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Do you report offensive behavior that occurs in general chat?


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My little cousin has downs syndrome. I used to watch him all the time and he's difficult to deal with sometimes. I've also volunteered at the Special Olympics. I've seen posts in trade chat on WoW that seriously offend me because of this. I'm not talking about, "Oh that's retarded." I'm no so sensitive that that bothers me. I'm talking some SERIOUS trash talking against people with mental disabilities.


And this is among many of the things I'm talking about. These are the topics that ANYONE who plays knows better to avoid, but many times do not. I am really hoping I'm not coming off as a screeching maiden aunt who is outraged by every little thing, because that is sooooo not true xD. Some of the things we joke around about in g-chat are seriously off-color and/or perverted. LMAO


But yeah, people going off on the mentally disabled in GENERAL CHAT, making fun of them is totally unacceptable and anyone who says 'grow a thicker skin, if this bothers you, you have issues.' need to seriously grow a little empathy.

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I talk in an adult manner (adult talk and a little trash talk but you get idea). I often go to lengths to avoid getting into public chat cause of my behavior. HOWEVER the game does not make it easy.


1) Discovered an emote swich which seems posts to public even if you type in whisper.


2) If you have an ongoing whisper convo it doesn't hold that setting like it does general or party chat. So chance of accidental typing to public chat occurs often.


I try to party when I can but with so many people I know I also end up having to be in seperate groups.


Just something to concider as well. :D

Edited by foulcault
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I have a note program on Firefox. In it, I keep stuff so I can quickly c/p when I need it.


Inappropriate Language and Naming http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/1884

STAR WARS™: THE OLD REPUBLIC™ RULES OF CONDUCT http://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/roc


I think Kabjat said it best in a post above:




It takes less work to NOT use naughty words.


If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.


Good point. This is how I see it, too. I replied to a thread once not too long ago by an outraged player who was VERY upset that people would DARE report offensive speech in general chat. He called for Bioware to 'lock' the the language filter to the ON position for anyone who reports another player.


This person clearly felt that the goody goodies who didn't wish to see offensive speech should be forced to endure the annoyance of the language filter as punishment.


Makes perfect sense, huh? :rolleyes:


For the record, I think the language filter makes chat unreadable because it filters far more than it should. I don't even really care about profanity. It's just offensive speech, racist comments, abusive and insulting back and forths that get me.

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I will invariably say something if there is a lot of gay-bashing, which happens all too often. Why bother? Because if nobody says anything you are condoning it. Sure, they'll start attacking you instead but I would rather that than have all these people (including kids) think that sort of behavior is okay.


I haven't really looked to see if there's an easy way to report people and I think I would rarely do it if so but some people undoubtedly deserve it.

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I wish the "filter" was more pro-active.


For any general chat or random group, the filter would just refuse to post any message with offending language.


You can still be kewl in guild chat or private groups that you make.


You just can't be 'mature' in general.

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I turn off General chat because I'd rather just play the game. This limits the functionality of the game for me, to being a single player game with multiplayer co-op. I'd rather be able to enjoy it as it was intended, but alas, kids (from 10 to 70 yrs old) like to be obnoxious.



So no, I don't report. I don't ignore. I simply don't participate at all.


I have thick skin, I like to PvP, and I like telling someone if I think they're stupid. I don't like seeing someone stir up drama for those people who don't, or can't, defend themselves... for whatever reason, and that's why I simply disregard General altogether. I'd probably get reported for abusive behaviour towards a troll, faster than a troll would get reported for being disruptive towards all of the General channel.

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The problem is too many kids today were not taught right by their parents because of broken families, cultural norms, peer pressure, etc. You are doing them a big favor by standing up to their nonsense. Best way to disarm them is by being friendly but firm about their behavior. It may even help them to think about "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Removing the idea of consequences for bad behavior has done tremendous damage to society and individual lives. You reap what you sow. And the pain you reap is much greater than any thrill you may have got sowing it. As the saying goes "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
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I see people being racist and trolling quite often in the game, especially on Dromund Kaas. Really makes me sick. I should probably start reporting them.


Its funny that the Imperial side seems to have more trolls (Jawas) than the Republic side.

