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  1. I am safe to say that the MK-10 Aug Kit will work? I noticed that it works well with the Experimental.
  2. Very good explanation. Knowledge I needed and Knowledge I received. Thank you for your time in compiling that reply. Off to the Outfit Designer I go and leaving with deep pockets of credits.
  3. I have all 7 pieces with bonus. Trying for the MK-5 set. Can I take the mods out of the mk-3 set and place in a adaptive set and not loose the bonus? Will the quality of the adaptive set itself not be as good as the MK-3 set? I just get tired of placing MK-10 slot everytime I get a better Armor. What is the best route to go?
  4. Noooooo. Now I know why I am wearing this Mask. Master Mode!!!! Guess It is Daily PVP as my only option as a solo player.
  5. Wearing this Jawa Mask for some time has had some effects on my thoughts What is a MM Flashpoint?
  6. I forgot to mention that I mostly play in story mode. What would be some examples of story mode's that I should approach? Appreciate your time and help:)
  7. It appears that by viewing posts going back to 2015. Everyone has an approach to getting these. In 2018 and updates. What are some of the best ways outside of GTN to looting these? Thank you for your time and help into this matter.
  8. All makes since now. Appreciate your time.
  9. Figured out half of my question. Noticed under Unavailable Companions that each of the Companions have a message written as such."Broonmark has dropped out of contact while you were frozen in carbonite. His current whereabouts are unknown." Is that a way of saying that you will get your Companions back when Chapters are completed?
  10. Not sure if I am at the right location but I am on my 6th chapter and just noticed that my original companions are gone. Is it a temporary thing till I complete all the chapters of Fallen Empire?
  11. I really appreciate the Knowledge you brought forth /bow.
  12. Returning player after 4-5 yrs as well. I noticed that I have bought a stronghold in Tatooine and Nar Sar.. according to the Kiosk. How can you tell how it was purchased and is there a current link as to how and where can you place the purchased stronghold? I found a link how to place items and crafting the items and so forth but nothing to do with the structure itself?
  13. Interesting. I went to the Trainer but the trainer mentioned that I have nothing else to learn. Glitch or am I missing the schematic in my list?
  14. Is the Metabolic cell graft made by Biochem/scavenger? Currently I have Biochem 450/Dioplomacy/Bioanalysis.
  15. modulate

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