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PvP Commando Boycott! This Class NEEDS FIXING.


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Ok. I am pissed but follow me for a bit here....


After coming back and playing for a bit (hoping to actually have fun in this game), buying the expansion (I have no idea why) and spending some money on the cartel market...I finally remembered exactly why I quit. Because the class I enjoy is really useless in PvP.


Sure, I have other 50's but I like pvping on my Commando. But it is SIMPLY unplayable PvP wise.


That's right.


And we won't get any real fixes or changes unless every single thread here brings up the issue.


It's hard not to attack Bioware (or whoever is pulling the strings around there) because really, there is no way they do not know BY NOW how messed up this class is.


Of course, some of the long time players remember how this began and were shown clear signs Bioware didn't understand their own game mechanics when they talked about doing something about "grav round" spamming.


Nerfing a skill that the commando class main abilities/ skills rely on. Not doing anything to encourage use of other skills. Just a flat nerf. This game is nothing BUT spamming, knockbacks and one or two skills that do absurd amounts of damage.


I'm pretty sick of this class being extremely broken and being nothing more than a target for every other classes.


EVERY single time I got into a Warzone, the FIRST one attacked is me. I could be, say, way behind EVERYONE and probably get lept on my four smashers at the start. I play my Jedi Guardian or Scoundrel...this rarely happens.


This is because most people are AWARE of how broken the Commando class is and see it as a EASY target.


I thought of the commando as a "glass cannon" before but this is not a glass cannon. This is just a class developed highly incompetently. Like, the OBVIOUS problems seem to fly right past the developers (not surprised).


It's one thing to be a glass cannon and die fast but this game does it completely wrong in regards to a glass cannon arch-type. Anyone that has played Rift, WoW, Warhammer, GW2 (which I am going back to) or ANY other MMO know exactly what a REAL glass cannon class is like. Sure, we die, but we do serious damage before we are killed. This is NOT what the commando is. The commando is just a broken and ignored class.


The commando can BARELY, if EVER, cast any skills at all. Silence, knockbacks, no real defense and dead. If that wasn't bad enough, Bioware decides to NERF cryo grenade AND stockstrike?


Not thinking how it affects the commando class no doubt. Nerfing the little survival the class had.


That in ITSELF is a problem. Not being able to survive against almost any class except your mirror, without a healer and/or undergeared classes is not fun for me and it shouldn't be for anyone.I can't help but assume this is being purposely done to make the lightsaber classes feel more "heroic".


This class has been broken for far too long.


The commando class needs more surviability, faster skills ( casting times on all our main abilities? Getting interrupted /silenced for 6 secs? YOU'LL BE DEAD IN SIX SECONDS!) or a COMPLETE revamp.

Edited by Tiaa
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Commandos are not Glass Cannons because you are guarded by heavy armor!. Thus you can survive about one second longer and do some serious damage while being focus facerolled by marauders.

I can see the point of this class design :csw_trooper:

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i agree on the flat out nerf part. i want my 30m cryo and my knockback stockstrike back as unlike vanguard we are actually base around being ranged. i think it should be added to the passive buff commandos get called mass accelerator which ups some of our skills to the 30m range.
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Commandos are not Glass Cannons because you are guarded by heavy armor!. Thus you can survive about one second longer and do some serious damage while being focus facerolled by marauders.

I can see the point of this class design :csw_trooper:


Heavy armor is bugged for Commandos and Mercs. Every other class that wears it is fine. If they fix that then all will be well with the world.


Though Bioware better have some big fixes for the expansion content patch to fix up Commando and balance some of the class/spec combos, especially in rateds. Or just give me a respec token so I can go Vanguard without having to grind out the same exact thing again. Either/or works at this point.

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I'm all for you boycotting commando. It would vastly improve the republic side in more or less every warzone since you commandos are the reason for most losses on the servers I'm playing on. There are five commandos on every merc so mercs rarely have the same negative effect on the imp teams.
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I'm all for you boycotting commando. It would vastly improve the republic side in more or less every warzone since you commandos are the reason for most losses on the servers I'm playing on. There are five commandos on every merc so mercs rarely have the same negative effect on the imp teams.


Or, it could just be you.

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Good lord.


I'll keep this as short as I can. Although I understand your frustration in the limited role of pvp gunnery commandos... There are a few things I will say:


1) Classes can be broken. They may never get fixed. It took WoW almost seven years to make retribution pally's anything but a sh*tty warrior, and I doubt this game has that kind of life expectancy.

2) Learn another spec. I stopped playing the game last march until I resubbed a week ago. Even before I unsubbed almost a year ago I was already running AS because it was more viable. And btw, AS is better PvP damage and mobility if your good.

3) Gunnery was designed with ops in mind. It's power is completely dependent on being stationary, why would that spec ever seem viable in PvP? You can't always play badz. Kind of reminds me of when Operatives were b*tching that concealment was crap in ops. Well no F*cking duh.

4) I agree that the class needs a little bit of buffing. A leap or pull, some other way to help evade damage, along with fixing first aid for healing. Maybe making us able to spec into survivability like resistance to mental or elemental effects.


I don't hold my breath. I won't stop playing my commando because I'm not stupid enough to play gunnery and they have plenty of potential in AS. Stop spamming GR and start spamming IR. Or maybe even become a decent healer, but that would just lead to more threads about how our healing is sh*tty too.