Although my server seems to be low key, Droumund Kass is 10x worse than Courscant. Occasionally you'll see a LFM 10 H ICC, No shamans. I just eye roll and move about my business.

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I don't pay much attention to general chat. But I report the ***hats who stay afk in pvp zones and farm valor (which btw as of now is a waste of time because I still see the same people do it constantly).


I report the goldspammer (Nice job BW, I see these guys nuked pretty fast)


I don't really care about peoples language or discussion unless they doing it to abuse another player.

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@OP if you see someone swearing in chat and it bothers you, DON'T disable the swear filter.


problem solved without writing a book about it.


I wish you had read the post, then you would know that SWEARING is NOT my issue. It's hate speech, people who are RACIST, SEXIST, THREATENING TO OTHER PLAYERS, BULLYING, and all around offensive behavior. I don't understand why this is so hard to understand.


I do not WISH to turn on my language filter as SWEARING doesn't bother me....but offensive behavior does! Add to that the language filter makes chat unreadable to an extent. But there really IS no way to filter out all the verbal vomit that erupts constantly at any given time.


Again, isolating myself is not acceptable to me. I pay my 15 dollars a months to play a social game. I abide by the rules. Why should I have to turn off chat just so a small minority of repressed miscreants can have free reign to say whatever offensive thing comes to mind?


They break the rules repeatedly, they should get banned.


That won't happen unless people report offenders.

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Hey everyone,


We recently had to removed several posts from this thread due to posts that did not contribute constructive discussion. A reminder that regardless of the topic, it is part of our Rules of Conduct that:

  • Never insult another member of the community.
  • Respect other community members, whether they agree with you or not.
  • Flag, don't fight. Use the "flag" feature to report posts to our Community Team if you see someone breaking the rules – don't respond to them!
  • Make constructive, on-topic posts that add to the discussion.

Thank you for understanding.

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I'll be honest, I'm a pervert and I love joking around. Sometimes it offends people, but I try to be tactful at the same time.


That being said, if I see someone that's openly degrading themselves or others in any manner, I will report them.


About on par with where I'm coming from.

Edited by DNA_Cowboy
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I'll be honest, I'm a pervert and I love joking around. Sometimes it offends people, but I try to be tactful at the same time.


That being said, if I see someone that's openly degrading themselves or others in any manner, I will report them.


Well said. The first part, at least.


Frankly, the image that comes to mind when reading the OP is of an old Southern Gent, his monocle flying energetically from his eye socket while he indignantly grumbles "Oh my! Well I never! I do declare, how rude!".


I'm afraid, OP, that not everyone shares your sentiments, and if anything is offensive here, it is the fact that you feel you have the right to judge other people and indeed, to deprive them of access to the game, simply for that reason.


I laughed, hard, at the episode of Mock the Week where Frankie Boyle made fun of Richard Hammond's struggle to recover his faculties after his car crash. You would likely consider that unacceptable. Despite being quite well educated, and possessing a fairly extensive vocabulary, I swear, and often. Why? Because swear words have a purpose, that being to express a typically negative sentiment with more brevity than would otherwise be the case, and they do that job admirably. I do not find words to be inherently offensive, nor do I consider some words to be more inherently offensive than others(I have absolutely no issues with using "the C word", for example), it is the intent of the speaker which makes speech offensive.


You speak about "slipping" in front of a child, but we are not on the whole children, we are adults, and while that may not speak to any particular individual's level of maturity, it absolutely does speak to the level of protection against "naughty words" to which we are entitled; none whatsoever.


What really gets to me about these sorts of passive-aggressive complaints is; I'm not an unreasonable person. I may privately consider you a prude or a killjoy for it, but if you make to me an earnest request to moderate my behaviour because you don't like it, I would most likely do so. But such requests are rare, I had previously supposed because it wasn't a major issue, although after reading this thread I'm beginning to suspect it's because quite a few people would rather resort to twisting sensible rules designed to stop bullying behaviour in order to silence those with different opinions.

Edited by sosolidshoe
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Well said. The first part, at least.


Frankly, the image that comes to mind when reading the OP is of an old Southern Gent, his monocle flying energetically from his eye socket while he indignantly grumbles "Oh my! Well I never! I do declare, how rude!".


