Problematik für alle mehr oder minder die Selbe, dass wir gewissermassen auf toten Servern stecken und der einzige Ausweg von einem toten Server auf einen anderen toten Server ist, um dort in großer Hoffnung wieder Leben einzuhauchen. Was ja ansich nicht viel anders ist, als mit Derivaten zu handeln und darauf zu hoffen, dass der Deal nicht sauer wird und man quasi vom Regen in die Traufe kommt und dann wieder nur mit einer Handvoll Leuten auf dem neuen Zielserver dann steckt und bis dahin endlos viel wertvolle Zeit ins Land zieht, die man wesentlich sinnvoller verbringen könnte, wenn man gleich auf einen anständigen Server wechseln könnte. Denn rein von der Logik her dürfte es doch nicht die Welt an Problemen verursachen, wenn ich technisch in der Lage bin von A nach B zu verschieben, dann sollte auch von A nach F, oder K möglich sein. Meine Situation ist nun für mich recht schwierig, weil unsere Gilde damals zum Pre-release auf Darth Revans Mask platziert wurde. Also haben wir natürlich alle dort unsere Chars kreiert. DRM ist nun aber dummerweise ein PvP Server und ich bin wohl der allergrößte PvP hasser, den man sich nur denken kann und das ist dann grad nur halb zum Ausdruck gebracht, wie sehr ich PvP hasse. 3 Chars hab ich auf 50 und weitere auf dem Weg dahin. Jedoch nicht ein Char von mir hat auch nur einen einzigen Valor Punkt und das wird sich auch niemals ändern. Da auch nach 7 Jahren WoW keine einzige PvP Fraktion bei mir jemals über 0 Ruf auf Neutral hinausgekommen ist. Aber dummerweise habe ich jetzt nur die Option wieder auf einen PvP Server zu wechseln. Unsere Gilde hat sich in wohlgefallen aufgelöst, all meine Freunde haben mit SWTOR aufgehört und ihre Accounts gekündigt. Kurzum, ich fange quasi von vorne an mit Gildensuche usw. Aber das würde ich doch gerne diesmal dann gleich auf einem Server tun, wo ich mich nicht mit den ganzen "Schwanzmessern" auseinenadersetzen und mir täglich deren gejammer anhören muss, wann denn nun endlich das PvP Ranking und Gruppen PvP kommt und mit welchen Vollgimps man grad wieder im BG ist und Dank der Schwachköpfe jetzt schon wieder am verlieren ist. Bringen wir es also auf den Punkt, wenn jetzt für Leute wie mich keine Optionen gegeben sind, den Servertyp zu wechseln und noch angenommen Wochen dahin ziehen, bis es evtl. möglich wird, dann sind bis dahin alle Server, die interessant wären (Jedi Tower, oder Red Eclipse) total dicht und man darf dann dort nicht mehr hin transferieren. Bis dahin soll man dann aber weiter munter sein Abo bezahlen und dafür dann die nächsten Wochen nur dumm auf der Flotte rumstehen und abwarten, was kommt, oder wie?! Denn mit 5 Leuten, um 20 Uhr auf der Flotte, kann man ja nichtmal einen Raid basteln, um Zeit zu überbrücken. Auch Twinken wird ja erst wieder interessant, wenn die Legacy Erweiterung kommt. Also was tun? Komplett neu auf einem anderen Server anfangen und eine Legacy lvl 43 auf einem Friedhof vergammeln lassen, die man sich mühevoll über die letzten Monate erarbeitet hat und alles wieder auf Null zurücksetzen? Ist das die Absicht, oder das Ziel, welches Bioware hier verfolgt? Somit ist mein Entschluß leider gestern Abend der gewesen, dass ich meinen Account gekündigt habe (was absolut nicht so geplant gewesen war) und ich den Account nur wieder öffnen werde, wenn ich eine Meldung bekomme, dass ich auf Red Eclipse, oder Jedi Tower wechseln darf. Denn ich bin nicht bereit weiterhin auf PvP Servern zu spielen und schon gar nicht bereit von einem Friedhof auf einen anderen Freidhof umzuziehen
  10. Sehr gut geschrieben, dem stimme ich inhaltlich komplett zu. Jdoch sollte man aber nicht aus den Augen verlieren, dass auch WoW am Anfang ein Hund voller Flöhe war und es erst über die Jahre zu dem gewachsen ist, was es heute ist. Um nur mal ein Beispiel zu nennen, die Lagprobleme in IF. Wer ist damals denn noch nicht in den Lavagraben zwischen der Bank und dem AH gefallen, weil der Bildschirm nur alle paar Sekunden nen neuen Frame produzierte? Das wurde toleriert und man hat dem Ganzen eine Chance gegeben, sich zu entwickeln. Sieht man aber heute, beim Release eines neuen Spiels irgendwo einen kleinen Fehler, ist gleich das Geschrei groß. Bioware hat in meinen Augen hervoragende Arbeit geleistet und SWTOR war am großen Beta Wochenende fertiger als AoC zum Release, bzw der Kuchen ist ja bis heute noch nicht richtig ausgebacken. Also kurzum, wenn Bioware jetzt noch die kleinen Kinderkrankheiten zeitnah in den Griff bekommt und alle dem eine Chance geben, sich zu entwickeln, dann haben wir hier definitiv etwas ganz großes, was sich sicher in den Reihen der Vorgänger in keinsterweise verstecken, oder schämen muß.
  11. Ich frage mich langsam, wofür man da überhaupt vorbestellt hat, wenn man dann letztendlich doch nur mit der letzten Massewelle freigeschaltet wird und dann an den Mobs wie in WoW schlange stehen muß.
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