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  1. If you have done all the quests on a planet that you can, then your map will generally have 2 large dark areas. The other is the bonus series area, and the other is the opposite faction's starting point. On planets like Alderaan, Voss and Belsavis a LOT of your side and class quests will lead you to areas which the other faction also habits very frequently, so you'll surely bump into some people of your own level quite naturally. Tatooine is only the second planet that is shared and with Nar Shaddaa both are quite easy on the pvp aspect, meaning that you rarely go to same areas as the opposite faction. On Nar Shaddaa it's purely on the bonus series area, and on Tatooine it's the bonus series area and Dune Sea.
  2. But you could still take the mods from the Arkanian piece and send them to an alt via legacy gear. And you could speed up the process of gearing one character by running ops on multiple characters and then use the obtained tokens for only one char (again via legacy gear). Not that it's not a good idea, I like it. Maybe make it 4 combined runs of TFB and SAV instead of 3 of a single one and you could take care of it in two weeks, which would net you setbonuses faster, but with still roughly the same amount of work (more, actually). I have a huge dilemma with setbonuses myself, on my Sage. I'm playing both heal and dps pretty much on a 50/50 ratio, so you can imagine my frustration on acquiring two full setbonuses. I have a full 69 Black Market -healer set (not completely BiS though) and my dps-set is around half-way there. I have 0 Arkanian (or UW) set pieces, even when I have run both operations multiple times.
  3. The only relic you can get is the Matrix Cube. Look up a guide for more specific information. In short, by combining a certain set of three matrix shards (from datacrons) you can assemble a Matrix Cube near the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas. The first one is lv15 IIRC, and then there's a few updates, the final one being at 50. You cannot have more than one Matrix Cube at a time, but they can be disassembled if you get a certain item for it.
  4. Just a guess, but it would seem like a pretty basic solution for the Quanta/Tman -mystery: someone was hitting the same dummy as Quanta, and that happened to be a class that had armor reduction skills.
  5. OP here, account went preferred and haven't bought more gametime yet. You still didn't get what I'm saying. Certain stats can only be exchanged for certain others. Take Enhancements, for example, as that is what is mainly affecting my main question. An end-game enhancement has 3 stats. One is always Endurance. For the second you have a decision to make: Power, Critical, Defense or Absorption. And there's another decision for the third one: Accuracy, Alacrity, Shield and Surge. End-game mods have 3 stats as well, Endurance, Mainstat (in the case of Sentinel, Strength) and Power/Critical/Defense/Absorption. Armorings only have 2 stats, Endurace and Mainstat. There are also differences in the ratio of the stats. A DPS would always want mods, armorings and enhancements where the smallest number is Endurance. And as far as I know and recall, in enhancements, even if it is a low-endurance one, you still have to pick whether it has more Power/Critical/Defense/Absorption or Accuracy/Alacrity/Shield/Surge. (Feel free to correct me here, cannot be bothered to check it now.) --- So, there's no way I could assign my "leftover tertiary skill points" to Power. Because they cannot be exchanged with Power
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__NN_x0hhjA Blows up pretty neatly, just like just about everything that explodes in space in any Star Wars -stuff. Not that huge of a retcon for a considerable part of it to crash land on Taris, though.
  7. Writing on the wrong account on purpose now, my own is preferred atm. Signing the following characters up: Delarah (sentinel) Luccia (sage)
  8. Is there a deadline for the sign up? Might come on sentinel/sage (can I do both?) if I'm available. //****, wrong account again.
  9. Yeah it's a stealth but the point was that stealth-classes aren't allowed to stealth out of combat, mezz the target and then rest for the 8sec. Stealthing out of combat to use a stealth opener would be allowed. And so is Force Camo. //WOOPS, wrong account.
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