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Stronghold Decoration Management Improvements


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Here are some of my ideas on ways to make it easier to manage and utilize our stronghold decorations.

Some of these ideas will overlap, they're just various ways of solving the same basic problem(s).

I'd love to hear yours, too!



Make the crafting utility decorations visible on the map for everyone, with the ability to mouse-over and see which type of resource node it is. Don't make visitors hunt for them. (If they're supposed to show on the map, fix the bug that prevents that from happening.)



Show the jukeboxes, custom huttball stands, contraband slot machines, and other items which people would enjoy using during their visit. This will encourage visitors and make their stay more enjoyable.


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Let me select a decoration (IE: all Jedi Small Council Tables), indicating any placed items both on the map and mini-map. Sometimes I'm looking for one specific object, digging through thousands of hooks over five strongholds. It's a very frustrating ordeal. Point me in the right direction. If this won't work...



With five strongholds, it has become difficult to locate a specific item. If I display Unlocked decorations, I would like to be able to see the names of any strongholds where these items are located. If this is too difficult...



Allow me to pull decorations back into my inventory, removing them from their current slots, without clicking any hooks. I realize that this won't work for individual objects, but let me click on it in the Unlocked decorations list and "retrieve all". If I'm desperately searching for a specific item, there's a good chance I only own one of them, anyway.


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Right now, resetting all decorations in a "room" clears everything in the Yavin 4 stronghold. Divide this up, at least into six areas -- Area in front of the temple, interior+roof of the temple, exterior behind the temple, each of the two side buildings, and the underground caves (including the area outside the cave if you go all the way through it).



There are two situations where you cannot edit multiple small hooks in a row. You're forced to click a different size hook in between each click of a small hook. First, if a hook layout is changed, dividing it into all small hooks. Second, when working with the small hooks that are part of a large hook. For example, if I want to relocate four chairs in the small hooks inside of a large hook, I have to click the small hook, move the chair, click a non-small hook, click the next small hook, move the chair, click a non-small hook, and so forth. If I click two small hooks in a row, the editing sliders don't appear. This makes editing small hook items extremely tedious and time-consuming.



Normally, if you place a decoration into a hook that is already full, the current item is automatically removed and the new item is placed in the hook. This is really convenient. Unfortunately, when a stronghold reaches 100%, this stops working. Why? It's still a one-for-one swap that wouldn't put a stronghold over its limit. More than once, I have gone through my list of items, picked out one I like better, failed to swap it, clicked the hook, pulled the current item, and then had to go hunting back through my decoration inventory for the item I just had selected a moment ago. It's one of those "ARGH!" moments that is easily avoidable.


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Allow us to issue gold keys to personal strongholds. Anyone with a gold key can place, move, or remove decoration items from our decoration inventory. (Not from theirs, that would be confusing!) Plenty of decorating mavens wish they could help each other out. Players who don't enjoy decorating often wish they could let their artistic friends take care of their strongholds, instead of resorting to the dreaded House of Chairs. I'm pretty sure someone mentioned this idea before, but they had a great idea so I'm including it here, too.



Thanks for reading and may the Force be with you!

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All of these suggestions are pretty great. I super love the gold keys for personal strongholds so my friends can help me decorate.


The deco swapping when at 100% is also a great idea, as is being aable to see on the map where utility decos are.

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