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Roots and Knockbacks need to give/be affected by resolve.


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Theres no doubt at this point that ranged are twice as effective in pvp as melee.



Before this game becomes a complete joke. Roots and Knockbacks need severe nerfing.


All knockbacks should give 100% resolve. They are THAT good


Knocking someone off a bridge is the equivalent of 1 shotting them.



Bioware, make this right, or i guarentee you when rated WZs come in, teams will be 90% sorcerers sages

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I don't think they should give 100% but I wish they worked consistanty


Against Sith tank types my Commando Punt is usually worthless meaning even with no resolve bar showing when I use it they only get kicked half the time.


If Kicks and roots give 100% you need to make jedi/Sith jump attacks also give 100% for the reverse logic.


if kicking you off a platform takes you out of the fight - Jedi/Sith jumpers ignore terrain and gets you into the fight regardless of surroundings

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Knockbacks and roots should count for more resolve against melee than against ranged.


On my Gunslinger, being rooted or Kb'd is not a huge deal. But on my Guardian, it freakin sucks. Especially if I force jump in, then get knocked back. The focus I gain is practically worthless because of all the extra damage I will take getting back to him by just running. Finding an enemy alone is a rare opportunity so as soon as I get back, a Sorc or someone else knocks me back. If it is a Sorc, then I often get rooted in place too. Ball. Sack.

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