I'm afraid, OP, that not everyone shares your sentiments, and if anything is offensive here, it is the fact that you feel you have the right to judge other people and indeed, to deprive them of access to the game, simply for that reason.


I laughed, hard, at the episode of Mock the Week where Frankie Boyle made fun of Richard Hammond's struggle to recover his faculties after his car crash. You would likely consider that unacceptable. Despite being quite well educated, and possessing a fairly extensive vocabulary, I swear, and often. Why? Because swear words have a purpose, that being to express a typically negative sentiment with more brevity than would otherwise be the case, and they do that job admirably. I do not find words to be inherently offensive, nor do I consider some words to be more inherently offensive than others(I have absolutely no issues with using "the C word", for example), it is the intent of the speaker which makes speech offensive.


You speak about "slipping" in front of a child, but we are not on the whole children, we are adults, and while that may not speak to any particular individual's level of maturity, it absolutely does speak to the level of protection against "naughty words" to which we are entitled; none whatsoever.


What really gets to me about these sorts of passive-aggressive complaints is; I'm not an unreasonable person. I may privately consider you a prude or a killjoy for it, but if you make to me an earnest request to moderate my behaviour because you don't like it, I would most likely do so. But such requests are rare, I had previously supposed because it wasn't a major issue, although after reading this thread I'm beginning to suspect it's because quite a few people would rather resort to twisting sensible rules designed to stop bullying behaviour in order to silence those with different opinions.

you pretty much just compiled all my thoughts on this issue and presented them in a way that I'm too lazy to do, thanks
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Well said.


Frankly, the image that comes to mind when reading the OP is of an old Southern Gent, his monocle flying energetically from his eye socket while he indignantly grumbles "Oh my! Well I never! I do declare, how rude!".


I'm afraid, OP, that not everyone shares your sentiments, and if anything is offensive here, it is the fact that you feel you have the right to judge other people and indeed, to deprive them of access to the game, simply for that reason.


I laughed, hard, at the episode of Mock the Week where Frankie Boyle made fun of Richard Hammond's struggle to recover his faculties after his car crash. You would likely consider that unacceptable. Despite being quite well educated, and possessing a fairly extensive vocabulary, I swear, and often. Why? Because swear words have a purpose, that being to express a typically negative sentiment with more brevity than would otherwise be the case, and they do that job admirably. I do not find words to be inherently offensive, nor do I consider some words to be more inherently offensive than others(I have absolutely no issues with using "the C word", for example), it is the intent of the speaker which makes speech offensive.


You speak about "slipping" in front of a child, but we are not on the whole children, we are adults, and while that may not speak to any particular individual's level of maturity, it absolutely does speak to the level of protection against "naughty words" to which we are entitled; none whatsoever.


What really gets to me about these sorts of passive-aggressive complaints is; I'm not an unreasonable person. I may privately consider you a prude or a killjoy for it, but if you make to me an earnest request to moderate my behaviour because you don't like it, I would most likely do so. But such requests are rare, I had previously supposed because it wasn't a major issue, although after reading this thread I'm beginning to suspect it's because quite a few people would rather resort to twisting sensible rules designed to stop bullying behaviour in order to silence those with different opinions.



While I can respect your politeness and the fact that you are disagreeing without being a jerk, I gotta say, this made me do a double take:


"I'm afraid, OP, that not everyone shares your sentiments, and if anything is offensive here, it is the fact that you feel you have the right to judge other people and indeed, to deprive them of access to the game, simply for that reason."


And double take because it baffles me that my point is still being misconstrued even though I have thoroughly outlined it. How is it offensive for me to speak out against those who continually break the rules with offensive behavior? Someone already tried the tired old, 'It's a free country! I can say what I want and if you report me you are violating my right to free speech!' and that didn't work because every player agreed to the TOS and EULA when they downloaded the game.


It's against the rules. It's a violation of the rules of conduct. I'm not in the wrong for bringing it up. Those who VIOLATE THE RULES are. And yet you are OFFENDED with me for speaking out against racist, sexist, offensive, and hate speech. You see ME as the offender when all I want is to see the rules followed.


