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  1. Not to be pesky, but I've just started doing space missions and discovered that you CAN after all slide left and right - if only you didn't bind strafe keys to A and D. Once I announced that on the guild chat, everyone was stunned ^^. I see the topic popped up a year ago, and there was zero response since, so let me bring that up once again . Suggestion: make separate binds for space combat
  2. As topic says - that is one of the features I would like to see and probably pay a hefty sum of cartel coins for. Looked for it, but shockingly - didn't see a thread about it on like 5 first pages. 99% of the players have their legacy name pulled out of arse when they just wanted to get over with it, and then there are those who named their characters "wrong". Add that option, and you are printing money
  3. Bumping this one for justice. I actually only play as I hope to see this happen ;>
  4. You know what the purpose of PTR is, right?
  5. That is extremely funny coming from a sage, but then I guess I kinda get it: pyro pt is one of 2 classes that really can hurt you. Regarding tank vanguards? They are probably the only class/specc commando doesn't fear . Leveling with Elara Dorne is a godmode though
  6. As the guild grows and develops, the first post of this thread had to be updated. (and yes - I AM concealing a shameless bump here)
  7. Aye, but this doesn't apply if tanks survivability is balanced correctly, that is - to the point that perhaps 2 people with equal gear and skill will need luck to take the node, but if they are good, or better geared, or they are 3, they will make it. Please consider that you will not retake one using tanks, so to me it'd be a proper balance: very little offensive capabilities for good defensive ones. Another problem is gearing options - right now the trade between dps and survivability is rather horrible. To make fx. supercommando set viable they'd have to either do what this topic suggests - that is expand defense and shield skills viability, or get rid of these whatsoever and instead of fancy crit chance, power and what not, they should put pure endurance and expertise there . Which would probably be far worse idea after all...
  8. So it's better to remove them whatsoever and make them inferior dps with guard ability? Not to mention that: a) what you sait before doesnt seem all that important after all (Care to back up your argument a bit more?), and b) who said anything about making them unkillable in the first place? My question is - is current state of tanking in pvp the way it was intended? Where there is very minor difference between tank and dps, which boils down to different augments, quite a lot lower dps, and guard ability (again - speaking from vanguard territory, as I've never seen a piece of tanking gear on other classes).
  9. This would be a very nice change, and an incentive to go deeper into the trees. Regarding PvE vs PvP: I am pretty sure it is still possible to change it just for other players attacks without gimping the bosses. Perhaps tankasin can still pull out serious damage in tanking gear, but vanguard can not, and the defensive cd's are kinda worst of everything I've ever seen in an MMO. Granted - I never seen any other class in full tanking pvp gear other than vanguard, and man - it hurts when your damage drops 50-60%, and you get like... 7-8% more survivability?
  10. I do admit that I might be biased on that topic (as one who just likes to tank all sorts of ****), but why would it be a bad idea to make those stats, available on tanking pvp gear, actually good stats for pvp tanking classes? Of course they do have some impact, but it is one of the worst tradeoffs you can make in this game in term of gearing up when alternative is to just use dps gear and roll with basically the same survivability (not sure if anyone ever died from white damage), but much higher kick? Dps speccs of tank-able AC's can pull what - half of protection deditated tank can do? When they use just taunts. I dont think I've ever seen a tank who could pull half of dedicated dps damage. Considering that tank damage in tanking gear is laughable (speaking mainly from vanguard short and very painfull experiment), why are they barely harder to kill than a dps? I have a problem understanding why would that be a good idea to gimp this game's rocks - its not like they bring much more utility than most dps classes who also bring their... well... dps. It's really nothing new, and I am not the first one who asks the question... still hope to be the first one to hear some answer .
  11. Make that thread a sticky . Alternative would be to make our shields work on all types of damage, but with its effectiveness greatly reduced. Seeing how many many talents increase our chance to block as well as absorbtion, tree will never be viable in pvp if the shield is useless there. And I'd go step further, and restrict taunting not only to tanking stance but also to a tanking offhand
  12. Witam, Przedstawiamy XVII Korpus - miejsce, gdzie starzy żołnierze trafiają za picie na warcie, bicie oficerów i wszelkie formy niesubordynacji by odbyć tu swą wojskową emeryturę. Jeśli zadanie zakłada duże straty w ludziach - to wyślą właśnie nas Kim jesteśmy i czego szukamy - bez upiększania: -Pracujemy, mamy żony, dziewczyny, jakieś dzieci też się znajdą, a gra i gildia to czas, kiedy przy piwku od tego uciekamy i się wspólnie odprężamy. W związku z tym szukamy głównie graczy w wieku 25+, by w takim samym jak my towarzystwie poszaleć razem w kosmosie. (młodsi gracze też są mile widziani pod warunkiem, że dostosują się do starszych, a nie - jak w wielu gildiach w różnych MMO - na odwrót) -Level, czas gry, czy doświadczenie są nieistotne. Najważniejsze, by było wesoło na gchacie. (Obecnie trzon gildii jest na lvlu 50, lub blisko, ale znajdzie się gracz/gracze z każdego przedziału) -Oczekujemy kultury osobistej i szacunku dla innych członków gildii. Wiadomo, że przekleństwa to niezbędny element języka polskiego, ale gdy go zaczynają zastępować, to przestaje być przyjemnie. Awantury nie są mile widziane - chyba, że dotyczą wyższości Troopera nad Jedi (itp.) i są zachowane w przyjaznym tonie. -XVII Korpus to nieduża gildia złożona obecnie z kilkunastu graczy, którzy wspólnie odprężają się po dniu pracy. Choć jesteśmy casualami i nie dotyka nas syndrom "internetowej spiny", lubimy wspólną nawalankę: Jara nas wszystko - PvP, flashpointy i wspólne questowanie, więc zaoferować możemy każdą z tych rzeczy w zależności od nastroju i potrzeby. W krótkim czasie zaczniemy organizować pierwsze 8 osobowe Operacje z cyklu "uciekłem z sanatorium/przed żoną i spędzę trzy godziny mówiąc do monitora". I to by było na tyle formalności - jeśli jesteś "dojrzałym człowiekiem" z limitowanym czasem na grę i chcesz grać bez gimnazjalno-licealnych dramatów na gchacie, to ta Gildia została stworzona właśnie dla Ciebie. Jeśli to co przedstawiłem Ci odpowiada i jesteś zainteresowany przyłączeniem, bądź masz jakiekolwiek pytania to proszę skontaktuj się w grze z jedną z podanych poniżej osób (choćby przez maila in-game), bądź zostaw notkę wraz ze swoim nickiem z gry w tym temacie a my postaramy się jak najszybciej z Tobą skontaktować. Kontakty: Gniev Golttar Conorhead (Dostępni głównie wieczorami) Możliwe jest też natychmiastowe zaaplikowanie na naszej stronie: XVII Karny Korpus Floty. Wystarczy wypełnić krótkie zgłoszenie z jajem i poczekać, aż ktoś się nim łaskawie zainteresuje . Czołem i do zobaczenia nad trupami naszych wrogów!
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