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10 Good
  1. To say I agree with this entire post is an understatement, and for some of the fan-boys that loves this heap of garbage, a waste of time, so I'll just go with what I'd like to add to it when talking about myself.
  2. Oh cool! So the topic I got modded for was actually right! Nerf comps and don't retune tactical flashpoints! Not renewing, go **** yourselves.
  3. You think ops rolling with the huttball is retarded enough? Their new teleport works awhile holding the ball too!! RIP huttball
  4. This enitre season imo has reached bubble-stun levels of annoyance with sorcs having the ability to H2F in -one- GCD. I doubt this is going to change come tuesday as well. It's been a fun ride, but I'm done. At least I'll be able to enjoy myself with all the raids I never experienced.
  5. It has better pvp than this game, and it'll only be even better after expac comes out. I get to fly a fighter and it actually take's -skill- rather than broken mechanics. (GSF)
  6. If flashbang and sleeper darts were stuns and all of that was on a very short CD with very small resolve gain then your argument would stand. Unfortunately, they aren't. It's going away 2.0. Good riddance.
  7. I'm saddened that she didn't put the 2v2 fight that happened with me and another Scrub squad member against her and a op healer in that collage... Of course considering she literally -lied- in general chat about us beating the both of them in a fair fight after calling her out on it later that day and then pulling this off. I'm not surprised.
  8. You mean the actual opening post that clearly was talking about gearing only PvP wise wasn't enough of a clue, and the fact that it's only PvP related means it doesn't belong on the subclass forum that the OP is -only- talking about how to gear this subclass? Just admit you're wrong and move on, guy.
  9. Quitting the team and leaving them 4v8 or even 7v8 at the start can effect a match outcome just has bad has what you claim is worse, but hey, I'm sure your covering your own attempts by doing the same thing by assuming this is QQ. This is PvP, grow a spine and fight your own members if they are on the opposite team or -don't attempt double queuing solo queue WZs.- --
  10. I actually just found it after reading this. Oops. Thanks. Issue is still there though with the rolling though. Why did they change it?
  11. Let slingers/snipers return to being able to do things -awhile- rolling into natural cover, or put in two power icons to let us ether cover in place or roll into natural cover. There is -FAR- to many times that I've been stuck attempting to roll into cover awhile attempting to do something in PvP/PvE that it got me killed. I have no clue why this was changed in the first place.
  12. Raze = Reset CD on CL and make the next one free and instant = Spamming free AoE every so seconds awhile moving = Broken Bubble stun = Being able to stun with it -AWHILE- stunned = Reason it's getting fixed. Does smash CD reset every few seconds -and- be used awhile stunned? Bubble can be applyed with -one- button, and CL spam only needed -one- button to start the endless procs. Smasher's actually have to use -MORE- buttons to kill someone, and all the way's to gain smash can be clearly disspelled and they are all on CD. I keep saying to myself not to keep replying to your posts, but the lack of complete understanding on -WHY- thing's were changed and just calling them just nerfs just can not be overlooked. But I can get destroyed by more than one smasher! Just has how I can get locked down attempting to kill an operative healer with -TWO- bubble spec cross healing sorcs/sages with -one- button. TL;DR: Instant CLs were an exploit, bubble stuns currently can be exploited, smash although hitting hard, can -NOT- be exploited. DEAL WITH IT.
  13. Somebody clearly didn't compare WH weapons with EWH counterparts when they were released. Cry about it. More people PvPing = Win in the long run.
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