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  1. My personal issue with it is just principle. Stuff like this should really be available in-game, through an NPC or something similar. I haven't played a lot of MMOs, so I can't speak for all of them, but the ones I have played always put this type of stuff in-game, purchasable with in-game currency. Changing your features from one default to another just because you are no longer happy with what you picked when you first made your character shouldn't be in the marketplace. The way you look in-game is frequently not quite what you thought it would look like when you were making your character. That's just my opinion. Now if you were selling new hairstyles/tattoos/whatever, that would be different. That would fit into the category of optional appearance stuff, like the armor sets and things you are currently selling, and you would be paying for access to alternate appearance options. I wouldn't be against that being in the marketplace. That said, even in games that do approach it this exact same way, it ultimately creates a sort of "conflict of interest" behind the scenes. Why give players new stuff every expansion, when we can charge them even more on top of the expansion price? So devs end up just offering the plain-Jane, boring stuff for free in-game, and keep all the best looking stuff available solely via RMTs. They create really awesome looking stuff, but always charge players extra for it, and just throw in a few recolors of old stuff for people that only want to pay for the game itself.
  2. Why is this being ignored by devs? I think this is a pretty big issue. Before you guys added the [Flirt] to dialogue so that people knew what they were getting into, some of us got into relationships on accident and all I've been told by every GM is "Sorry but you are stuck with it." I will admit that my story may be more extreme than the norm, and it doesn't diminish anyone else's reasoning or desire to want this feature to be implemented, but hear me out nonetheless. I'm in a forced relationship on my Consular and it really bothers me because: I'm gay and so are my characters; I don't, haven't, and won't engage in any opposite sex relationship in any video game I've ever played if I had the choice. I never, ever flirted with her (or any other companion). I've never flirted with ANY NPC for that matter. I don't believe it's appropriate for Jedi to be in romances (hence #2). It's creepy/disgusting/borderline-offensive that you forced me into what is essentially a teacher-student romance. Should we see what the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers have to say about your little story, especially in light of the fact players don't have a choice in the matter (or not an obvious choice if one does exist)? All I can say is one of your writer's has issues. I say I was forced into this because I never knowingly chose any option that would have prompted a relationship with her. I only chose the light side and/or nice guy dialogue choices. I never chose any option that suggested I wanted to sleep with her. And as I said I choose to play as a Jedi who believes romance is inappropriate for a Jedi. So imagine my horror (and disgust) while watching the dialogue "movie" as she suddenly leans forward to kiss me - and I actually kissed her back! ***?! I *NEVER* would've consciously/intentionally chosen this path, but I have no way to undo it, no way out of it. If there is a way, you buried it so well or made it so hard to get that it's essentially a forced story relationship (and I hear this is a major problem with the Consular storyline; many people are getting into an accidental relationship with her). In fact I found it disgusting, considering she is my student and I am her teacher. It was in violation of the beliefs of my character as a Jedi to be in a romantic relationship. It was a violation of master-padawan trust. It bothered me so much that I immediately logged off that toon (I guess hoping I could stop it from getting any worse) and petitioned a GM, just to be told I was stuck with it. To this day, that is the only companion of all of them on all my toons that isn't finished. Thus I am deprived of the Legacy unlock/bonus because I refuse to finish the storyline with her given the situation you guys have put me into. We need the ability to reset companion storylines if for no other reason than to undo mistakes/poor decisions you've made in the development process. That's assuming you ever flirted (or knew you were flirting) in the first place. I think the companion story for Nadia is broken and has at least one dialogue option (or more) that's supposed to be marked as flirt not marked; otherwise, it doesn't matter if you choose flirt or not, you will end up in a romance with her and no way out of it. Somebody once told me there's some convoluted conversation path you can use to avoid a romance with her if you follow it EXACTLY; otherwise forget it. This is a problem with somebody (or multiple somebodies) at Bioware in the writing department, because this has plagued other of their games as well. Somebody has some really disturbing views of how relationships supposedly work. Apparently just being nice to someone means I want to sleep with you. You can't just be nice to someone without having some sexual ulterior motive.... I'm a pretty nice guy, so according to this writer, I must be in hundreds of sexual relationships, or else having to constantly thwart the advances of every person I know.
