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Dromund Kaas Map Help


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The light boarder hex's are the discoverable areas..


I can see you are missing an area behind Lord Garthan's Estate south-east area 3 hex's.

You also have not been to the an area located to the east in the Dark Spawn section of the map 2 hex's in water.. there is a something nice lurking around there..


Some areas will look like they can be discovered but are not discoverable due to terrain.

Try looking to uncover the map more in those areas and the rest should be shown.

If not get as close as you can to a discoverable area so that on the map you are within one hex and after 10-15 seconds it should be uncovered.


Good luck!

Edited by Disodium
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  • 1 year later...
I was at a 10/11 standstill for a while and my map looked much like this. I received 11/11 when I went to the two hexagons in the southeast portion of the map, near Lord Grathan's Estate. I jumped down into the body of water there by a red BH Phase door. I got the achievement when I was close to the champion mob in the water.
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  • 2 years later...
I had the exact same problem, our maps even looked identical, and like you I'd already gotten all the datacrons. What got it for me finally was going down to the "pool" in the far bottom right of the heroic area, the Dark Spawn area. Just follow the path out from Lord Grathan's estate till you literally fall off the edge, past all the elites. The First is located in that pool as well, but since he's a world boss, I wouldn't recommend going up against him without a ton of friends :)
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Holy cow... nearly 4 years after thread creation and nearly 2 years after the last post, another post in this thread.


Impressive Necro! That being said, I'm kinda glad as I was trying to figure this out too and now I have the answer. :)

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Fixed that for ya ;)


Nah, I wouldn't say something like that. This is the new player help area... we need to be a bit more understanding and you know, help the new players. It's more than likely a Google search is already what brought her to the thread, plus, she's not starting another thread... just commenting on an old one. Regardless, it was an impressive necro!. :)

Edited by Novaless
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  • 2 years later...
For those with the 10/11 exploration...There is a lot of reference to Lord Grathan's Estate. Although it is very close, try the Sith Spawn heroic area where the WB is "The First". Large pool area where it appears there is an island in the middle.
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