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  1. It's always "you can do more" everyone can always "do more" so that is a lousy excuse. Your right no one forces me to que. it's either that or quit. what would you like for me to do? hurt the que or continue to get smoked. Now imagine that on a larger scale. The reasons I listed are completely valid as I see it in general all the time "looking for WELL GEARED players for a group." I don't complain about anyone being OP or boo hoo this and that I simple say some people do not have the option for whatever reason. This thread wouldn' be this long if there wasnt a problem and everyone was happy. I am curious as to how long you have been playing because I get the feeling you have been around for awhile back when everyone one was trying to make guilds and get people to join them.those times have passed the only guilds that form up are the random person that asks for people to join just so they can have a guild tag then they boot everyone or the established that want nothing to do with you unless you are topish teir.
  2. I am so glad you know when I log on and when/what I play, I mean I am fairly certain I know what I am doing when I get on better then you do so pro keep calling me a liar about how I play.. Maybe you should log on to any other MMO sorry but in the 20 years of playing them there has always always been the elitists vs the PUGs... it will always exists and yes look it and ask around anyone will tell you that there are more solo casual people that play on these games then the elites. And F2P would never of happened if people didn't quit but nice try saying "they all must have grouped up." that makes me . All you can do is insult and pretend that you know everything right down to me and when I log in and how often I group it's rather cute. I also enjoy that your idea of an MMO is "everyone must play in premade groups" *clap* there have always been and always will be PUG's and unless I am mistaken the G means groups, which means PUG's are still doing the MMO thing as much as you hate on it.
  3. Lack of effort isn't always the case, i do agree there are some sloths on the game. They are on both sides though. The PUGer that expects everything to be given to him and when he gets into a match goes to node and sits on it never moving and rakes in the comms. Then you have the premader guy has absoulutly no skill but hides behind the rest of his group awith 2 healers healing him thinks he is a God among men, putting forth no effort by leeching from his team. My first Char hit level 50 and immediately I saved up enough comms to get all the BM visable gear and put augments into it all. I play smart and do what I can to better whatever class I am playing. I am constently checking out builds for my classes and seeing how other people play to see if I can learn something new. I however tend to lose a lot more then I win. It's not because I am a horrible player and it's not always because I am paired with horrible players. It's That i get outclassed when it comes to my PUG team VS the premade team. It's like any sport you can have a star player but it doesn't matter if the rest of the team is crap. (not saying I am the best of the best, far from it but I take pride in that I am good and get commented on it.) But to get in a decent premade isn't easy as you all make it out to be especially if you have only been playing for 2 months why you may be asking because most premades/guilds are set in how they are and you have to meet their criteria. 1. You aren't the right AC 2. You don't have the Gear 3. We already got our people. 4. You are a commando. So I lose and drive on doing solo ques and maybe someday I will catch up with the "requirements" but it has nothing to do with lack of effort. has to do with elites being elites and wanting to keep it that way.
  4. No, It's like this Abraham Lincoln got shot in the head, Who's fault is it? Booth who pulled the trigger, maybe the gun or bullet? Booth = premades Gun = messed up PVP system Bullet = PUG's Lincoln = actual PVP Premades use faulty system to dominate (Booth using a gun to get what he wants.) Eventually the majority of people will leave the game the majority are PUGS (The bullet leaves the gun because Booth pulled the trigger.) The eventuality of it is no more PVP for all because no one ques anymore. What once was good is no more because of a small group that wanted everything to be thier way (Booth (premade) wants it to be his way an no one elses because he doesn't like how the country is, he makes a plot gets a gun (the faulty PVP system) and uses it to his advantage. The bullet leaves the gun because Booth pulled the trigger forcing the bullet to leave (PUG's forced to leave because the PVP aspect is completely 1 sided and not worth playing.) Now Lincoln is dead because the minority got what they wanted (No more PUG's = longer Ques = the game bleeds out and dies.)
  5. I am about 85% PUG 15% group. Try and take me 1v1. I built my merc around being a target. People look at me and think "Hey it's a merc and I am blah blah" because mercs are the worst PVP class because of utility. that's where skill comes in. I enjoy finding that one guy that is basicly being carried by his premade and thinks he is so good and getting him to pull noob mistakes, like chasing me down. If I am going to get PUGstomped I am going to find that one or 2 idiots, and farm them just like the premades are farming my team.
