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How do you think your character eventually died?


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Not really sure if this goes into spoilers, at it really isn't one. But, this game takes place 3k years before the events in the movies. So sooner or later, your character probably at some point died. What do you think the fate of your character was?
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Well, I've come to envision something like this...


- - - -


Jedi Sentinel:


Never to be a Council Member. Most likely died due to severe physical and mental scarring after being exposed to the Emperor and his everlasting hunger to consume life itself.


Jedi Consular:


Served as Barsen'Thor and Jedi Council member. Went to travel into the area formerly known as the Nightmare Lands on Voss, never to return.




Undertook what was considered to be a suicide mission, which turned out to be successful but with an extremely high casualty rate. Several republic operatives were KIA or MIA, including all members of Havoc Squad.




Murdered by a GenoHaradan operative. All wealth and earthly possessions were soon confiscated by an unknown third party.


- - - -




Betrayed by former apprentice.




Trapped in a Rakata Mind Prison by a fellow Dark Council member. Location of said Mind Prison is unknow.




Became Mandalore and eventually died after a less than successful expedition into the Unknown Regions. The possibility of having been assassinated by a rival mandalorian clan remains a possibility.






Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Very non-canon, but anyway:




The Barsen'thor rose from his meditations and strode towards the chamber door. Something wasn't right. He listened to the force. No, the force was as always, surrounding and permeating everything in the temple. He listened to his body. Yes, that was it. All the little signs of aging even the force could not compensate for, had vanished. The stiffness after resting, the heavyness of the limbs, all gone.


The Barsen'thor looked down, noticed the blue glow and smiled, satisfied that he had solved the riddle, then his brow furrowed. Shouldn't he be one with the force? There must be something he had forgotten.


The force ghost wandered through the temple grounds, met with amazement, disbelief and sometimes a hint of terror. He appeared to various people, managed to make arrangements for his teaching duties to be taken over by others, for his funeral, and for the care of some potted plants. Finally he was sure that everything was in order, but still he lingered.


There was a pull to another world. Coruscant. Felix. They had parted ways 40 years ago, Felix leaving the military to build his own security consulting agency. A very successful one, too. Over time they lived apart. Bussiness and temple life never had mixed well and their duties kept them seperated for long times. It was 15 months since they had last talked. The force ghost followed the pull to an impressive office building, entered it, strode into the aging CEO's office, ignoring the staff, drew in the force to gain some semblance of corporality, pulled the other man from his chair and kissed him. 'Never stopped loving you!', he said.


That was it. The force took him in.



Edited by drakensang
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Wall of text alert ! :rolleyes:


Aric Jorgan was killed in the line of duty. While Havoc Squad was briefing with General Garza at the Senate Tower he was able to spot a cipher agent sniper preparing to assasinate the General and took the bullet intended for her. After a chase through the underworks of Coruscant, enemy sniper was killed by members of Deadeyes, former company of Aric.


Yuun was lured and captured by a mysterious Sith Marauder through the use of force tricks. SIS reports that at the empire Yuun was tortured for information. Since the Death of Baras a horrible device, one that ripped information out of the minds of its victims and killed them at the same time ,has been lost so Yuun did not share the fate of a previous SIS operative that got caught and thus he was able to prevent his technological "skills" from being used against Havoc Squad and the Republic Military.


Tanno Vikk was cornered on Nar Shadda by an infamous mandalorian mercenary during one of his "shore visits". What transpired is a bit sketchy due to lack of recordings but apparently Tanno tried to bug out of the floating casino he was "rest & relaxing" but found himself trapped on the landing pad of the casino. It appears that instead of letting himself be caught and then sold to one of the many people that he has pissed off in the past, he chose to explode the damn landing pad. Resulting explosion sent the landing pad crashing to the surface and the resulting fireball incinerated the mandalorian that tried to jet pack away at the last second.


Elara Dorne, XO and "intimate companion" of the CO of the Havoc Squad was tricked into believing that her brother which she had left back in the empire wanted to defect to republic as well. However it was an elaborate trap set up by a treacherous Sith Assasin. Betrayed by her own family, she was drugged and kidnapped to the empire. Her mock trial and public execution were aired all over the HoloNet.


Despite of all of these Havoc Squad still survived. Refusing to fill up empty positions with new recruits, the CO of the Havoc Squad kept on struggling. No matter what the odds were, he was always able to accomplish the mission together with his trusty pal LibertyBot, officially known as M1-4X. M1-4X never questioned why its CO started drinking Chilled Corellian Cocktail all the time.


Down the road the time came when services of Havoc Squad was no longer needed. General Garza contacted the CO on comlink and asked him to come to the Senate Tower for one last debriefing. Leader of what remained of Havoc Squad said that he has travelled that road too many times and would send M1-4X instead and asked for it to be assigned as bouncer / bartender droid of the VIP cantina at the republic fleet. After preparing CO one last Chilled Corellian Cocktail, LibertyBot left the ship.


