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10 Good
  1. The blaster pistol for Vette, Andronikos and Ensign Temple is the same way. Also the Main hand vibroblades for Khem and Broonmark both have tank stats, but one should be DPS.
  2. Depends, how much of a CC cost we talking about to acquire?
  3. Probably be more like 1400, player character only and an additional 600 for companions
  4. Lol you even said you bought it 3 days ago and still get the same responses, i think some people only read the title then post. anyway, i can't say on that particular crystal but i know there has always been issues with some of the cartel crystals not being able to go on the gtn, you can still do personal trades, just not on the gtn.
  5. or even better yet, should cost us 5CC per meter to drive our speeders
  6. Because that is just not how things are done, if I walk into a store and go to pick up an item that I know should be around $20.00 but hey there is a price sticker on that item listing it as $6.99, I'm walking out of that store with the item for $6.99, thats just the way it is, if your employee screwed up with the price gun thats your problem not the customers. Hell that has actually happened to me and I wasn't even trying to get the item at the lower price, I was just trying to let the guy know it was priced wrong, he simply led me to the self checkout rang it up and changed the price. They advertised a system working one way, then when we finally see it, it's another way.
  7. actually another part of that is false as well from what I've been reading, it says that direct-sale items are unlockable for a fraction of the base cost, but as I understand it the Eradicators Mask costs the same to unlock as it does to buy it. Now I know hey, it's still pay twice and get it for as many toons as you want, but that is not what was stated.
  8. the items are exactly the same on mine with the english client, so there ya go i can't really say thats for sure the problem, but it might be.
  9. well the speeder should go in automatically, as well as the armor set provided you have the ENTIRE set bound to a SINGLE character. as for the crystals, if they're equiped in a weapon, you have to pay the extraction costs for each crystal, otherwise they should go in automatically or if they're in your storage just pull them to your inventory, but they have to be bound, so if not going to have to bind it by putting it into something which i'm not sure if that act on new crystals will add or not or if you still have to extract again.
  10. /signed. pretty frustrating considering i get a set, and usually split the peices up amongst different characters, even all the peices are there, still dont count, very nice.
  11. No big surprise, this company has a galactic reputiation, pun intended, for saying one thing and doing another
  12. also crystals aren't going in unless i pay the, now slightly increased, price to extract them
  13. MoFugga


    Yeah I just saw that
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