  6. I have no issues taking down people on my merc. I do think they are underpowered in comparason to other classes as far as utilities go. I have a specific job set that I do well with. I am excellent 1v1 and tend to draw noobs away from nodes or doors (voidstar) because they think "It's just a merc and I am a maurader" i just burn them down in a couple of seconds, one less person on the battlefield for that team. Sometimes I can get 3 people to follow me and leave a node completely undefended and I just run around. I fully understand I will eventually die but I make it take as long as possible gives my team a much better chance to take the nodes. Same thing on defense, I can hold people off long enough to get reinforcements when that 2-3 guys tries to cap my point. I may not put out the dmg but I have some wicked endurance and make sure people have to give me everything to drop me.
  7. It's a pretty simple question and no you haven't answered it you have danced around it why do you belive the top 20% deserve an easy mode but the other 80% doesn't? Your answer is simply "your a troll" and "read my ramblings" that in no way answer the question. Even if it's a tard response like "I worked to get where I am so I should be able to slaughter lesser people" that would be an answer. It only requires 1 maybe 2 sentences but you have to fill up an entire page and expect me to have a decoder ring to figure out what saying. Also you are dead wrong, games cater to the "casual gamers" as was pointed out before, because at the end of the day they make up most of the money that is going to BW.. The casual gamers are more likey to buy cartel coins in order to get things such as the +41 crystals because it's an easy way to give them a little more bang when it takes them 4x as long to get the gear the pugstompers get.
  8. Not really, you like all the hardcore premade or die people dance around the subject rather then give stright answers. If you want a close game because it's so much funner then go against other premades which would give you a lot closer games (like has been suggested over and over.) It's not some "casuals" that do not like the system it's mostly across the board that the system is ****ed up. It's the casuals (who make up most of the player base) who want it to be as even as it can be, so that the "casuals" who make up most of the player base aren't getting beaten 24 out of 25 times. So yes all games eventually cater to the "casual" gamers (who make up most of the revenew, through subs and now a CStore) because if they didn't games would be very short lived. So call me what you will and dance around a completely legit question as all others who think the game should be built around the top 20%.
  9. None of you want to admit that PUGstomping is your easy mode and you don't want that advantage taken from you. The question that is always avoided....
  10. The bads come in all flavors though. Seen them on PUGs and seen them on premades. It's fun when one on a premade team memebers thinks he is a ****** because he has a team holding his hand, and he decides to break off from a node and go after me as I am passing by in the distance thinking "it's a merc I killed him before when I had 2 healers healing me." then gets completely pwned inside of about 3 secs. Premades tend to hide behind one another which is fine by me (kind of the point) but as a PUGer I am use to throwing down with 3 players at once when it's just a 1 sided stompfest, so when that one guy thinks he is the **** cause he won last time cause he had 2 healers healing him and tries fight me one on one.... it's a rude awakening and I make it my personal mission to pick him out, suck him into the open and kill him over and over. Hell I might as well farm medals off killing that one guy 20 times, if the premade group is doing the same thing to my team.
  11. In my short time on the server I have heard nothing bad bad things about you guys, none of my handful of experiences on the PUGstomed side have changed it. We all know you make 2 groups then que with each other to give yourself the best chances of being on the same team so you can medal farm and PUGstomp. I personally would leave a game against you in a RWZ just out principle. no one likes playing against *******'s that like to ruin the game for everyone else.
  12. It was ligitamate statement. I do both, I group with some friends now and then when they are on and I also PUG. But all the Elitists can say is "L2P", "Group up like us" and "you just want easy mode." You all do just as much QQ as the PUGers do. None of you want to admit that PUGstomping is your easy mode and you don't want that advantage taken from you.
  13. +1 Exactly doesn't matter how well I play, I see it in general all the time "Forming a group, must be well geared." Guess I should just sit on nodes to collect the max amount of comm's possible from the PUG stomping so I can have gear and be a ****** player if that's what it takes to actually join a group then I can build up my skills.
  14. So solo WZ's belong to all and RWZ's belong to the elite... got it. The elites and premades get /easy mode with PUG stomping and PUGs get **** on repeatedly? There is the elitiest mentality at it's finest. You claim you want fair matches then do the RW. your only excuse is the ques take to long because no one is doing them... There is a reason for that... because it's faster and EASIER to pugstomp which in essence means you have an /easy mode, and why would you want that advantage to disappear?
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