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IA story intertwining?


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Hey, I've seen quite a few posts saying how great the IA story is (and I agree), and I also it heard it intertwines with some of the other storylines a bit. How exactly does it intertwine with others? All I know for sure is the one involving Zenith the Consular companion.
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Here are all the crossovers as far as I can remember.



  • Gray Star, the terrorist cell leader on Balmorra is the mentor of Zenith.
  • Darth Baras is mentioned several times in the story.
  • Nok Drayen from the Smuggler story is revealed to be a Star Cabal member, or at least, he has met with them.
  • A recording of Supreme Commander Rans saying Garza from the Trooper story has landed on Corellia or something like that.
  • Watcher Two mentions that the Sith Empire's troops on Corellia are being wasted on Sith powerplays, specifically between Darth Baras, Vowrawn, and Thanaton. I'm sure the Inquisitor is there as well, just not mentioned.


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