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  1. If you ever go back to wow let me know, been playing my enh shaman and unholy dk
  2. Yeah this game kind of jumped the shark for me to and my subscription i think ends today. Didn't like what they did to my favorite spec balance shadow. My friends were the only one's who kept me playing for the month or two i came back to the game. This game is definitely good for its community, but other aspects like lack of world pvp static worlds killed my immersion. I miss swg pre-cu and was foolish for believing this game could replace that master piece of a game.
  3. damn that is impressive. Insane 1200 dps as infiltration, nice.
  4. I have to agree with the OP. Patch 2.0 is a pretty big disappointment to me especially with them destroying my favorite spec in the game balance shadow and making it nothing more than a dot spammer.
  5. Crescendo has quality pvpers. I would put twitched up there as one of the best sentinels on the server. Dude is a beast that has raped me many times.
  6. For concealment op over 800 dps is a good game for me http://s4.photobucket.com/user/doughboyswg/media/Screenshot_2013-04-22_16_44_12_359639_zps4b44eb99.jpg.html. For lethality op around 1200 dps is an good game for me. http://s4.photobucket.com/user/doughboyswg/media/Screenshot_2013-04-18_19_22_52_378739_zps7ef8324f.jpg.html
  7. I enjoyed the video especially considering the dude trying to gank was in a guild called ganku.
  8. I agree that Deception/infiltration spec'd assassins/shadows are still very strong and bursty, but as someone who loved the way balance shadow (3/7/31) played prior to this expansion, publish 2.0 is a travesty to me and the spec that I once loved. I hate the way they changed the spec and got rid of things such as melee damage bonus, instant whirlwind, and 75% off backstabs. Luckily lethality op in 2.0 plays like balance shadow pre-2.0 or else i would be a very sad person since I hate infiltration. To the original creator of this thread, all classes in this game are pretty common and you should play whatever class fits your playstyle best. Commando and merc probably the least common class in pvp now, but under the right hands of someone like kandaris or mache can perform just as well as other classes.
  9. As a person who has played plenty of annihilation marauder (my mara spec of choice) and my main being a concealment op, I would say that operative has an advantage over an annihilation/watchman spec mara/sentinel. Reason being that much of watchman's damage and survivability comes from their bleeds and a good op will constantly cleanse the bleeds every time a sentinel puts them up (op cleanse cd is 5 seconds and removes 2 bleeds at a time). A mara could counter this by getting a set of bleeds up, berserking, and force choking with hope that you can burst the op down pretty quickly. An operative's four second dodge (pvp set bonus) also cleanses all bleeds and prevents new bleeds from being applied to us and negates the white damage of rupture, annihilate, dispatch, and master strike. On my marauder i constantly destroy dps operatives who apparently don't know how to cleanse other than using dodge once in a fight at which time i usually force choke them and put on a new set of bleeds. With that said, any dps operative worth his bread and butter has a pretty distinct advantage over watchman sentinels. I rarely lose to watchman sentinels if I do at all, and think carnage/combat sentinels are the best spec to go one on one against a concealment operative.
  10. Admitting you are a troll nullifies your trolling and makes you a fail troll.
  11. Imp side generally speaking has a lot of horrible players, but it is still fun as an op who can go around looking for 1 on 1s.
  12. It isn't as good as it was as far as self heals go, but still my favorite spec. With that said, any competent commando (including dps), scoundrel (including dps), or sage healer can effectively cleanse two of your bleeds every 5 seconds and kill your dps effectively since a high percentage of your dps in a pvp situation comes from your bleeds. With that said I still play annihilation more as a social experiment to see how many able people including healers don't cleanse my bleeds (i have an op healer that loves to troll watchman sentinels). Furthermore, you can always do your four bleeds quickly and force choke them after a berserk and they are in a pretty dire situation and finish with a ravage. As far as pugging alone in regular warzones, i play annihilation most of the time and find it much less frustrating to play than carnage when your opponents are the stun bubble variety. I am just not a huge white damage fan but do love to play carnage when I am in the mood. As far as fighting other marauders, I generally win against most carnage and rage marauders i encounter. Then again this is just my opinion as a person that mostly plays annihilation. I would also say try out combat spec, because you might find you like it quite a bit. It has an extreme amount of burst when played right and is extremely good at killing healers. I do struggle playing carnage as effectively as i play annihilation. but it might make more sense to you and you will be eating people up. Overall, combat/carnage has some of the best utility in the game that greatly benefits your team .
  13. This looks like almost a copy and paste of krunchy's farewell speech from months ago where he described his "billionaire father." Definitely a douche chilling reading.
  14. Like others have said marauder shines in the level 40 range unlike a lot of other classes like gunslinger and dps powertech which scale pretty well in pvp at lower levels. I definitely think carnage is one of the most fun specs in the game (balance shadow is my favorite spec) and just be aware of all of your utility you have as that spec. Your saber throw healing debuff can be specced into a root and the speed boost of your predations at lvl 30 up as carnage is amazing in huttball. If you have difficulty leveling, I might recommend switching to annihilation which is a dot build that has dotting self heals. Overall, though carnage is a great white damage spec that shines at level 50 single target dps, because it doesn't have dots that can be easily cleansed by all scoundrels, commandos, and specced sages which is annihilation's greatest weakness.
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