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10 Good
  1. I just want UI addons for maximum customizationalness.
  2. I kind of like that they're doing something with Darth Maul. He didn't get enough face time in the movie.
  3. I'm wondering if it's in the works to give social gear medium and heavy designations as well. It seems unfair that light armor classes get the greater benefit of social gear than other classes.
  4. I agree. Primary quest lines need voice acting but side quests really don't. Mission terminals are also a good way to do it.
  5. Number one, for fifteen dollars a month I'll take my gold plate. But also, the request isn't too unreasonable. What all of you are not considering is that bolster balancing wouldn't take into account expertise. So what would happen is players who are lesser geared can actually put up a fair enough fight against those who are, especially when facing a stacked team, but the well geared players still possess a distinct advantage.
  6. Fuel is apparently cheap in the past future universe of star wars. On the other hand, health care is no better than it is here.
  7. The problem with the UI is that it's optimized rather poorly on most systems and eats away at players' fps pretty hard sometimes. Also, the the inability to re-size and move things to more familiar parts of the screen is a bit of a bummer for some, like myself. A combat log would be nice too.
  8. Serosen

    Alderaan Civil War

    The map is too small and has two few points for it to be truly competitive. nine times out of ten when a team has two points capped they keep it for the duration of the game and generally just roll over the other team. This needs to be fixed and two things need to happen: - Make the map larger - Add at least two more control points. - Add more general speeder paths when shuttling from the drop ships. This will do a few things. First, it will make the strategic element of the game more interesting, forcing a winning team to balance at least three of five points to maintain control of the game. It also opens up new strategic elements including attack and defense patrol squad and stealth capping for unprotected or lightly protected assets (among others tactics where a larger field of play is useful). Second, even if your team is losing it gives players the opportunity to engage objective game play instead of continually throwing players into losing battles with entrenched enemies at their control points. Third, it will make the defending players travel longer distances to reach their contested points thus giving the attackers a fighting chance. Fourth, it gives players the opportunity to collect medals by engaging in potential smaller scale battles around the map and offering incentive to continue playing the game even in losing situations. *re-post from general.
  9. The map is too small and has two few points for it to be truly competitive. nine times out of ten when a team has two points capped they keep it for the duration of the game and generally just roll over the other team. This needs to be fixed and two things need to happen: - Make the map larger - Add at least two more control points. - Add more general speeder paths when shuttling from the drop ships. This will do a few things. First, it will make the strategic element of the game more interesting, forcing a winning team to balance at least three of five points to maintain control of the game. It also opens up new strategic elements including attack and defense patrol squad and stealth capping for unprotected or lightly protected assets (among others tactics where a larger field of play is useful). Second, even if your team is losing it gives players the opportunity to engage objective game play instead of continually throwing players into losing battles with entrenched enemies at their control points. Third, it will make the defending players travel longer distances to reach their contested points thus giving the attackers a fighting chance. Fourth, it gives players the opportunity to collect medals by engaging in potential smaller scale battles around the map and offering incentive to continue playing the game even in losing situations. I may decided to re-post this in the PVP forum but I decided it would be more suited here.
  10. I've noticed while playing my new commando that the rate of regen for ammo seems like it could go a little faster. At maximum .60 ammo per second is kind of slow.
  11. I found that the light side choices made more practical sense than many of the dark side ones. That said, there were more than a fair number of occasions where the ds option was appealing to me. I think at the moment I'm something like 8k light, 3.5k dark.
  12. Can we get some more moddable models that don't look awful? That would be great. There's maybe two you can acquire via commendations or credit purchase that are even worth using. The only other ones are variations of that terrible wooden stick looking type.
  13. Yeah the only reason I kept playing WoW was leveling alts. Everyone I know who still plays also has a bunch of max level alts.
  14. in·no·va·tion/ˌinəˈvāSHən/ Noun: The action or process of innovating. A new method, idea, product, etc: "technological innovations". Nothing Blizzard introduced into WoW was ever a new idea, method or product. What they did do is refine existing ideas.
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