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Heavy armor is bugged for Commandos and Mercs. Every other class that wears it is fine. If they fix that then all will be well with the world.


what do you mean by this? what's broken about it and what would change if it were fixed?

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The issue with heavy armor is that every other class that has it complements it with either a tank stance or some serious cooldowns. In the case of the Jug, they have both. I think they should just rework the way heavy armor works, have it increase ALL resistances and while they are at it nerf some of the defensive cooldowns to keep the playing field level. That or they need to give commandoes some sort of decent defensives. Energy Shield is nice, but it just doesn't cut it with the sort of cooldown that it has. Couple of ideas below.


1) Das Ubershield

-Activating energy shield will consume any active stacks of charged barrier and grant you 1.5k worth of hard shielding for each stack consumed (so basically a 7.5k hard shield at 5 stacks. Lasts 12 seconds.) While the shield is active we cannot move but we also cannot be interrupted, stunned, or pushed/pulled. Leaps still work. Shield can be deactivated by clicking on its icon (in case of accidental activation). Tie the activation buff to a 31+ talent in gunnery.


2) Counterattack

-Activating holo decoys gives you 3 stacks of countermeasures and removes all removable effects from the player. Each stack of countermeasures can be used to fire an instant grav round or reduce an incoming attack by 60%. (so use it to ignore a smash or ravage or to shoot on the move. 1 minutes cooldown). Another possible 31+ talent.


3) Suppressive fire.

-Each tick of full auto that does damage interrupts casting attacks while CoF is active. (would give us a role in rateds as healer killers, and its preventable since FA can be dodged, or LOSed, or absorbed.)


4) Surge Protection.

-Immune to critical hits while adrenal rush is active.


The addition of any one of these abilities would fix the class and make us worth our weight in rated. I really hope we get something along these lines along with our much hyped "escape ability".

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I think he means that it bugged because it doesn't stop so much of the damage that we receive in WZs. Though, it's the same for the other heavy armor classes so I could be wrong.


yeah, that is the only thing i can think of, but he said commandos/mercs and NOT other heavy classes, so idk either

Edited by oaceen
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Good lord.


I'll keep this as short as I can. Although I understand your frustration in the limited role of pvp gunnery commandos... There are a few things I will say:


1) Classes can be broken. They may never get fixed. It took WoW almost seven years to make retribution pally's anything but a sh*tty warrior, and I doubt this game has that kind of life expectancy.

2) Learn another spec. I stopped playing the game last march until I resubbed a week ago. Even before I unsubbed almost a year ago I was already running AS because it was more viable. And btw, AS is better PvP damage and mobility if your good.

3) Gunnery was designed with ops in mind. It's power is completely dependent on being stationary, why would that spec ever seem viable in PvP? You can't always play badz. Kind of reminds me of when Operatives were b*tching that concealment was crap in ops. Well no F*cking duh.

4) I agree that the class needs a little bit of buffing. A leap or pull, some other way to help evade damage, along with fixing first aid for healing. Maybe making us able to spec into survivability like resistance to mental or elemental effects.


I don't hold my breath. I won't stop playing my commando because I'm not stupid enough to play gunnery and they have plenty of potential in AS. Stop spamming GR and start spamming IR. Or maybe even become a decent healer, but that would just lead to more threads about how our healing is sh*tty too.


1. Classes CAN be broken. This game probably doesn't have that kind of life expectancy (though you never know). That doesn't excuse them. It doesn't make a broken class suddenly fun to play. Fix it BW.


2. Assault doesn't really fix things as much as people like to pretend it does. The commando version is still a mediocre spec. Semi-decent front loaded burst, but then you're twiddling your thumbs spamming hammer shot and IR on people or you're trying to hard cast Charged Bolts to rest HiB. The latter has the same problem as gunnery commando, the former is a good way to buff warzone damage numbers without actually contributing in any warzone where the enemy has a healer, plus spamming IR is just dumb considering it's high ammo cost.


3. Operatives have a viable complaint since concealment isn't really viable in PVP either. At least not ranked PVP. No ability to sustain and now even the burst is pretty lackluster thanks to all the nerfs. Meanwhile all 3 sentinel specs are viable in operations.


4. We need a buff not only to our ability to survive and get damage out but to our team utility as well. If they fixed our damage today the question would still be "why bring them to a ranked warzone?". Very few classes bring enough damage to the table to justify their spot in ranked on damage alone. Everyone else better bring something special to the table that makes them attractive to a ranked team.

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2. Assault doesn't really fix things as much as people like to pretend it does. The commando version is still a mediocre spec. Semi-decent front loaded burst, but then you're twiddling your thumbs spamming hammer shot and IR on people or you're trying to hard cast Charged Bolts to rest HiB. The latter has the same problem as gunnery commando, the former is a good way to buff warzone damage numbers without actually contributing in any warzone where the enemy has a healer, plus spamming IR is just dumb considering it's high ammo cost.

That's my biggest grievance right now, really.


I mean, I wouldn't especially care that gunnery was a disaster in pvp and would generally accept it as 'the pve spec' if, in contrast, speccing into assault made the class uniquely useful. But it doesn't. It's an improvement, but you're still the poor man's vanguard.

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