*shakes head*


Then you go on to say that a post like this is passive aggressive. I must emphatically disagree. I have been pretty straight forward and plain. I am not sure what you are getting at with your bit about if I'd asked you to moderate your behavior, but I DO know I do not represent anyone but myself. The people who have agreed with me are merely expressing their opinion as well. I doubt I would ever have cause to report you as you seem reasonable...if you are like this in-game I would have no gripe with you. If you acted like a savage and a bully however and made my game experience a misery, I would take appropriate action....action like someone else aptly said that I would be EMPOWERED to take.


As for TWISTING SENSIBLE RULES just to silence those I don't agree with, I must say that's a typical response. I would never wish to censor anyone. I really don't know how much clearer the rules can get and why it's so hard for people to understand that BREAKING those rules can and SHOULD have consequences. You do not agree with me and so you automatically make assumptions about my motives.

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Well said. The first part, at least.


Frankly, the image that comes to mind when reading the OP is of an old Southern Gent, his monocle flying energetically from his eye socket while he indignantly grumbles "Oh my! Well I never! I do declare, how rude!".


I'm afraid, OP, that not everyone shares your sentiments, and if anything is offensive here, it is the fact that you feel you have the right to judge other people and indeed, to deprive them of access to the game, simply for that reason.


I laughed, hard, at the episode of Mock the Week where Frankie Boyle made fun of Richard Hammond's struggle to recover his faculties after his car crash. You would likely consider that unacceptable. Despite being quite well educated, and possessing a fairly extensive vocabulary, I swear, and often. Why? Because swear words have a purpose, that being to express a typically negative sentiment with more brevity than would otherwise be the case, and they do that job admirably. I do not find words to be inherently offensive, nor do I consider some words to be more inherently offensive than others(I have absolutely no issues with using "the C word", for example), it is the intent of the speaker which makes speech offensive.


You speak about "slipping" in front of a child, but we are not on the whole children, we are adults, and while that may not speak to any particular individual's level of maturity, it absolutely does speak to the level of protection against "naughty words" to which we are entitled; none whatsoever.


What really gets to me about these sorts of passive-aggressive complaints is; I'm not an unreasonable person. I may privately consider you a prude or a killjoy for it, but if you make to me an earnest request to moderate my behaviour because you don't like it, I would most likely do so. But such requests are rare, I had previously supposed because it wasn't a major issue, although after reading this thread I'm beginning to suspect it's because quite a few people would rather resort to twisting sensible rules designed to stop bullying behaviour in order to silence those with different opinions.


It doesn't matter who shares the sentiment.


And everybody in the game agreed to be judged.


The fact is that this is a closed, private game which EVERYBODY, including you, agreed to the rules of conduct.


If you want to read them yourself: http://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/roc


For the TL;DR crowd, allow me to bring your attention to Section C, rule 3:


"Behavior that is always considered harassment includes derogatory and/or hateful comments that are sexual, racist, religious, or related to gender or creed."


My $15 a month is just a valued as yours, and mine says follow and enforce the rules.


I left WoW because of the horrific environment Blizz allowed to fester. I am glad BW is hopping so fast to crush people that are reported.


Be as small minded as you want in private. Stay out of and public chat with such trash. Then, everybody will be happy.


If you can't follow the rules, I don't know what to say to you.

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It doesn't matter who shares the sentiment.


And everybody in the game agreed to be judged.


The fact is that this is a closed, private game which EVERYBODY, including you, agreed to the rules of conduct.


If you want to read them yourself: http://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/roc


For the TL;DR crowd, allow me to bring your attention to Section C, rule 3:


"Behavior that is always considered harassment includes derogatory and/or hateful comments that are sexual, racist, religious, or related to gender or creed."


My $15 a month is just a valued as yours, and mine says follow and enforce the rules.


I left WoW because of the horrific environment Blizz allowed to fester. I am glad BW is hopping so fast to crush people that are reported.


Be as small minded as you want in private. Stay out of and public chat with such trash. Then, everybody will be happy.


If you can't follow the rules, I don't know what to say to you.


well put.


wish I could make a point half as well as this.

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It doesn't matter who shares the sentiment.


And everybody in the game agreed to be judged.


The fact is that this is a closed, private game which EVERYBODY, including you, agreed to the rules of conduct.


If you want to read them yourself: http://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/roc


For the TL;DR crowd, allow me to bring your attention to Section C, rule 3:


"Behavior that is always considered harassment includes derogatory and/or hateful comments that are sexual, racist, religious, or related to gender or creed."