  3. Actually the vendor speeders are mostly not even all that good looking in my opinion. You should be paying premium for a GTN speeder or "have to settle" for an uglier vendor speeder, but instead it's the other way around. You're paying premium for a generic vendor speeder when you can get a better speeder off the GTN for next to nothing. They've all but made pointless all vendor speeders in the game just about. The Cartel speeders have even made most people stop bothering with the achievement vehicle quests. Too much hassle when you can get a nicer speeder off the GTN for peanuts. The Nightscythe is pretty much the only exception to that. You guys got too carried away I think.
  4. You obviously don't raid. ^ This. I don't get why these companies have test servers and test forums and test feedback - and then completely ignore all of it. There's is no way this "fix" would've made it past hour 1 of day 1 of testing if they had bothered to test it. But then that's assuming even if they did put it on the test server that they actually bother to listen to the testers who are volunteering their free time to help out. SOE is in that boat, which is why I will never waste my time testing for them again, and probably won't ever bother paying for one of their games again. They push buggy content live over and over again despite weeks/months of being told by their testers that content was seriously broken, and then patch for the first several days/weeks after release, affecting live servers with paying customers, all because they ignored their testers.
  5. By restricting GTN searches to 3 or more characters per word, you essentially broke the ability to search for all mods/armorings/enhancements, as well as all recipes for augments, and just about anything and everything else that has a 1- or 2-digit number included as part of the name, for which that 1- or 2-digit number was an essential part of identifying the item. You therefore made GTN searches far more time-consuming on the part of the players. You claim in the patch notes that this would improve GTN performance, but the opposite in fact the truth. Whereas the GTN only needed to return a handful of item listings previously, as we could narrow the search by item numbers, it will instead give us dozens of pages of all items of the same name. The net effect is reducing the performance of the GTN even further than it already was, decreasing the efficiency of searches, and increasing the amount of time players need to waste manually going through pages of search results for each and every single item we are trying to sell or buy that has a 1- or 2-digit number as part of the item name. EDIT: Oops. Since this is the suggestion box, my suggestion is this: undo the changes you just made to the GTN search functions.
  6. Since I found this thread while searching for the same thing, I can answer the last question: You can get 14 Taris comms per day doing the daily heroics on Taris (from quest rewards; doesn't include possible comms from loot). I'm going to check into the Boarding Party FP suggestion now. Thanks for that.
  7. You should follow your own advice. It *does* work... Well a few months later and this still hasn't been addressed. Of all my crafters, I found this to be the most annoying with Diplomacy. Not only do you have to wait through the normal RNG to find the right mission TYPE, but then you have a 50/50 chance on top of that to get either the light side or dark side, depending on which you're after. It was EXTREMELY frustrating (read: not fun) trying to get the medical supplies I needed to level up my biochem. I ended up blowing a fortune on GTN mats, because the way it's currently set up, I wouldn't have been able to learn the recipes I needed for each level range in time for my character to benefit from them. That's really the biggest problem. It's extremely difficult to learn the recipes as you need them. It takes so long to get the mats (both time wasted trying to get the missions you need, and the unnecessarily excessive length of time missions take to complete at higher tiers) to practice recipes that you frequently will out-level the item you are trying to make before you can make it. It should be possible to get the recipes you need at the same time you can actually use them. Leveling up my 5th character now, and I'm trying my best to work ahead of my actual level - in other words, REing for recipes well in advance of when I can actually use them, but it's not working out that well. I still frequently catch up to and pass the level of the item I am still trying to research. I think the randomness coupled with the unnecessarily excessive availability of certain mission types, along with the ridiculous length of time needed to get the necessary mats (40+ minutes for 3 or 4 mats, which often isn't even enough for a single attempt?) make crafting unnecessarily tedious, and makes it very difficult to benefit the character being leveled up as he or she levels up. This becomes more and more apparent the higher level you get as missions start approaching the 1 hour mark in duration. It can take you an entire day of game play just to learn a single recipe (if you're lucky). That might benefit your alts eventually, but not so much for the character with the crafting skill.
  8. Thank you very much. Usually people are so unspecific that you still can't figure out what NPC offers the quest. Simply "on the fleet" doesn't really help much. I'd also like to add that this quest becomes available after you complete chapter 2, so it's not specifically level-based. I checked earlier while I was level 41 and she wasn't offering the quest; but I just finished chapter 2 (I'm still level 41) and she now offers the quest.
