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    Biking, gaming, and research.
  1. No raiding bases. How is this fair for the lowbes?
  2. We will never see eye to eye on this because I feel fine with where its at and you don’t, its understandable, all your points are. This game is a hobby, and like a hobby it will give and take. But you will get some of the value things you want soon just hang in.
  3. You talk about paying every month, every month. Do some math here, you pay 15 with change every month. I pay 13 with change because I pay every 6 months. Dude I feel like I’m stealing over here! Want a better value, change your sub BUD!
  4. You get a monthly allotment of coins because of your sub, save up. You get access to the game with no restrictions because of your sub. Your on these forums now because of your sub. The only reason why any of you feel this is greed, disrespect, and "you are not listening" is because you are being impatient and feel you shouldn't have to wait. Ask anyone: “The best things in life are not free” and “The best things in life are worth waiting for.” Bioware has already given you a way to get everything you want for just your sub and some patience, but if you want more coins for your sub try asking nicely.
  5. I’m sure I’m not the only one with this problem, but when the Macrobinoculars and Seed missions turned into Heroic 4's I could not find a single person to do them with me. And I know as time gos on and the new expansion stuff loses its newness I will find less and less people to do them with. I was really enjoying the story's but now I cant go any further. I know what time of day and what day I'm looking for people will play a factor but as time gos on I will find no one to do them with me. Is there any hope of them becoming at least Heroic 2's so I might have a chance at soloing them? I really want to know what happens.
  6. https://pxjvrw.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pS-isoHHxCTjcgaBTb8x7fAlj4ojCE5WC-CDYvdWGH7bKbq5vaWkFMfuPsrgtwUgG3oiHGd1ufho/Screenshot_2012-05-21_12_07_57_776343.jpg?psid=1 Mike-L https://pxjvrw.bay.livefilestore.com/y1phYyx80dO9YPALTcOjbjV9Ql3xxIqkilr77Vtvld88YeW8Wxc1TfHaynpgT1GF0Lwg6OIDLMu2z0/Screenshot_2013-01-01_16_02_05_367052.jpg?psid=1 Moco
  7. Yeah most definitely want this!
  8. That IS Star Wars Battlefront II. Just sub out the mulitplayer and thats the games space combat.
  9. Pre-ordered mine and got it from Amazon last week as well, fantastic info and great pictures. I still want some posters made from your artistes incredible work. Put that in the pipe line!
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