My $15 a month is just a valued as yours, and mine says follow and enforce the rules.


I left WoW because of the horrific environment Blizz allowed to fester. I am glad BW is hopping so fast to crush people that are reported.


Be as small minded as you want in private. Stay out of and public chat with such trash. Then, everybody will be happy.


If you can't follow the rules, I don't know what to say to you.

why do you feel such a need to enforce their rules? why do you even care? why would you not just close chat if having fun is so offensive to you?
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why do you feel such a need to enforce their rules? why do you even care? why would you not just close chat if having fun is so offensive to you?


Why do you feel the need to break the rules? Why do you need to do it in public chat? Why does being vulgar or offensive constitute fun for you?

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Why do you feel the need to break the rules? Why do you need to do it in public chat? Why does being vulgar or offensive constitute fun for you?
Because part of having fun for me is being able to speak my mind, if what's on my mind offends you then that's your choice and your problem. I'm not going to censor myself for your virgin ears, I could care less what you think of me or anyone else.
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While I can respect your politeness and the fact that you are disagreeing without being a jerk, I gotta say, this made me do a double take:


"I'm afraid, OP, that not everyone shares your sentiments, and if anything is offensive here, it is the fact that you feel you have the right to judge other people and indeed, to deprive them of access to the game, simply for that reason."


And double take because it baffles me that my point is still being misconstrued even though I have thoroughly outlined it. How is it offensive for me to speak out against those who continually break the rules with offensive behavior? Someone already tried the tired old, 'It's a free country! I can say what I want and if you report me you are violating my right to free speech!' and that didn't work because every player agreed to the TOS and EULA when they downloaded the game.


It's against the rules. It's a violation of the rules of conduct. I'm not in the wrong for bringing it up. Those who VIOLATE THE RULES are. And yet you are OFFENDED with me for speaking out against racist, sexist, offensive, and hate speech. You see ME as the offender when all I want is to see the rules followed.


*shakes head*


Then you go on to say that a post like this is passive aggressive. I must emphatically disagree. I have been pretty straight forward and plain. I am not sure what you are getting at with your bit about if I'd asked you to moderate your behavior, but I DO know I do not represent anyone but myself. The people who have agreed with me are merely expressing their opinion as well. I doubt I would ever have cause to report you as you seem reasonable...if you are like this in-game I would have no gripe with you. If you acted like a savage and a bully however and made my game experience a misery, I would take appropriate action....action like someone else aptly said that I would be EMPOWERED to take.


As for TWISTING SENSIBLE RULES just to silence those I don't agree with, I must say that's a typical response. I would never wish to censor anyone. I really don't know how much clearer the rules can get and why it's so hard for people to understand that BREAKING those rules can and SHOULD have consequences. You do not agree with me and so you automatically make assumptions about my motives.

I again ask you to please outline the TOS and EULA that states being offensive is against those terms. :rolleyes:


Alas! Someone has pointed them out!

There's the thing though, sexist, and racist. Other comments are of free reign, no? So since you are not specifying what comments these are, then how are we to suppose that those comments are racist, and/or sexist? What if these people using these "derogatory" comments were they themselves, that race speaking to another of that race? The list goes on, and on.




the "C" word is derogatory for what it stands for, yet it is an appropriate part of the feminine body however it is not in any way sexist.


the "N" word is derogatory for what it stands for towards a certain race, yet those of that race use it freely between one another.


the "B" word is "derogatory" for what it stands for towards a woman, however it's not sexist it simply stands for again something "Derogatory" but in real life it's simply a dog in heat.


These are all examples that have different meanings, that users take out of context because they decide to do so, and thus find it offensive.


Now granted this is all TOS, and EULA related sure, but the two words related to a female are in no way sexist, or racist. So the nitty gritty is what's so offending that is violating those terms?




So basically the grammar police would roll on Server A, holding 25% of the SWTOR population, and the offensive brothers in arms would roll on Server B, holding 75% of the SWTOR community.


I serve in the U.S. Navy there are many a thing you've never seen, heard, or done that those of us will. That includes fighting for these freedoms we are debating.

Edited by DarthChagras
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