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Day 1 of F2P Predictions


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I predict that once the Cartel Market goes live, someone will find an exploit to purchase multiple items with just 1 click or whatever, and that exploit will spread, and there will be rampant abuse. The servers will shut down to patch. And no one will be penalized.


Any other predictions? Smooth launch maybe? HA!

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I don't think there will be a purchase exploit in the market.


I do however predict much QQ and breaking of teeth on teeth over server queues. ;)


The goldilocks syndrome, MMO style: WAH! there's not enough players!.... WAH! theres queues!.... rinse and repeat because an MMO server can never have exactly the right amount of players (ie: one player less then what triggers a queue and all players standing by to be at the beck and call of goldielocks for insta-grouping, and the players must not compete with goldielocks for in game poridge either). :D

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I don't think there will be a purchase exploit in the market.


I do however predict much QQ and breaking of teeth on teeth over server queues. ;)


The goldilocks syndrome, MMO style: WAH! there's not enough players!.... WAH! theres queues!.... rinse and repeat because an MMO server can never have exactly the right amount of players (ie: one player less then what triggers a queue and all players standing by to be at the beck and call of goldielocks for insta-grouping, and the players must not compete with goldielocks for in game poridge either). :D


I predict the QQ volume to go down on these forums on day 1 due, to Freeples not being able to post! :D

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Since we're just guessing:


The F2P transition will bring Elvis back

You will be able to finally wash your mogwai and feed him an after midnight snack without fear.

Vampires will once again become what vampires should be and not what current social media portrays them.

Atlantis will resurface.

Bigfoot will be found.

Aliens will finally be debunked (or proven real)

My ISP will become stable

SWTOR will make the F2P transition with little trouble.

Edited by Quraswren
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Any other predictions?


I predict, that when I play my game tomorrow night, everything will run smoothly.


I'll be playing Witcher 2 and that always runs smoothly.


As far as this game goes, i'm avoiding logging in for a few days after it goes down. That way if anything does (and probably will) go wrong it won't bother me.


I predict the QQ volume to go down on these forums on day 1 due, to Freeples not being able to post! :D


The crying will go down?


*Insert lyrics to King of Wishful Thinking here*


The freebies may not be able to post but the forums has a large enough collection of whiners to more than make up for it.


Reminds of folk saying the forums would become a place of love and happiness when the game went live.

Edited by Gomla
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Two things to consider:


1. SWTOR has extended the re subscription bonus to December.


2. Guild Wars 2 is doing a one time exclusive event this weekend along with their 4 day free trial.



I'm sure many people will stop by at some point to spend their cartel coins--but I don't anticipate a huge day zero rush.

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I predict the QQ volume to go down on these forums on day 1 due, to Freeples not being able to post! :D




Given the doom projections from some subscribers (well, alleged to continue to subscribe after F2P anyway)... all the Freebs will log in early in the day and hog the sever from all the subscribers that tr to log in after they get home from work. Doom early & doom often is still very much alive in the subscriber base here. :)

Edited by Andryah
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One other prediction:


swtor.com being down for the 12 hours as well will probably cause a huge painful tremor in the force (on the internetz). :p


No forums?


This cannot be.....


Say it aint so Andryah, say it aint so....

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I predict the QQ volume to go down on these forums on day 1 due, to Freeples not being able to post! :D
I don't see the QQ volume on these forums going down because the same QQers will still be here. I predict that all F2P will do for them is give them more patch issues to publicly crucify - regardless of how big or real they are. If there are no major issues then they'll make stuff up. Their post histories support this. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I will help and meet allot of new players. I will avoid the forums for at least a week. F2P will be a hit and the naysayers will find something new to complain about for the next year. meanwhile I will be getting called "meat bag" allot and living in a star wars universe.


Life is good.

Edited by nartiuslightlord
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Section X will be bugged and the missions won't work.


Prices on the auction house for cartel items will start at the insane and then go insanely low then stabilize.


At least 3 times per hour someone will ask in general chat "where do i get my house?"


EA will be counting lots of money.


EA will be deciding whether to keep releasing new stuff or just cash out now.

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I just thought I'd share this story... I logged on last night mainly to check out the GTN. I had huge, huge lag. The kind where the game sends you to your own personal Imperial Fleet gulag, and you have to stand alone and motionless waiting for the final kick back to the server screen. I restarted, and it happened again. Checked my connection and everything came up OK, yet it happened again.


Then I started thinking about hordes of F2Pers starting out, and incompetent BW having no idea how to handle the additional tax on the servers. I had a big ol’ rant brewing on the nerd range. I was going to QQ and threaten and cry salty nerd tears all over the forum and I know damn well I’d have had a chorus of support for blaming all my frustrations on F2P and BW.


For no good reason, because I already knew who to blame, I did a tracert. Instead of the proof I was looking for, I had a horror show moment like in When a Stranger Calls… the lag was inside the house. The why and the how is above my head, but my wireless card was reporting a good connection even though it wasn’t “N” or 5GHz. There’s nothing wrong with a 2.4GHz network per se, except when you know you aren’t running one. I reinstalled my Intel drivers, restarted, and the whole problem went away.


I expect a lot of witch hunting and futile nerd rage… like the kind I narrowly avoided :) Oh, and the massive devaluing of GTN items as attention and the initial glut of coins goes to the cartel market.

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Section X will be bugged and the missions won't work.


Prices on the auction house for cartel items will start at the insane and then go insanely low then stabilize.


At least 3 times per hour someone will ask in general chat "where do i get my house?"


EA will be counting lots of money.


EA will be deciding whether to keep releasing new stuff or just cash out now.



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I predict a fun night in General Chat on the Fleets. Forums will be quiet, bugs and exploits will be found and fixed in 6+ weeks with the next 'patch'.


I doubt that many people are waiting for the game to go F2P...I could be wrong, but the game is only $5 these days and that includes 30-days of full access - anyone 'waiting' would probably have picked it up by now. Instead, I expect a lot of old faces/names to show up and rant in various chat channels.

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Since we're just guessing:


The F2P transition will bring Elvis back

You will be able to finally wash your mogwai and feed him an after midnight snack without fear.

Vampires will once again become what vampires should be and not what current social media portrays them.

Atlantis will resurface.

Bigfoot will be found.

Aliens will finally be debunked (or proven real)

My ISP will become stable

SWTOR will make the F2P transition with little trouble.


...I see what you did there... >.>

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