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Darth Plagueis and the Prequels


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While initially I wasn't calling it a game changer, it definitely changed how I watched The Phantom Menace, almost every plot hole was explained and (Major spoilers)


The fact that neither Plagueis or Palpatine caused Anakin to be concieved by the Force and it was the Force seeking to balence itself and that Palptine is still Plagueis' apprentice well into the movie.


That does change how I look at it.


I HIGHLY recommend reading the novel before you see Phantom Menace again.

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(I haven't read all of it yet, on Part 1, chapter 5 or something so I didn't read all your spoilers.)


I think part of releasing the novel was to explain midi-chlorians and how you can't transfer them to other people. I think they were also trying to make the force less scientific by saying that though they are in cells, they are more of a mystical aura that surrounds a being.

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