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What this decoration call exactly??


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I'm doing some story writing for my Sith Warrior, and eventually I across some torture scene. And...I found I have no idea what this stuff call. I keep searching, but only find a picture, not a name of it, it's a decoration I also saw in this(https://tord.mmo-fashion.com/xesons-stronghold-tulak-hord/) so there must be a name of it. Can anyone help with that?

torture device?

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I just have to mention... if you want your Interrogation Rack to work, place it in close proximity to the Electrical Wall.

You can even hide the electric wall inside the real wall, leaving just the lightning and trap activation within range.

They'll both fit in Medium Narrow hooks.


And VOILA your rack will actually torture!

Edited by Xina_LA
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