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The Son vs Prime Luke


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I'm not necessarily sure, because the Son has some impressive feats goin for him as well, like becoming stronger than the father, using lightning to cause mountain to cave in, and defeat anakin, ahsoka, and obi wan in a grand total of 4 seconds.


While right, Prime Luke > Better than all of them Luke would wipe the floor with Anakin, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan at the same time too...and besides Anakin did subdue both the Daughter and Son and he wasn't anywhere near his prime. Sure he drew on the Mortis nexus, but even so...GM Luke > Anakin in regards to their prime by a pretty huge margin.


Though at best Luke would be able to subdue the Son unless he has the Dagger of Mortis.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I'm not necessarily sure, because the Son has some impressive feats goin for him as well, like becoming stronger than the father, using lightning to cause mountain to cave in, and defeat anakin, ahsoka, and obi wan in a grand total of 4 seconds.


Leland Chee would disagree.

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I meant stronger than the old father, and much stronger. Also, like wolf said, im prty sure that the son can only be killed by dagger of mortis/chosen one drawing on mortis super-nexus.


Only the dagger of Mortis. Or unless the Father dies(by using the dagger), then yeah he can die as shown when Anakin killed him with his lightsaber.


Since Luke doesn't have it, at best he would subdue him.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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How does abeloth manage to get killed then?


A temp thing, to kill them for good would be the Dagger of Mortis. So Luke could temp kill Son, but to actually kill, kill him he would need the Dagger. Otherwise, there wouldn't really be a point to the Dagger.

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Ah ok. In that case i guess we may as well "nerf" him for the sake of the battle.


He doesn't really need to be nerfed, Luke can temp kill him, would still count as a win. Just that Son would be back at a later date. Or you could give Luke the dagger and have it be permanent, either way it'll happen.

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