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After story ? (possible spoilers)


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So I'm level 48 and finished the story. I have maxed affection with Risha (romance choice) and Bowdar. Is there any additional story or romance content if I play to 50? I just came back to the game for story modes and have no interest in post 50 dailies or PvP. Thanks for any input.
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To check if you have completed all the stories for your companions, you can go to your "Legacy" screen (press "y") and check if their portrait is "unlocked" for the Smuggler.


If Risha and Bowdaar are "unlocked" then those stories are completed and there is nothing more to do with them.


If you want to unlock the other 3 companions (Corso actually gives you additional quests to do as part of his story) you can do so by:

  • buying gifts for them to raise their affection so you can unlock their conversations, or
  • doing the Belsavis dailies as those daily quests actually give you companion affection (depending on currently active companion and conversation choices) and loads of cash :).


Personally, I went the "Belsavis dailies" route. It gave me a chance to experience the play style with the various companions (since I was raising affection with them in the conversations, I decided to use them in the missions too) and make tons of money ;).

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