  9. I enjoy medium population servers. There's enough folks for groups, but the lag is low and there are no queues. Unfortunately Bioware all but forced us onto a small number of servers, and now the game is virtually unplayable for many folks. We're having extreme difficulty on operations due to the lag. And it's affecting everyone in our guild, not just 1 or 2. And it has no bearing on whether players have great gaming rigs or generic PCs - every one of our players is noticing these issues during operations (especially Denova for some reason). There is a constantly noticeable (sometimes worse than others) delay on activating abilities, which can have serious consequences on the HM operations. And it adds up. Dozens of small delays greatly diminishes your ability to heal or dps. It was completely unnecessary to cram servers this full. There isn't even any room for growth now (well there is, since you still allow new players to come, which just makes the problem even worse). "This many people makes it easier to group." Yeah, which helps a whole lot when you have a dozen groups of 4 people vying for the same extremely limited resources to complete their daily quests.... It takes MUCH longer to complete quests on our new server than it did on the old medium pop server, which more than nullifies the benefit of forming groups quicker. Perfect demonstration of the "hurry up and wait" maxim. This was poorly planned and thought out. It's not acceptable to tell your customers to bear with you while you address the problems, when you should have anticipated the problems and took measures to prepare for them. At a minimum, server transfers should've been limited initially, and far more diverse.
  10. Servers are going down... they're not going down... okay they're going down, for real... or not.... Okay, yes they are really really going down. For real. Honest. This is the customer service you expect to win back all the subs you guys have lost? Questioning my decision to give up another game for this one. Oh and FYI - I go to your company's website for information, not twitter or some other silly nonsense. So why not try using your company's website for it's intended purpose?
  11. I don't know how you are getting that high of a result, unless you simply don't pay attention because wasting time and money farming mats doesn't bother you like it does some of us. I think some of us are just more sensitive (yes, perhaps overly sensitive) to the poor ratios. Positive people that don't mind things like this tend to think it's going better than it really is, because they just don't care and don't really take notice. Maybe there's a benefit to that. At any rate, there's also an issue with combining ratio with mine without any further information. If you RE'd 5 items and got a ratio of 1:3, and I RE'd 1000 items and got a ratio of 1:15, it would still be close to 1:15 figuring in both of our contributions as the addition of your sample size to mine would have a negligible effect on my results. You cannot simply average ratios that are not composed of equal variables. It is far more complex than that. Regardless, after leveling all of these crafters and RE'ing so many items I am already sick of crafting (tedium being something else that could be addressed in regard to crafting, but I won't do that here), I can say with absolute certainty I am not getting anywhere near the 1:5 average. RNG is not "luck based" so it's really rather silly that people are using luck to discount one theory and support another. A computer possesses neither metaphysical nor spiritual properties. It is neither lucky nor unlucky. RNG is just that - it's random. Over large samples, random still has a pattern in the results (given enough probabilistic resources over a small enough result range to witness the pattern, and a fixed pool). Chances are that, as I said, over enough attempts, the average should approach the expected ratio.Theoretically, every time we make an attempt to learn a recipe, the system should basically be "rolling" a 5-sided die - /random 5, where 1 is a success and 2-5 is a failure. Take for example a 6-sided die. If you were to roll it 30-40 times and never once get a 6, and you could do this multiple times, you would suspect (rightly) that there was something wrong with the die. It likely has a flaw, either by accident or intention. However we have a better chance of learning a recipe than rolling a 6 on this die, yet I have seen countless equivalents with the crafting system. Right now, for example, I just passed 35 attempts (EDIT: about to attempt #39 while writing this article) trying to learn a mid-level purple recipe by reverse engineering blue items. Probability suggests that is extremely unlikely if the system is balanced, and yet I've experienced this same thing repeatedly over the course of all my crafting. I couldn't agree more, which is why I am using my own results solely as the substance of the opinion I just posted.