After taking a sip from his drink the CO sat at the pilot's seat of his ship and activated holorecords of the ship. He went through the list of names of the deceased, looking at their holograms. When he arrived at the last hologram he stopped and took of his helmet for the 5th time since he has left Ord Mantell on the trails of Tavus.


He reflected on that fateful event and its result which had been eating him from inside for all these years. The guilt of sentencing hundreds of people to certain death to save just one gal. One gal that completely disappeared after he went through He reached for the hologram with his fingers and mumbled to himself " I will always choose you." He took out his trusty side arm and decided to put it to good use for one last time.....


Then he realized in that vast galaxy there were many things that he had yet to experience and he owed that to his comrades that he had lost. Filled with a new desire to start his life over with a clean slate he put down his pistol down only to knock his half finished Chilled Corellian cocktail over, frying steering controls of his ship and sending the veteran BT-7 Thunderclap barrel rolling to a nearby satellite.




Edited by Davionix
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Jedi Knight


Refuses a seat on the council, spends his later years training jedi in combat. Eventually dies as an old man in a fight against a young sith lord.



Sith Warrior


Renounces his position as Emperor's Wrath and never bothers to assemble a group of followers - he has no interest in politics and he's feared enough that he doesn't feel he needs a powerbase. Several council members are planning to seize control of the empire and, fearing his influence if he sided against them, group together and kill him off in an ambush.



LS Bounty Hunter


Grows old, give up on bounty hunting and buys a farm on Tatooine, occasionally helping out his neighbours with their problems with local thugs. One day while he's drinking in the cantina one walks in and shoots him in the back.


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Here's my thoughts


Jedi Knight


Dies when some Sith attack a Jedi temple where he is teaching the next generation of Jedi, his heroic sacrifice allows all the padawans to escape including his own son, and decimates the attacking Sith (only two out of the fifty Sith survive and are quickly pacified).


Jedi Consular


Dies quietly in his sleep at a grand old age, he faithfully served on the Jedi Council up until then, having taught dozens of young apprentices how to use the force (including the shielding technique to a select few).




Eventually becomes a general, and is killed when an explosive device goes off in his quarters, a radical seperatist group claims to be responsible, but his wife Elara has doubts.




Dies in a bar room brawl.


Sith Warrior


Dies in a Duel with the head of the Dark Council, nobody misses him.


Sith Inquisitor


Performs one too many Dark Rituals, goes mad, and tries to fly across that huge Chasm in Dromund Kaas city, does not succed


Imperial Agent


Scorpio eventually breaks free of her programming, and guts him like a kipper.


Bounty Hunter


His stolen ship breaks down, just as it is entering a planets atmosphere, whether he or his crew survived is unknown.


Edited by AlexDougherty
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After the death of Emperor at the hands of JK, the council tried to reform the Empire. Wrath wanted them to follow the old ways set by the Emperor. Council then united to dispose of SW.



Went down in some battle when the Republic finally crushed the Empire as we know now.



Fate unknown. Probably natural causes.



Natural causes.



Killed in the same war as SI.



Natural causes, at a high age. Probably heart attack in some library reading some boring Jedi nonsense.



Natural causes.



Poisoned by Guss Tano, who then stole all the wealth and disappeared.



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Out of the characters I have right now...


Sith Warrior


He will keep fighting to make a name for himself, eventually losing most of his natural body and replacing it with cybernetics. Eventually the weakened warrior will face a superior foe and take a mortal wound on the battlefield, but he will be happy in the end that he died in combat.



Jedi Knight


She will decide that the only real way to live life will be to leave the order and protect the innocents of the galaxy on her own terms. Eventually she will fall in love, get married, and die of natural causes in her old age feeling glad that she left the galaxy a slightly better place.





Always loyal to the republic and willing to die for its ideals, he will eventually do just that. He will be given an order to kill civilians that he refuses to carry out, leading to his court-martial and imprisonment. Many citizens of the republic organize and demand his freedom after some of Havoc Squad tell his story, leading to a short spurt of internal strife on Coruscant.


Hoping to end the discussion quickly, officials have him quietly executed and try to defame his character, but those who knew him in life are inspired to try and keep the Republic from becoming the empire they fought all those years ago...





Eventually he will simply know too much, and as an alien on top of that there would not be too much resistance to the decision of imperial officials to have him killed. He will die having served the empire loyally, simply because he did his job too well and that he was not born a human.


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A decade or two after beginning the great hunt, the Bounty Hunter is slain by a young Sith Lord, whoms Father he killed on Hutta to force him to Korriban on his Mother's behest.


This idea is really good.


For my own:


Bounty Hunter:


After many successful years as a Bounty Hunter he earned enough credits to retire. In order to retire in peace, he fakes the death of himself, Mako, Gault and Blizz (Gault made the plan). Together with Mako he raised a family. Blizz stayed with them, while Gault retired in his own way.

Torian returned to the Mandalorian clans. He might have become Mandalore someday. Skadge left through the airlock a long time ago.

The Bounty Hunter dies from old age.





Data not available.


Anything else would be inappropriate.




Gets betrayed by the Inquisitor during the final fight against Darth Vitiate which leads to his death by the hand of the latter.





