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les guildes dont je fais partie empire ou république en ont mare de faire de la conquête ,surtout que les vaisseaux sont full ouvert ,et refaire ,toujours les mêmes op ,soulèvements, zl ,....c est les yeux fermes ,et qu on ne me disent pas as tu fait le nim ..tous les joueurs n ont pas envie de faire le nim bref donnez nous de l histoire ,un nouveau contenu autre que du Mario kart


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Hey everyone!


For those of you unable to watch the livestream today, here is a bulleted list of everything the team discussed. If you would like to watch the VOD, you can do so here.



  • SWTOR is now on Steam! A full breakdown of everything related to that can be found in the article we published today.
  • Brief re-cap of 2020 so far (Alderaan Stronghold, Conquest, Swoop Rally etc.)
  • Things to come in 2020:
    • 6.1.2d will kick off the start of PvP Season 13.
    • 6.1.3 - Phase 2 of Steam.
    • 6.1.4 - New seasonal event called Feast of Prosperity
    • 6.2 - Holidays this year. We had initially wanted to get 6.2 out at the end of the summer, but the team decided that in order to deliver the true vision we want players to experience, releasing it around the holidays would be best.


Game Update 6.1.2d

  • We are going to start showing the rewards at the beginning of the Season.
  • Team’s goal is to make Group/Solo Ranked more rewarding than it currently is and drive better play in Unranked.


Game Update 6.1.3

  • Steam Achievements
  • Next round of Gameplay and Content Updates


6.1.4 - Feast of Prosperity

  • New recurring seasonal event for Fall
  • Multi-week duration
  • Feast-themes minigame Missions (non-combat) for the Hutts
  • Group to defeat World Bosses for rare ingredients
  • Repeatable Daily and Weekly Missions
  • Earn Reputation to unlock special Feast of Prosperity rewards
  • Complete Achievements for Titles and prestige
  • New Reputation-gated Story Missions


6.2 - Echoes of Vengeance

  • Two story updates in one!
  • Continuation of Kira/Scourge/Satele storyline
    • Locate the missing ship and uncover the truth of its disappearance

    [*]New Flashpoint

    • Face new enemies and old as conflict erupts among the Mandalorians.

    [*]Showed off a few screenshots/concept for the new story content.


Gameplay and Content Updates

  • Conquests
    • Fine tuning to make the system work better.

    [*]PvP Rewards

    • Releasing Replica rewards at an increased rate. First pieces will come mid-Season 13. Legacy tokens
    • Committed to fixing Desync.


    • Changes coming later this year.

    [*]World Design

    • Going back to refresh older planets/pieces of content to make the gameplay feel better.



  • In an upcoming update there will be a quality of life update, reducing RNG and addressing feedback we’ve received.


What’s Next?

  • Next stream planned in late Summer.
  • “Cantina” stream in October (tentative)
  • Look for regular updates on the Forums on upcoming Gameplay and Content updates.



En gros, pour la suite de l'histoire, il faut attendre la 6.2 qui, je pense, arrivera surement quelques semaines avant les vacances de noël comme tous les ans quoi :rolleyes:

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désolée mais je suis une vieille française ...l anglais pas mon fort c est rien de le dire



Tu as le choix entre plusieurs solutions mais je vais au moins t'en donner 2 :

- Si tu n'as rien contre google, installe chrome et lorsque tu veux traduire une page ou un texte, clique droit dessus -> traduire en français.

- Sinon, tu peux aussi utiliser le traducteur Deepl.com : fonctionne en copier/coller le texte. Si tu installes leur petit logiciel, tu as juste à sélectionner le texte à traduire et faire 2 x CTRL+C


Bref, il ne faut pas que l'anglais soit un frein (ou n'importe quelle autre langue d'ailleurs).

Que la Force soit avec toi dans la traduction ;)


PS : il est surement possible de retrouver le post officiel traduit en français sur swtor.fr - A chercher au besoin donc.

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