  12. The odds are roughly the same (actually slightly better) than rolling any one particular number on a 6-sided die. There is a 1 in 6 chance of rolling any one number. Over a large enough sample size, you will average 1:6 for each of the 6 numbers on the die. Which also means you should be averaging one recipe every 5 attempts (20% = 1:5) over a sufficient sample size. However, after having reverse engineered hundreds of items (probably well near a thousand by this point across all toons), I would say that the coding is broken. It is NOT properly calculating the chance of success. My average is more likely around 1:15 or 1:20, and definitely not 1:5. Simply put, the average should equal the ratio. Roll a 6-sided die 100 times, and you should see each number show up around 16-17 times approximately (although 100 isn't really a sufficient sample size). That's a 1:6 ratio with 1:6 results. Reverse engineering is supposed to be a 1:5 ratio, but we are not seeing 1:5 results when reverse engineering, and there are far too many people reporting the same thing. So we're talking a sample size of tens of thousands of attempts when everyone's input is considered. Bioware needs to check their coding.
  13. I see a lot of people talking about the validity of the Nadia relationship as it pertains to Star Wars lore, but very few address the real primary issue - which is that the player, in a game of choices, has no choice. I've seen a lot of people say you can avoid it, but I have never seen anyone say HOW you can avoid it. I can however find dozens and dozens of threads and articles that say it's impossible to avoid. I am in the latter group. Try as I might, I could not avoid the relationship. Unfortunately, the way it's set up, there is no way my Consular will get this 6th companion maxed for the Legacy and Presence bonuses because I refuse to even talk to Nadia now. Bioware made a HUGE error in this story, in my opinion. Whether you feel it's acceptable by the Jedi Code or not, you should still have the choice to pursue the relationship or NOT. The way I choose to play my character, he would not have pursued it. I believe that the reasons the padawans on Tython shouldn't be involved with one another are the same reasons I shouldn't be involved with someone. What's even worse in my opinion, and borderline offensive/disturbing, is that this is essentially a teacher-student relationship. What bothers me is that there is no apparent way to avoid this relationship. It's forced on the character. If there is a way to avoid it, it's so completely obscure that most people seem to never find it, given the plethora of complaints about this very issue. I did get a customer service rep to respond, saying they would not reset my companion quests for me, but assured me that there would be another opportunity to break up the relationship. When? I am now afraid to even talk to her anymore. The next conversation starts off with poetry and eventually gives me only 3 choices: (1) I love you too; (2) I'm glad you love me; (3) Let's go sleep together. Yeah, that's really an opportunity to break up the relationship.... Thank for a great game, Bioware, but you guys seriously screwed up on this story/quest and I'm very disappointed if you aren't going to take into consideration the legitimate concerns that have been expressed regarding the lack of a player's choice in this situation in a role-playing game that is all about choices. As it stands right now, I refuse to progress any further in her quest line, meaning also unfortunately I will have to suffer the loss of the legacy bonuses. I seriously almost considered re-rolling my Consular for the sole reason of avoiding the relationship, but then as I already stated, I have yet to see anyone state how it can be avoided (not to mention all the work I'd have to redo getting him leveled and geared up all over again) - all on account of a very bad story design.
  14. That's apparently how I missed it. My character is not mean, and I wouldn't choose hurtful options. I didn't realize that that would get me out of the romance, but then it wouldn't have mattered if I wouldn't choose those options in the first place. Why would they assume that every single player would want to be in a romance with Nadia, and why would they even think that's okay considering Nadia is only available for Jedi? Based on the quest on Tython, apparently Bioware figured all Jedi Consulars were hypocrites if we chose to reveal the romance between the padawans since we are almost going to have no choice but to be in a romance ourselves later on. Pursuing the relationship, in my opinion, should've been a dark side decision, especially when considering you are her TEACHER - or at the very least, it should have had bad consequences. That's also a violation of teacher-student trust. In Star Wars, both in the movies and even earlier in this same video game, a Jedi that is falling in love has to hide it. Why hide it? Because it's forbidden. Again, I really don't like that we had no real choice in the matter. I also don't like that apparently I had to be a jerk to get out of it. It suggests our characters are willing to bend the rules however it pleases them, and I was not playing my character that way. I've been strictly following the Jedi code in all of my decisions. I have another character that is picking mean and rebellious options, but this isn't that character. In my opinion, this was a violation of my choice and the spirit of role play. I also don't like the fact that apparently the only way out of this option was to be mean to her. That's not the Jedi way either, nor is it the way I would have role-played my character. I simply want a way out that I could've taken as a kind, rules-following Jedi. What bothered me the most wasn't just that my character accepted the kiss; he actually leaned forward anticipating it. He wanted it. The game told me this is what my character wanted. That is not role-playing. I decide what my character wants, not Bioware.
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