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How SWTOR can be better....


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1. Better Social Hangout Spot - The Majority of fun in an MMO comes from hanging out and meeting people, but that isn't what it really is. BioWare needs to add a hangout spot like the Taris Cantina where people can interact with the enviroment and dance, where there is minigames that involve people like Pazzak, and a small dueling space where people can bet and rank themselves (Only cosmetic rewards)


2. Better Open World PvP - The Open World PvP right now is a mess, even WoW has it better right now with Wintergrasp and Tol' Barad. I hate to say it, but in 1.1.5 Ilum will be dead since players can get there dailies in Warzones. The one thing BioWare made a mistake doing was the World PvP. You get no special gear from it, its simply not fun nor objective based, and the engine and/or coding is bad enough not to handle 120 player battles.


3. More Incentive to PvE/PvP - Right now there is no Incentive to PvP or PvE once you get the best gear, WoW had its arena which kept people with the best gear because it was competitive, there needs to be something harder then the hardest to do once you beat the best gear.


4. More Datacrons like the +10 one - I love Datacrons, the most fun one I've seen was the +10 stat, it required teamwork and was fun, BioWare should totally add more datacrons.


5. Better Server Balance and Server Migration - Now I rolled on a West Coast server, so sadly no one is on during my playtime, I have a guild I run and we really want to run to the Fatman east coast server. There should also be more incentive to playing the opposite faction.

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Sweet! Another good discussion thread started!


I agree with the list the OP posted, especially the parts involving open world PvP and PvP/PvE incentives.


I want to add incentives to keep each crafting profession. Cyber is currently near useless even before endgame (partially because it's so easy to get endgame gear) and seems more of a levelling profession, and for upgrading ships. It would be nicer if Cyber plans dropped and not just ones for armor (not sure if weapon ones drop or not, haven't noticed). No crafting profession should be useless just because the content for better gear is so easy.

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