Over the years she has learned to bind spirits into other bodies than her own together with a little part of herself that forces them into submission. While the parts of her mind in the different bodies cannot communicate with each other over long distances, the 'drones' created this way would act according to the will of the fraction of Darth Nox's spirit within the 'drone'.

However, keeping all these spirits under control was a monumental task which required an immense willpower. Slowly her mind started to break apart due to the constant fight each fraction had to put up.

Once she realized what was happening, she desperately tried to destroy the ghosts in order to give herself the opportunity to regain her mental strength. However, it didn't go as planned and when she destroyed the ghosts her mind shattered and was spread over the whole galaxy.

The fragments of her mind are too small to have any consciousness, but they still bear Darth Nox's fascination for archeology and the mysteries of the force. Because of this, the fragments are instinctively drawn to ancient places where the force is strong, gathering information. The most sensitive force users are sometimes able to notice these fragments when visiting such places, however any kind of communication with the fragments is impossible, since they are so weak.





Gets killed by Darth Vitiate in the final confrontation with the latter.





Gets killed by the Agent (assisted by Bounty Hunter and Trooper) for revenge.





Never becomes a master. Gets killed after the war by the hand of a fallen apprentice of his.





Remains a member of the council for a long time. Only after his death she realizes that Qyzen Fess has been her true love.

At old age she wants to sacrifice herself for a group of people. She succeeds in saving them but becomes one with the force before dying.


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Sith Warrior



As the Sith Empire fell, the Sith Warrior lamented the loss of all the innocents within it, as her, Jaesa, Malavai, and their child fled.


Despite their leanings to the Light, Jaesa remains viewed as a traitor, and the Council eventually tracks down and slays the three, adopting the Pureblooded child. This child goes on to become a Jedi Historian/Archeologist, specializing in the unearthing of Empire relics for proper containment. She eventually found a record of her mother's teachings, vindicating herself and teaching the Council an important lesson.



Imperial Agent



A true 'patriot' to the end, the Agent attempted to change the Empire in his own way - tracking down and eliminating Sith who he viewed as threats to the stability of the Empire. His death as unrecorded as his past, when he died is a mystery, but even past when the Empire fell people remembered the lone sniper who terrorized the terrors of the Empire.






Survived until succumbing of natural causes, her pureblooded ancestry preventing her upward movement out of being a simple shocktrooper, even as she aged. Havoc squad went on to become a legend, their presence on a battlefield inspiring the troops more than even Jedi. Participating in the final battle herself, she retired shortly after the Empire collapsed, settling down with Aric Jorgan and having a family who went on to consistently join and excel in the military.






Never really got back into the art of smuggling - having seen the horrors that pirates and the Empire could do empowered her to become a privateer, even past official sanctions. She eventually disappeared after a slave revolt against the Hutt Cartel - the Hutts insisted she was killed, while the slaves insisted that she simply left the work to them. She became a tale slaves told to their children.





I'm not much a fan of tragedy, but I do love a good Martyr figure. :p

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As the Sith Empire fell, the Sith Warrior lamented the loss of all the innocents within it, as her, Jaesa, Malavai, and their child fled.


Despite their leanings to the Light, Jaesa remains viewed as a traitor, and the Council eventually tracks down and slays the three, adopting the Pureblooded child. This child goes on to become a Jedi Historian/Archeologist, specializing in the unearthing of Empire relics for proper containment. She eventually found a record of her mother's teachings, vindicating herself and teaching the Council an important lesson.



That's horrible. The most Un-Jedi type thing since the massacre at the end of the Great Hyperspace War.

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A lot of people enjoy tragedy, it seems. Out of curiosity, why so?


In fiction, you either go with your characters going out with a bang or mysteriously disappearing, in order to keep your options opened. Personally, I'm a fan of both but tragedy usually develops a life of its own, especially when characters grow and grow on you. :D

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My character wakes up from a dream...he walks up to a mirror and he is Luke Skywalker...


"Luke you okay?"


" I had the funniest dream....it like branched into 8 different storylines...all of them provide a different perspective on a conflict."


"Go back to bed.."

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My jedi knight is stabbed by the Emporer.


Then he wakes up, and Bastila is lying there next to him. I see a reflextion and I'm Revan.


"Phew...what a dream..."


"What was that Hun?"


"Nothing, You know that trip to Natheema I was talking about?"




"Well I don't think I'm going anymore.."


The End..

Like if you cryed:)

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My bounty Hunter wakes up and see his reflection. Turns out I'm Boba Fett.


" Wow Revan was such a overused character..."

He thinks.


" I hope I never become an over used character in multiple games and stories..."


The End

Like if you cryed

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My Jedi is fighting the sith, then out of nowhere a duck comes and kills my character, I fall into a puddle of chocolate pudding and then Obama eats me with a fork. I fall into his stomach which is the Sith Sanctum and I land on HK..

Then I wake up and I'm Eric.


"Hey guys...I got an idea about Chapter 5!"

The End

Like if you cryed:)


Joking with ya Eric, we love you

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